Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 882 Promise

Zhen Yunzi's face darkened, but he did not give up, because Li Zhirui was the person he thought was most likely to solve the demonic species in his uncle's body!

He already knew from the mouths of other monks that Li Zhirui had taken action to eliminate the poisonous insects in the bodies of the monks that even the powerful could not detect, and also cleansed their bodies.

It was precisely because of this incident that Zhen Yunzi felt that Li Zhirui's purification law could remove the demonic seeds from his uncle's body.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhen Yunzi decided to tell the truth and said: "My fellow Taoist does not know that my uncle is the chief true successor of the previous generation of Wanjian Sect. His realm has already reached the level of God Transformation, but it is limited by the demon species in his Dantian." , I haven’t dared to ascend for a long time.”

"If fellow Taoist can help our uncle to deal with the demonic species, everyone in Wanjian Sect will remember your great kindness!"

Hearing this, Li Zhirui was shocked, Chief True Successor!

You must know that the core of a force is the True Inheritance. A family that cultivates immortality like the Li family may not have the name of True Inheritance, but in fact there is a group of people who focus on it and cultivate it.

The Chief True Successor is the one who is the most powerful among a group of talented people, both in terms of talent and character. He is the Senior Brother/Sister of this generation.

If he can really help the previous chief successor of Wanjian Sect to solve the demonic species in his dantian, Li Zhirui will definitely become a distinguished guest of Wanjian Sect!

The name alone is very tempting, not to mention the large amount of substantial rewards.

Even with Li Zhirui's character, he couldn't help but be moved by him.

But soon, Li Zhirui calmed down.

The chief true successor is still the perfect god who is about to ascend. It is absolutely impossible for the Wanjian Sect to give up on this powerful person. This means that they have made all their efforts, but still cannot solve the problem, which shows how difficult it is!

If it fails, the consequences will be disastrous!

Li Zhirui will bear the overwhelming wrath of the Wanjian Sect.

Thinking of this, Li Zhirui had completely calmed down and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not very capable and can't bear the heavy responsibility. Fellow Taoist, you should find another way."

"Fellow Taoist, are you worried that the sect will resent you if you fail?" Zhen Yunzi saw Li Zhirui's worries and said sincerely: "Fellow Taoist, please rest assured, even if you really fail, no one will resent you. …”

"Because Master Daotong's life is short and he is about to pass away." Zhen Yunzi looked lonely and sounded sad.

Logically speaking, the lifespan of a god-transformation monk is two thousand years, and the Wanjian Sect's life span is two hundred years. It is impossible for this Daotong to transform so quickly.

But the demon seed embedded in his dantian did too much harm to him! He had wiped away hundreds of years of his life!

Li Zhirui frowned, weighing the pros and cons in his mind, ignoring Zhen Yunzi's earnest and pleading eyes. After a long time, he spoke and asked: "Do you know the calmness of the killing sword pulse?"

"Uncle Calming?" Zhen Yunzi didn't understand why Li Zhirui suddenly mentioned this sect elder who was younger than him.

The Wanjian Sect is divided into several sword veins, and the Killing Sword Meridian is the most unique among them. It has extremely strict requirements and is passed down by a single line.

Therefore, there was no one to inherit it several times, and the sect needed to come forward to find a successor. This also led to the high seniority of the killing sword vein.

"She is actually from my Li family, her real name is Li Zhixuan, and she is my clan sister." Li Zhirui asked, "I wonder what she has been up to these years?"

"Uncle Jing is actually a Taoist friend's clan sister?" Zhen Yunzi couldn't help but be stunned, but at the next moment, excitement surged in his heart.

With this relationship, the possibility of persuading Li Zhirui to take action is even higher!

As for why Zhen Yunzi did not doubt the authenticity of this sentence, it was naturally because Li Zhirui's lying did not benefit him, but it benefited Zhen Yunzi.

"Uncle Master is extremely talented and has successfully broken through to become a god. Speaking of which, she is also fighting in the coastal waters of the Eastern Region. Didn't she come back?"

If Li Zhixuan comes to the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Immortals, maybe Li Zhirui will agree!

"Did Zhixuan also break through to become a god?" Li Zhirui felt very pleased. He really didn't make a mistake back then.

At this moment, Li Zhirui's storage ring suddenly trembled slightly. His spiritual consciousness peeked into it and found that the jade tablet of the sound transmission array had been activated.

Zhixuan is back! Come home soon! "What a coincidence!" Li Zhirui didn't expect that the development of things would be such a coincidence, as if there was a big hand behind it all.

Is it possible that this is God’s will? Do I have to take action to try to deal with that demon seed? Li Zhirui thought to himself.

He glanced at Zhen Yunzi and said, "Zhixuan is back. Pindao will leave first."

"I'm also going to meet Uncle Jing."

Li Zhirui did not stop this.

Two spiritual lights soared into the sky, and within a moment, they set foot on the land of Ten Thousand Immortals Island, and then flew to the cave on the top of the mountain.

Everyone has different laws, and the spiritual realm is not suitable for entertaining guests.

Especially Li Zhixuan, who practiced killing swordsmanship and must master the law of killing, she couldn't stand the law of purification at all.

"Ninth Brother!"

Behind Li Zhirui, Li Zhixuan also saw an Avatar wearing a Taoist robe from the Ten Thousand Swords Sect.

"Junior Zhenyun, a disciple of Zhenyi Swordsmanship, has met Master Jingjing."

"No need to be polite."

Li Zhixuan's eyes wandered between the two of them, and he quickly guessed what was going on between them.

"Are you doing this for Senior Brother Daotong?"

"Uncle Master! This disciple is visiting Mr. Li Zhirui for this matter."

In front of Li Zhixuan, Zhen Yunzi naturally cannot call her clan brother Li Zhirui a Taoist friend, but according to the classification of strength, she cannot call her a senior. After all, they are both in the middle stage of becoming gods.

After getting the affirmative answer, Li Zhixuan said to Li Zhirui very directly: "Brother Ninth, if you are fine and you think there is some possibility, why not come with us to the Wanjian Sect."


Li Zhixuan did not hide anything, "In order to relieve Senior Brother Daotong from the disaster, the sect promised a very generous reward. Not only can he choose five spiritual objects from the inner treasury, but he can also put forward three reasonable conditions to the sect."

Most forces will divide their treasury into several layers. The outer treasury stores a large number of frequently used spiritual objects, such as various elixirs used to make elixirs; the inner treasury is used to store precious spiritual objects.

Most of the spiritual objects that can be collected by Wanjian Sect are treasures from heaven and earth. Picking five at will is indeed very generous.

Not to mention who can put forward three conditions to Wanjian Sect!

Jiang Fengwu, Daqing and others on the side were confused and confused.

All I know is that Wan Jian Sect asked Li Zhirui for help.

"The most important thing is that Senior Brother Daotong has only a short lifespan. After he resolves the demonic species, he will soon begin to transcend tribulations and ascend. Brother Ninth, you can just take this opportunity to observe up close and accumulate some points for your future ascension." experience."

"Okay! I will go with you to Wanjian Sect!" Li Zhirui finally agreed.

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