Chapter 728 Beasts
Now that everyone has come out, Xiaoqing and Fengpeng plan to clean up the demon cultivators in Wanxian State to prevent them from killing people and setting fires everywhere.

In the process, Xiaoqing received a message from Li Zhirui's soul and knew that he was safe and on his way back to his family.

This news made Xiao Qing completely let go of her worries and easily capture the demon cultivators who had fled here.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

But Li Zhirui, who was on his way, happened to encounter a few low-level demon cultivators who were massacring mortals in the city. The joy of getting a large number of spiritual objects was ruined by these remnants.

Especially when he saw a demon cultivator devouring the flesh and blood of his parents bit by bit in front of the child!
Such a cruel scene made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Wait, damn it!"

Li Zhirui shouted loudly, and the demon cultivators raised their heads, their eyes instantly filled with fear. They never imagined that a Nascent Soul would pass by in a small mortal town!
He waved his hand casually, and dozens of blue lights shot out, killing all these beasts in one glance.


"Father! Mother!"

"My son!"

All kinds of sad cries and wailings could be heard endlessly, and the gloomy sky made the sad atmosphere even more sentimental.


Even though Li Zhirui had seen countless bloody and cruel scenes, he couldn't help but sigh.

Mortals have to resist natural and man-made disasters, as well as demonic cultivators who will appear at any time. Small forces have to beware of big forces. Are big forces safe?No!Just look at what happened to Xuanfa Pavilion not long ago.

There has never been a truly safe place in this world, but the most miserable ones are mortals!
The town's luck was pretty good. At least it met Li Zhirui who was passing by and he was not massacred. Only a few hundred people died!
And during the period when countless low-level demon cultivators were fleeing for their lives, how many mortals would suffer this catastrophe?
No one knows, and no one will investigate, but it can be imagined that it is definitely an extremely huge number that is enough to make people stunned!
Although Li Zhirui took action to save the mortals in this city, he did not have the Holy Heart to show off. He only took action to clean up the remaining belongings of the demon cultivators, such as corpses, magic weapons, and blood, and then planned to leave.

But at this moment, a child suddenly rushed out, knelt on the ruins-like ground, and shouted loudly: "Please accept me as a disciple, I want to avenge my parents."

He was the child who witnessed his parents being devoured by demonic cultivators.

A glimmer of interest flashed in Li Zhirui's eyes. If it were other children who saw that scene, they would have been frightened to death, but he didn't!

Not only did he not, but he stared at the demon cultivator, as if he wanted to memorize this person's appearance and avenge his parents in the future.

At that time, Li Zhirui was only angry at the beastly behavior of the demon cultivator, but now that he thought about it, he realized how extraordinary this child was.

He has a tough mind and is calm enough. His strength of mind is definitely among the best among all the people he has ever met!
"I have killed that demon cultivator and avenged you." Li Zhirui did not answer the first half of the sentence.

Although this son's character is touching, Li Zhirui has no intention of accepting a disciple. After all, he will soon be in seclusion to perfect his realm and has no time to teach his disciples.

"But there are still many demon cultivators!" The child's dark eyes were full of hatred.

Li Zhirui shook his head and did not say anything about the principle of endless killing of demon cultivators and the balance between yin and yang in the way of heaven. Even if he did, he would not understand.

On a whim, I took action to test his spiritual roots. It was the worst of the five spiritual roots!
'My parents are dead, I have very poor qualifications, but I am talented in a certain area. How come this is a bit like the template of the protagonist in the novel of the previous life? Li Zhirui murmured in his heart, why don't we accept him?For a moment, his previous thoughts were shaken.

But then I thought about it, as the protagonist's teacher is not a good thing, maybe one day he will get into big trouble.

Thinking of this, Li Zhirui's idea of ​​refusing to accept a disciple became extremely firm!It would be nice to give the protagonist a chance and form a good relationship with him.

So, Li Zhirui gave him a common foundation-building technique, hundreds of spirit stones, and two magic weapons, one offensive and one defensive, obtained from a low-level magic cultivator.

The child hugged the storage bag tightly, kowtowed three times to Li Zhirui, and said, "I wonder where the immortal lives? When the younger generation succeeds in cultivation, he will definitely come to thank him."

"The Li family of Wanxianzhou."

Li Zhirui reported out of the house and left after leaving the house with a final word.

"Live well." The child repeated softly.

After Li Zhirui left, he suddenly remembered what he did before leaving. He couldn't help but froze and murmured: "Why am I like a tool to lead the protagonist into Taoism?"

"Is it possible that that boy is really the son of destiny? The protagonist of the world?"

But soon, he put it behind him. With his current cultivation speed, before the other party could break through the golden elixir, he would definitely be able to break through the divine form!
At that point, what if the kid is the protagonist?The gap in strength between the two sides is so huge that they can't be of much help at all.

Along the way, Li Zhirui met many mortals who had been killed by demonic cultivators. Some had already been slaughtered when he arrived, and some were still intact.

During this period, there were not many mortals who wanted to become his disciples, but he did not stop at all.

After stopping and stopping along the way, it took Li Zhirui more than half a month to return to Wanxian Island.

The day before returning home, Xiao Cang finally chose the spiritual object he wanted.

"Are you sure you want this?" Li Zhirui frowned and confirmed again.

The spiritual object Xiao Cang chose was a fourth-level python fruit. The quality was indeed not low, but it had little help for his bloodline.

But then again, among the spiritual objects harvested this time, the only one that can improve Xiao Cang's bloodline is the Mu Xin Baoquan, and the effect is not very good.

"Yes!" Xiao Cang nodded affirmatively: "I plan to cultivate the python fruit and take it in the future."

Li Zhirui was stunned when he heard this, and after thinking about it, he remembered the effect of this unpopular spiritual object, which can increase the strength of dragon spiritual beasts and increase the strength of the physical body.

It is said that if the python fruit breaks through the fifth level, it will become a dragon fruit, which can improve the dragon's bloodline, and Xiao Cang may not have any plans in this regard.

"I cultivated this thing, so you can choose another spiritual thing."

Xiao Cang shook his head and refused: "No, just the python fruit."

Seeing his firm face, Li Zhirui couldn't persuade him any more, so he took out the python fruit and gave it to him, then sent him back to the space to let him toss around on his own.

After he broke through the Nascent Soul, the space area expanded several times, and there are still some spiritual fields that are empty, and no spiritual medicine or spiritual grass has been planted.

The main reason is that he has too many things to do, and high-level spiritual species are relatively rare and not easy to obtain.

However, this time among the spiritual objects of the Wanxiang Sect, there were several spiritual seeds that Li Zhirui had not collected, and he planted them in the open space.

(End of this chapter)

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