Chapter 859 Death

"Uncle Seventeen, this time we went out to sea to hunt monsters, and the harvest was much richer than before. Even the strength of the water monster has become a lot stronger. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid Hong Luo and I would have died from that third-level monster. The water monster made a sneak attack."

Even though several days had passed, Li Honghan was still scared when he thought about it.

Li Xianyu was distracted and didn't hear what he was saying at all.

Early this morning, Li Xianyu suddenly felt uneasy in his heart, and now it was like a tide, submerging his whole body. The terrible feeling of suffocation made Li Xianyu, who had already broken through the golden elixir, extremely frightened.

That's why he ended his trip to sea early and planned to return to his family as soon as possible.

But even so, danger still found them!

While flying over a certain sea area, several water columns suddenly erupted from below, attacking menacingly towards the spirit ship they were riding on.

Li Xianyu's expression changed drastically. In his perception, there were six third-level water monsters around him, and the number of low-level water monsters was as many as hundreds!

A water demon of this size can be considered a wave of small beasts.

And there are only twenty-five of them, and there is only one Jindan named Li Xianyu!

Most of the Li family's teams that go out to sea to hunt monsters have this configuration. After all, they have been practicing in sea areas that have gone through rounds of cleaning and are unlikely to encounter any danger.

Not only are they in the boundless sea, but they are also ambushed by water monsters. The current situation is extremely unfavorable to them.

Li Xianyu had no intention of staying and fighting with the water monsters. He immediately took control of the spirit ship and desperately raised the spirit ship as high as possible to get out of the attack range of the water monsters.

But they had been ambushed, how could the water demon let them escape easily?

A series of fast water flows intertwined, forming a sky curtain in an instant, trapping Li Xianyu and others in it.

Li Xianyu looked at the water monsters below with a solemn expression and said: "It seems that this battle is inevitable!"

"Everyone uses all his strength to fight these water monsters!"

The war is about to start.

Although the water monsters had an advantage in strength and quantity, Li Xianyu and others were not easy to mess with. They summoned their own spiritual beasts, and then poured out various powerful spells, and the low-level water monsters were gone in an instant. breath.

Moreover, the spirit ship has been flying high in the sky, dozens of feet above the sea. It is difficult for the attacks of low-level water demons to harm the Li family members, because in order to ensure that the spells fly upward, additional mana is needed.

For low-level water monsters with little intelligence, they don't understand this at all and can only mechanically follow the orders of several third-level water monsters to attack continuously.

But when Li Xianyu and the two contracted spirit beasts faced off against six third-order water monsters, it was not as easy as other tribesmen.

Because the third-level water demon can fly, its attack range is very close.

Six water monsters joined forces in twos to form a triangle, tightly surrounding the spirit ship in the middle.

As time went by, Li Xianyu became more and more reluctant to parry, and was almost directly hit by the water monster's attack several times. Although he narrowly avoided it in the end, he became more and more embarrassed.

Panting and with a face like gold paper, Li Xianyu's current state has reached its limit.

"It seems that today is the day when I fall."

Li Xianyu was naturally unwilling to give up. He had finally broken through to the late stage of the Golden Core, and was only one step away from the Nascent Soul. But now he was going to die in this sea area, at the hands of the water demon.

Not only him, but also the twenty-four tribesmen he brought out, they may also be in danger!

"No! They still have a chance to live!"

Li Xianyu seemed to have thought of something, hesitation and struggle appeared in his eyes, but he soon became determined.

"Li Honghan!" Li Xianyu said inexplicably: "Be prepared to control the spirit ship and escape back to Ten Thousand Immortals Island!"

Li Honghan was stunned when he heard this. Before he could react, he saw Li Xianyu's eyes were bloodshot, as if he was suffering from some great pain.

The two contracted spirit beasts who were fighting suddenly felt that their souls were empty, as if they were missing something. This loss of consciousness was seized by the water demon on the opposite side, leaving a bloody wound on their bodies, and then a wave of Mana pulled back to the spirit ship.

Li Xianyu took the initiative to cut off the contract with the two spiritual beasts!

He showed great pain because the contract was imprinted on the soul's origin, and if he wanted to cancel the contract, he could only cut off the part of the origin that was fused with the spirit beast's soul.

The two spirit beasts struggled wildly, trying to stop Li Xianyu's next move, but they were already weak and injured, and they were unable to break free from the restraints Li Xianyu had imposed on them.

Seeing this scene, Li Honghan immediately understood Li Xianyu's decision, tears kept pouring out of his eyes, and he shouted: "Uncle Seventeen, no!"

"You must return to the family safely and report the changes in the water monster on the boundless sea to the family..."

Li Xianyu flew towards the distance like an arrow from the string. The sound came from far away, but before Li Honghan could finish hearing it, he was covered by an explosion that resounded throughout the world.


When a late-stage golden elixir self-destructs, the terrifying energy fluctuations are comparable to a Nascent Soul monk's full blow. Nothing around him can stop the overwhelming impact.

The two closest third-level water monsters were crushed into a pulp without any resistance.

Li Xianyu used his last bit of strength to send the spirit ship out of the broken water curtain.

Li Honghan's tears flowed uncontrollably, and he fell into great sadness. However, he did not stop because of this. Instead, regardless of the endurance limit of his own meridians, he frantically poured mana into the spirit ship, increased the speed to the limit, and headed towards Wanwan. Fly to the fairy island.

When the spirit ship flew over Ten Thousand Immortals Island, the breath that Li Honghan had been holding on for so long dissipated, and he fainted in an instant.

After no one was in control of the spirit ship, it began to fall slowly.

Li Hongluo, who was not far away, hurriedly ran over and took over the control, which stopped the spirit ship from falling.

The tribesmen who were patrolling nearby saw this unusual scene and flew over instantly.

Because the family has already stipulated that the spirit ship has a special place for taking off and landing, and cannot land at will.

As soon as the patrolling tribesman approached, he saw blood all over the boat and a group of tribesmen who looked like they had just experienced a big battle. He hurriedly called the nearby patrolling tribesmen and notified the family's Mountain Guard Hall. .

After the patrol team verified everyone's identities, they quickly brought them to Ten Thousand Immortals Island and took out healing elixirs for them to take quickly to avoid leaving any hidden dangers.

Anyway, the family will definitely repay this elixir afterwards, and maybe there will be additional rewards.

"What happened?" After receiving the news, the mountain guard elder rushed over as quickly as possible.

Then he saw the spirit ship full of blood, as well as the tribesmen who were healing their wounds. He was unable to answer his questions. The other patrolling tribesmen also did not know the specific situation.

(End of this chapter)

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