Chapter 884 Decay

Just as Li Zhirui, Li Zhixuan and Zhen Yunzi were on their way, Wanxian Island completed statistics on various situations of the war.

After the war, hundreds of members of the Li family died, and even more members were injured, almost everyone was injured.

In addition, tens of millions of spiritual stones, a large number of spiritual elixirs, and talismans were spent. Even the most durable magic weapons, the Li family also refined thousands of them.

You pay a lot, and you earn a lot.

If all the spiritual materials taken from various water monsters are refined into spiritual objects and sold, the expenses can be covered immediately, and there may even be a surplus.

It's a pity that the war has just ended, and the price of spiritual objects refined from related spiritual materials is lower than usual.

Fortunately, the Li family has a spirit-sealing treasure box, which can greatly slow down the dissipation of spiritual objects' spiritual power, so they are not in a hurry to sell spiritual objects.

Instead, he bought spiritual materials at low prices in the market, preparing to make a fortune in the future.

That is to say, with the current strength of the Li family, without Li Zhirui and other gods, they would not dare to be so showy even if they had the spirit-sealing treasure chest.

"In the next period of time, it is very likely that several clan members will appear in the family at the same time who have overcome the tribulation and made breakthroughs. They must arrange their retreat locations and not be too close to each other." Li Mingzi warned with a serious expression.

Don't forget that people did not die in the thunder tribulation, but were affected by the clansmen, causing two clansmen who had the potential to break through to die one after another.


The matter was so important that the elders did not dare to ignore this issue.

"I'm one step behind again." Li Chengshuo looked at the cave with the stone door closed and sighed quietly.

During this battle, her cultivation level also improved, saving several years of training time, but compared with Li Chengsheng, Li Chengshuo was not as happy as before.

Li Chengsheng is about to attack the God Transformation!

"No! I must not fall too far behind!"

Especially behind Li Chengshuo, juniors such as Li Xianxun and Li Mingyao have made rapid progress, giving her a great sense of urgency.


After staying on the spirit boat for more than half a year, Li Zhirui finally stepped on the ground.

"Your Excellency Lingcang!"

In front of the mountain gate of Wanjian Sect, several transformed gods were already waiting here. When they saw Li Zhirui, they bowed their heads and said hello.

However, when Zhen Yunzi came and was still thousands of miles away from the mountain gate, he used the communication formation on the spirit ship to report the relevant situation to Wan Jian Sect and several masters of Zhen Yi Sword Lineage.

The gods who greeted Li Zhirui were all Zhen Yunzi's nephews, and they were also the true successors of Zhenyi Sword Meridian.

Li Zhirui envied the Wanjian Sect's heritage and strength from the bottom of his heart. How long would it take for the Li family to have three and four generations of gods gathered together?

and! This is not the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, but one of its inheritances.

"You don't have to be like this."

Li Zhirui didn't expect them to make such a big noise. He just wanted to arrive quietly and low-key, and then leave quietly and low-key.

"Your Excellency, Uncle Master, please come with me."

Zhen Yunzi led the way, followed by Li Zhirui and Li Zhixuan.

Soon, the three of them entered a simple and elegant lobby, with four powerful men with auras like abyss sitting above them.

"Li Zhirui of the Li family of Ten Thousand Immortals Island has met all the seniors."

Li Zhixuan and Zhen Yunzi also greeted each other.

Then Li Zhirui knew that the person in the middle was Daotong's senior uncle, and he was also the senior leader of Zhenyi Swordsmanship.

The one on the left is the current head of Wanjian Sect, and the one on the right is a great master of Zhenyi Jianmai Dao generation.

"My little friend, are you sure you can resolve the demonic species in Daotong Dantian?" Dafeng asked in an old voice. Li Zhirui said calmly: "I haven't met Senior Daotong yet, so I don't know what his condition is, so I dare not give any guarantee."

"Hahaha, I'm honest, little friend." Dafeng laughed and said, "What kind of spiritual assistance do you need, little friend?"

"Purifying spiritual objects, the higher the grade, the better."

As soon as Li Zhirui finished speaking, two spiritual lights flew out of the master's hand, and the powerful man on the right also gave two spiritual objects.

This is what Zhen Yunzi told them before.

"If fellow Taoist fellow Daoist can eliminate the demonic seed in Senior Brother Daotong's body, I, the Wanjian Sect, will be extremely grateful."

The leader promised: "Fellow Taoist can enter the inner treasury to select three spiritual objects, and Wanjian Sect will also agree to three conditions that are not excessive."

Although Li Zhixuan had told Li Zhirui before that these were rewards that had already been announced, he was truly relieved when he heard what the leader said with his own ears.

"I also want to watch Senior Daotong overcome the tribulation and ascend." Li Zhirui put forward an additional condition that was not too excessive.

"it is good."

Dafeng nodded and then said: "Time waits for no one, so please take action as soon as possible."

"Let's go now."

Although he has been traveling for more than half a year, Li Zhirui doesn't need to worry at all, so he is in very good condition now.

"Zhenyun, take Xiaoyou Li with you."

"Yes! Ancestor."

The three of them slowly exited the lobby.

"Can this incarnation from a remote world really cure Brother Daotong?" The silent powerful man expressed his doubts.

Dafeng said unhurriedly: "Daotong's lifespan is less than ten years, which is less than the old Taoist me. Why not let him try it? Maybe the purification law he masters is really effective?"

After flying for a full quarter of an hour, the three of them arrived at their destination.

But Li Zhirui looked up and found that there was an invisible mountain above him. He was stunned at how high this mountain was!

"Is this the spiritual realm in front of you?" Li Zhirui looked at the spiritual realm portal that had been sealed with multiple seals, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

There are several restrictions in it, which are almost the same as what he found when he studied those soul-sealing treasure chests!

Zhen Yunzi explained: "The spiritual realm has the effect of masking the aura, but leaks will still occur. To be on the safe side, the sect has placed various restrictions here."

In fact, like Daotong, those who can try to ascend but dare not survive the tribulation will hide in the spiritual realm to avoid the detection of heaven.

Of course, Daotong is due to special circumstances.

"So after I open the spiritual realm, we must go in as soon as possible."


Then I saw Zhen Yunzi taking out a sword command. After activating it with magic power, the restrictions disappeared one after another, and the entrance to the spiritual realm was revealed.

The three people flashed in, and the next moment, the restriction appeared again, completely sealing the spiritual realm to ensure that no aura would be leaked.

Then they saw an old man in the spiritual realm with gray hair, a face full of grooves, and an aura of decay all over his body.

"Uncle Daotong! Why have you aged so much?!"

Zhen Yunzi was shocked. When he came to visit a few years ago, Daotong's condition was not that bad. In just a few years, how could there be such a big change?

"It's Zhenyun." The old man woke up from his drowsiness, his voice was weak, but there was no trace of self-pity.

(End of this chapter)

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