Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 880 The End

Deep sea, crystal palace.

Almost all the fifth-level great demons of the Sea Clan were present.

And what they are about to discuss will determine the next direction of this war called the War of Reconquest.

Whether to stop here and end the war, or to continue to mobilize a large number of water monsters to join in and fight in blood, all of this will be answered in their debate!

"We can't end the war so easily! Sign a contract with the monks! Did those dead members of the same clan sacrifice themselves in vain?" A dragon took the lead to speak out, shouting with excitement, as if agreeing to a truce was the sinner of the Sea Clan.

"Do you know how many water monsters have died in the past few years? This is called stopping losses in time! Do you have the confidence to defeat the monks?" A big monster who looked strange and relatively rare asked coldly.

Seeing that Jiaolong didn't speak, he sneered and continued: "You have no confidence! If you are asked to lead a hundred thousand of your clan to fight now, how many can you bring back? Ten thousand? Twenty thousand? Or thirty thousand?"

The reason why this big monster is so aggressive and does not give any face to the alliance leader, the Dragon Clan, is because almost all the clansmen who participated in the war with it were wiped out!

Only those clansmen who stayed behind in their clan land were left, and most of them were old, weak, sick and disabled! The red line of genocide has been touched!

With this result, how can he not be angry or angry?

You, the Jiaolong clan, have a great business and don't take this loss seriously at all, but small households like them can't! I can't bear it anymore!

Before, there was a beautiful vision of breaking into the offshore and plundering the monks, but in this situation, how can we continue to fight? How much price must be paid to capture those monks?

Even if these monks are defeated, there are still a large number of monks in the Eastern and Central Regions!

"If the war continues, my family of Long Lantern Fish will be completely destroyed!"

The big demon said firmly: "In the upcoming battle, the Changdengmingyu clan will not send any of their clansmen!"

The first sentence instantly hit the hearts of the big demons of small and medium-sized races, arousing strong resonance. So why not them?

In fact, in addition to the dragon clan, other major races such as the Deep Sea Black Snake and Thousand Water Treasure Turtles also have the idea of ​​​​continuing to fight with the monks.

Because they can afford it.

The other small and medium-sized races, on the contrary, all expressed their refusal to participate in the next war.

In their view, what's so bad about the vast open sea? Why pay such a high price to conquer the barren and barren offshore?

As for the ancestral land of the Sea Clan and considerations for the future, they don't even care.

As a result, the Hai Clan split into two factions. One side advocated war and the other side advocated peace. The two sides argued endlessly, and no one could convince the other.

The main war faction is stronger and they are all large races, while the main peace faction seems to have a large number of people and has attracted many forces.

"Arguing won't solve the problem. How about this? Since you are willing to continue fighting with the monks, then go alone and we will not accompany you." With that, the big demon planned to leave the Crystal Palace.

It would be okay if it was the only demon left, but the other fifth-level demons also followed behind!

"Alas! Haven't they ever thought that we have suffered heavy losses, and the monks' losses are also not small!" A certain dragon sighed.

But when things have developed to this extent, there is no need to start another war.

The big clans such as Jiaolong are not stupid, so they use the strength of their families to fight against the monks.

As a result, the Hai Clan took the initiative to invite the monks for peace talks.

This can be regarded as a kind of bowing one's head and being submissive.

half a month later.

The reason for waiting so long is because both parties need time to prepare their judgment.

In the sky above the junction of the deep blue offshore sea and the dark black distant sea.

Four god-transforming monks and four fifth-level perfect demons sat opposite each other. They are the ones who presided over the negotiations between the two communities.

"The Sea Clan is defeated. First of all: we must compensate us ten million spiritual stones, or offset them with spiritual objects of equivalent value."

"Second, we need to sign a new contract. The dividing line is still the same as before. It is also the same that within five thousand years, the fourth-order monster is not allowed to step into the sea!"


The monks put forward more than ten conditions one after another.

The faces of the big demons became uglier and uglier as they listened, but they did not stop for a week. They suppressed their anger and said, "We will never agree to such harsh conditions!"

"What do you think is wrong? We can discuss it." The monk said with a smile.

Negotiation is just a continuation of war, and it cannot be won on the battlefield? How is it possible to win at the negotiating table? !

So the monks don't care at all, they are already invincible!

The big demons constantly modify or deny the contract conditions that are unfavorable to the Sea Tribe.

After reading the revised version, the monks shook their heads and said: "Since you don't have any sincerity, forget it and let's compete on the battlefield!"

When the big demons heard this, they did not panic and said calmly: "Just show your bottom line and let's discuss it together."

For the content of the contract, the eight souls who had fully transformed into gods stayed in the clouds for more than a month, and finally satisfied both parties.

Then both parties swore an oath, and after the contract was concluded, they dispersed.

In fact, the contract signed this time is not much different from the one thousands of years ago. It also prohibits the fourth-order monster from entering the offshore sea.

There is another point that is more important, that is, the Sea Clan’s compensation as the defeated party!

The Sea Clan will take out spiritual objects worth ten million spiritual stones, 40% of which must be fifth-level spiritual objects.

But to be honest, these spiritual objects will almost never fall into the hands of small and medium-sized forces. They have been divided up by the major forces early on, and by the time they are distributed, they have already turned into spiritual stones.

But the worst offenders are the casual cultivators, who probably don’t even have many spiritual stones.

"The Sea Clan has given up!"

This great news spread quickly after the contract was signed, and the monks who knew about it were all excited.

This war has been long-lasting, spanning two or three years, and now it is finally over!

To this day, most monks have already felt a little war-weary in their hearts. After all, it is very painful to see someone familiar to them leave.

Countless creatures died in the war, and it was not just the sea tribe and monks, but also demon cultivators and demon tribes!

The demon cultivator wants to take advantage of the situation, and the demon clan is naturally unwilling to let go of this great opportunity.

Compared with demon cultivators, the demon clan's destructive power is more powerful.

Because the Monster Clan is widely distributed, except for the few in the Central Territory, the Monster Clan can be seen everywhere.

Therefore, many demon clans have come out to cause trouble. Those mortals who live in remote areas are the ones who suffer the most. They are the primary targets of the demon clan!

However, with the end of the war and the return of the monks, the good days of the demon clan have come to an end.

If they don't know how to restrain themselves, they will have no choice but to go to hell.

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