Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 900 Powerful

"came back?"

As soon as Li Zhirui finished practicing, he received a message from Daqing's soul. He immediately got up and left the spiritual realm and flew to the cave on the top of the mountain.

"Brother Ninth will be here soon." After receiving the reply, Daqing immediately said to the others.

Within a moment, Li Zhirui appeared in front of everyone.

He glanced around them and said with a smile, "It seems that you have gained a lot from this trip."

All of them were smiling and their eyes were full of excitement. You didn’t need to guess to know that they had gained a lot.

"Brother Ninth, guess how many high-level spiritual objects we got?" Xiao Qing said with a proud look on his face.

Li Zhirui narrowed his eyes slightly, pondered for a moment, and said, "Twenty pieces?"

He calculated it based on a person getting three spiritual objects, slightly adding two more.

"More than that!" Xiaoqing shook his head.

Li Zhirui was stunned when he heard this. They had only been in the void for two or three years, but they had gotten so many spiritual objects? Was his luck poor back then, or was it their luck that was booming?


"There are a total of forty-two high-level spiritual objects, including one seventh-level spiritual object, thirteen sixth-level spiritual objects, and the remaining twenty-eight are all fifth-level." Daqing did not let Li Zhirui continue to guess. It was said directly.

On the way back, they also got five spiritual objects.


Hearing this astonishing number, Li Zhirui couldn't help but take a breath and said with envy: "You must be very lucky."

"Just in time, I also plan to wander around the void, looking for opportunities. Maybe I can extend your good luck."

Jiang Fengwu frowned when he heard this and advised: "Zhirui, I think you should wait a few years before going. I don't know what big things happened in the void. We met a powerful merging power and were attacked by a Void Refining Demon Cultivator." , if it hadn’t happened to stir up the chaotic spiritual energy and form a torrent, I don’t know how many of us would have come back.”

Although a monk in the late stage of Void Refining later appeared, before he arrived, someone among the six of them might really perish.

Li Chengsheng and others also spoke out to persuade them. The void was turbulent and becoming more dangerous. It would not be too late to wait a few more years.

Daqing and the other three did not speak, but quietly stood aside, because they knew that Li Zhirui had space to get close to him, and they were not afraid of danger at all.

Unfortunately, Jiang Fengwu's advice did not dissuade Li Zhirui.

Because ever since his cultivation level improved, he has been thinking about going to the void, and it has become more and more intense. This unusual situation is completely reminding Li Zhirui that there is an opportunity in the void! Waiting for his arrival.

"Don't worry, if I go to the void, I will be very careful."

Li Zhirui smiled, changed the subject directly, and said, "You guys should take stock of the spiritual objects. I'll go back first."

But after he walked out of the cave, he did not fly to the spiritual realm, but walked towards the Shengxu Formation not far away.


With a low cry, Li Zhirui's figure instantly disappeared into the formation. After a while, the sky and the earth spun around, and then he appeared in the void of the Li Family Courtyard.

A few breaths ago.

The spiritual objects are being distributed in the cave, and everyone is making a lot of noise. After all, even the spiritual objects of the same grade have different values.

Can a fifth-level silver-leaf golden heart grass used to make talismans have the same value as a fifth-level great dream fruit that can repeatedly create an illusory world?

At this moment, everyone suddenly heard Daqing say loudly: "Brother Jiu has left the Xuanyuan Realm and gone to the void."

At this point, it was useless no matter how much they said. They could only put the matter behind them and continue the quarrel. "This fifth-level spiritual object is useful to me, so it should be given to me!" Xiao Cang said, pointing to a spiritual object.

Jiang Fengwu shook his head and objected: "No! This spiritual object is extremely rare and cannot be distributed like this."

A few people were noisy for most of the day before everyone was satisfied.


Li Zhirui looked at the gray void and murmured: "Daqing said they are going all the way forward, so I will start this experience along their direction."

As for what to do if you encounter danger on the road? If you can fight, fight, if you can't, hide in space. Is it possible that the opponent will wait in the void for ten days and a half?

Space is Li Zhirui's biggest trump card during this trip.

Li Zhirui rested for a while, then left the palace and officially entered the void.

The surroundings are filled with chaotic aura, seemingly peaceful, but a terrifying crisis is brewing secretly. One careless move can take away several god-transforming monks.

Not long after Li Zhirui entered the void, he encountered a large chaotic storm!

The position he was in was only the outermost edge of the storm, but the energy that shredded everything to pieces made Li Zhirui dare not fight against it and hurriedly hid in the space.

After waiting for a whole day, Li Zhirui left. The terrifying storm had passed, but it did not have any impact on the void.

A few days later, Li Zhirui finally got his first fifth-level spiritual object.

This seemed to be the beginning, and he would get spiritual objects almost every day. Li Zhirui finally felt a sense of wealth.

"What happened in the void? High-level spiritual objects have become so common." Li Zhirui was full of curiosity.

You must know that the chaotic spiritual energy in the void is not only rich, but also of extremely high quality, so it has given birth to a large number of rich high-level spiritual objects.

But even so, due to the boundless void, no matter how many high-level spiritual objects are sprinkled in it, they will appear relatively rare.

How is it possible that like now, I can get spiritual objects almost every day.

It's a pity that Li Zhirui's cultivation is limited and he can't find the reason, so he can only bear this heavy happiness.


One day, Li Zhirui, who was walking carefully in the void, suddenly heard a burst of thunder and explosions in his ears. His expression suddenly changed, and he looked in the direction of the sound.

"There are powerful forces fighting!"

Do you want to go over and take a look? Li Zhirui was a little entangled in his heart. If he went, he would probably be targeted by powerful people. If he didn't go, he wanted to see how far his own strength was compared with the powerful people's. At the same time, he also wanted to set a good example for himself. Clear objectives.

After some hesitation, Li Zhirui finally set foot on the road to the battlefield.

Huge explosions came from time to time, pointing him in the direction.

Nearly an hour later, Li Zhirui arrived at the edge of the battlefield, and in the center, a monk and a demon cultivator were fighting!

Both of them are...

Fusion state!

Li Zhirui's expression changed drastically, this was actually a powerful person in the Fusion Realm!

No wonder it can transmit battle fluctuations to such a distance and still be very clear.

The moment Li Zhirui appeared, he caught the attention of the two people. The demon cultivator took the time to attack Li Zhirui casually, and black light shot through the air.

But the monk didn't save anyone, he was just a little ant, not worth his effort.

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