Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 731 Adventure

Chapter 731 Adventure
"Fellow Daoist Li, it is said that a fourth-level secret realm has appeared somewhere in the Immortal Volcano. Do you plan to go explore it?"

On this day, Bai Qiushan suddenly came to the door and asked nervously and excitedly.

When Li Chengcheng heard this, he pondered for a moment and said, "What did the other fellow Taoists say?"

He has been practicing in the Southern Territory for so many years. The original four-person team has expanded to more than a dozen people, and because of its strong strength and good reputation, many monks want to join.

However, the number of people in the team is already large enough. If there are any more, various problems will arise, such as insufficient cooperation, large numbers, and easy discovery by monsters, etc. So everyone discussed it and decided to maintain the status quo.

"Two fellow Taoists, Lin Feng and Yang Liu, wanted to enter the secret realm to find opportunities. Some of the other fellow Taoists refused, and some were still hesitant." Bai Qiushan said immediately.

Of course, Li Chengsheng knew the reason for most people's refusal and hesitation. After all, this was a fourth-level secret realm. Not to mention the Nascent Soul monks and fourth-order monsters entering from the outside world were dangers in the secret realm, which could be fatal.

Of course, danger often comes with opportunity!
The number and quality of the spiritual objects bred in the fourth-level secret realm must be much higher than those in the third-level secret realm!Maybe the Yuanying opportunity he has been pursuing for so many years is among them!
"Looking at fellow Taoist, you should be planning to enter the secret realm?"

"Of course!"

Bai Qiushan nodded without hesitation and said: "The purpose of my going out to practice is to break through the Nascent Soul. Although the fourth-level secret realm is dangerous, it also has more opportunities."

He wanted to speak to persuade Li Chengcheng, but after thinking about it, he finally did not speak. After all, this matter was indeed too dangerous. If he was not careful, he might die in the secret realm. He could not interfere with other people's decisions.

"Then let's go and have a look." Li Chengsheng said calmly.

He has been waiting for more than ten years, but has never taken the last step. He can't help but feel anxious and wants to take the risk.

"it is good!"

Bai Qiushan was overjoyed when he heard this. His voice became louder and he said, "Give fellow Taoist two days to prepare. We will set off to the secret realm in the morning the next morning."

The time is a little rushed, but there is no way. After all, no one knows when the secret realm will open. If you go late, maybe the secret realm has been closed.

After saying that, he left in a hurry, obviously making preparations.

"I don't know whether this decision is right or wrong."

There is no need to go back on things that have been decided!Li Chengsheng swept away all the negative emotions and walked out of the cave to replenish the needed spiritual items.

Because of this sudden appearance of the fourth-level secret realm, Nascent Soul monks walking in the fairy city are more common than before, and the prices of related spiritual objects have also increased.

Fortunately, the impact on third-level spiritual objects is not great. After all, there are still relatively few golden elixir monks like Li Chengsheng and others who are bold and dare to enter the fourth-level secret realm.

Two days passed by in a flash.

In the early morning of that day, four people gathered at the East Gate.

Bai Qiushan waited for a while, but when he saw no other team members coming, he looked back, shouted, "Let's go!"

Board the spirit boat and fly towards the place where the secret realm appears.

"This is a positioning magic weapon that I specially purchased. The maximum distance is three thousand miles. Please carry it with you. The first thing you should do when entering the secret realm is to meet up with your companions first!" Bai Qiushan warned again and again.

Only by hugging each other for warmth can they increase their chances of survival!


"I hope we can achieve what we want this time and return safely!" This is the best wish for the four of them!

They were silent all the way, and within an hour, they arrived at their destination.

At this time, there are dozens of spirit ships floating in the north of the secret realm, and there is at least one Nascent Soul monk on each spirit ship!
Li Chengsheng and others made a lot of noise, which naturally attracted their attention. Some looked on with cold eyes, some disapproved, and some showed disdain.

But no matter what, fortunately no one caused trouble to the four of them.

And on the outermost periphery, there are more than a dozen spirit ships flying in the air, all of them are Golden Core monks!
"It seems that there are still many Jindan Taoists who are as bold as us." Bai Qiushan said softly.

Li Chengsheng glanced at the group of golden elixirs. Some of them, like them, were born in powerful forces, but they were stuck in the perfection of the golden elixirs and were unable to move forward; some looked old and decayed, with little life left, so they came here to work hard. Give it a try; some of them should be casual cultivators, and it’s hard to guess their thoughts.

In the south of the secret realm, there are a large number of monsters, including third-level and fourth-level transformed monsters, as well as low-level monsters with low intelligence and ignorance.

After all, this secret realm appears in the immortal volcano and is closer to the demon clan, so there are more of them coming.

Thinking of this, Li Chengsheng's heart trembled, and he secretly sent a message: "Everyone, be careful and don't get involved in the dispute between the big forces here and the demon clan!"

Logically speaking, if the secret realm appears in the realm of the immortal volcano, it should belong to the demon clan. However, the grade of the secret realm is too high, and the monks will most likely not give up.

In order to compete for the ownership of the secret realm, a conflict will definitely break out between the two parties. There is no need for foreign monks like them to participate in such a dangerous melee, unless those big forces are willing to come up with some good things to tempt them.

When Bai Qiushan and the other two heard this, they immediately understood the meaning of his words and took the matter to heart.

"Let's go too."

As soon as the four of them approached the group of golden elixir monks, someone immediately came over and said softly: "Four fellow Taoists, the secret realm is dangerous. We are weaker, why not join hands to deal with the danger in the secret realm?"

"Then if you encounter spiritual objects, how should you distribute them?" Bai Qiushan did not answer, but asked a question.

"Of course it's an equal split."

Bai Qiushan nodded as if in agreement and said with a smile: "This method is fair, but the four of us senior brothers do not intend to stay in the secret realm for too long. We are just gaining experience. I am afraid that we will live up to the Taoist friend's wishes."

"I was abrupt."

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in the man's eyes, but he didn't show it at all. He cupped his hands and turned around to leave.

The four people ignored everyone's gazes and activated the formation on their own, entered the cabin and began to recharge their batteries.

"Why don't you agree to them? Just be polite so that we don't become the target of public criticism after entering." Yang Liu said with a frown.

"That person regarded us as prey from the beginning."

Li Chengsheng said: "He deliberately approached us just to do something with Fellow Daoist Bai so that he could track us more easily."

"How is this possible? I didn't find anything wrong." Yang Liu's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, you rely too much on your own spiritual consciousness, and you intentionally or unintentionally ignore your five senses."

Bai Qiushan shook his head and explained: "That person used some kind of special fragrant powder."

(End of this chapter)

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