Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 861 Preparation

"This communication talisman is for..."

Li Zhirui recognized it for a moment, then a look of surprise appeared on his face, "Fellow Taoist Yuxue?"

Although Li Zhirui had invited Yuxue to come to Ten Thousand Immortals Island before the separation, in fact, both of them knew that this was just a talk, and it was unlikely that Yuxue would come to such a barren place.

Unexpectedly, he really came!

Li Zhirui immediately flew out of the spiritual realm, headed straight for the sky, and instantly spotted Yuxue sitting cross-legged on the white clouds.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Yuxue opened her eyes, and after seeing Li Zhirui's cultivation, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, and she smiled: "It's only been more than a hundred years, not too long, but your cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and you are already in the middle stage of becoming a god. ”

"I don't know how many yuan pills I have taken. Can I practice faster?"

Li Zhirui smiled and said, "Fellow Taoist has come after a long journey, why don't you follow me to the island to rest first?"

"No need, I'm here with a mission this time."

Yu Xue shook her head and refused, and said in a deep voice: "Fellow Taoist should not know that the contract signed by the human race and the sea race has a time limit, and the contract will expire soon."

Li Zhirui was stunned when he heard this, frowned and asked: "You mean, a war will break out between the two clans?"

As for the battlefield, needless to say, it must be in the offshore area.

As the only god-transforming force in the Far East, if a war really broke out, the Li family would not be able to escape unless the entire family relocated.

"Yes, there is no way the Sea Clan will miss this opportunity to regain the offshore area!" Yuxue said with certainty.

Later, Yuxue said that the Central Territory had sent many cultivators to various places, and more monks would arrive in the future. Among them, the monks who supported the Eastern Territory were not only more numerous, but also stronger.

He arrived before the rest of the army because he wanted to meet Li Zhirui and ask him to prepare in advance, which was a small favor.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for informing me! Since you are busy with something, I will not invite you to the island to rest. I will entertain you when you are free in the future." Li Zhirui said with an apologetic look.

He couldn't care about Yuxue now, his mind was filled with the war that was about to break out.

Yu Xue's mission is to investigate the situation of the Hai Clan. Of course, it does not require him to sneak into the distant sea. At this moment when the war is about to break out, it is no different from dying.

Mainly running around the coastal area of ​​the Eastern Region to collect information on low-level water monsters from various places. It's not dangerous, but it's quite hard.

"After the war is over, we can sit down and discuss Taoism with fellow Taoists."

After saying that, he disappeared.

Li Zhirui returned to Ten Thousand Immortals Island almost the moment Yu Xue left and went straight to the family hall.


Li Mingzi, who was calculating the family's income from various places to see how many spiritual stones and spiritual objects he could allocate for war reserves, was shocked when he saw the sudden appearance of Li Zhirui, and quickly stood up to greet him.

‘Did Ruizu also know about Li Xianyu’s matter? But his old man probably wouldn't stand up for him. ’

Although Li Xianyu is recognized by the family as a person who is expected to be a Nascent Soul, in Li Zhirui's eyes, unless it is a god-transformation seed like Li Xianxun, he cannot pay too much attention to it.

"In addition to the transactions that have been signed, the family will not be able to sell the various spiritual objects refined and produced to the outside world. At the same time, it must purchase the spiritual objects on the market at the lowest possible price." Li Zhirui said in a confused manner. One sentence. After finishing speaking, he realized that something was a little abrupt, and explained: "The Sea Clan is about to start a war, and the family is located on the boundless sea, so there is no way to avoid this war."

"Ruizu, the family just passed a resolution to prepare war supplies half an hour ago." Li Mingzi was very curious. How did Ruizu, who had been practicing in seclusion in the spiritual realm, know about the strange movements of the Hai Clan?

And in his opinion, the scale of the war far exceeded their estimates.


Li Zhirui showed a look of surprise on his face and asked, "What kind of war are you planning to deal with?"

Then Li Mingzi told Li Zhirui about Li Xianyu's death due to an ambush by the water demon, as well as the increase in the number of water demons in the surrounding sea areas and their surge in strength.

In fact, judging from these actions alone, Li Mingzi and the others have shown great foresight.

After all, who would have thought that the contract between the human race and the sea race has a time limit? Even the big forces in the Central Region have forgotten about it, and the Li family doesn't even know the complete contract. They only heard that the fourth-order water monster cannot enter the offshore sea.

"This war is far more dangerous than the beast tide. The two cannot be compared at all."

Li Zhirui said with a solemn expression: "Even a family has the possibility of overthrow and extinction."

From Yuxue's reminder, we can tell why the support from the Eastern Region is the strongest? First, the strength of the Eastern Region is the worst, and secondly, it may not mean that the coastal waters of the Eastern Region are the main battlefield.

It is impossible for the family's strength to improve too much in a short period of time, so it can only start from other aspects, and preparing a large number of spiritual objects is one of them.

Even if you do what Li Zhirui said, there will be too much noise, and it will not take long for people to notice that something is wrong, but time is tight, how can you care about so much?

"At the same time, prepare for the worst and keep some family fires in the interior of Wanxian Island. If the situation is critical, let them escape deeper inland and re-establish the family."

Li Mingzi's face changed drastically. He had confirmed that he would be supported by a large number of monks from the Central Region. Ruizu's attitude towards this war was still so pessimistic? !

"Ancestor, it's not so dangerous, is it?"

Li Zhirui shook his head silently and said: "In short, you and the elders first collect spiritual objects and prepare supplies for the war. At the same time, you must also mobilize for the war to let the tribesmen understand that this war is different from the past."

After that, he left in a hurry. An idea just appeared in his mind, and he planned to find Jiang Fengwu, Daqing, Xiaoqing and Xiaocang to join forces and make it happen in the shortest time.

After so many years of healing in the purifying spiritual realm, Xiaoqing's injuries finally healed not long ago!

And thanks to the purification laws, no hidden dangers are left in the body.

Recovering at this critical moment can also add strength to the Li family in the war in the near future.

Under Li Zhirui's call, Daqing and the other three people arrived quickly, except for Jiang Fengwu who was practicing.

"Brother Ninth, what happened?"

Li Zhirui told the three people about the battle between the Hai Clan and gave them time to accept it, and then said:

"I plan to artificially create a chain of islands three thousand miles east of Ten Thousand Immortals Island to prevent Ten Thousand Immortals Island from becoming the front line of the war."

The reason why this distance was chosen is that there is a certain spatial separation. If there is a problem on the front line, the Li family has more time to move and preserve the family's strength to the greatest extent.

Second, when the Li family expanded their clan area, they integrated all the movable islands in the nearby sea into Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

There are many islands three thousand miles away, making it easier for them to move islands and create island chains.

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