Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 902 Scoundrel

"so close!"

Li Zhirui's heart was beating wildly. He originally thought that even if the two powerful men discovered his existence, they would not attack him distractedly, but he did not expect that the demon cultivator would still take action.

But with his casual blow, Li Zhirui seemed to see death, and had no courage to fight against it, so he could only escape into space.

As for whether it would attract the attention of the two combined powerful men, how could Li Zhirui care so much at the critical moment of life and death?

"It's been so long, the war should be over, right?"

Li Zhirui waited in the space for a day and a night, spending most of the time to eliminate the shadow that the black light had caused on his heart.

It's a pity that Li Zhirui entered the space with his physical body, not his soul. Otherwise, he could still use his physical body to position himself and use his soul to explore the surrounding situation.

However, the threat at that time meant that unless Li Zhirui was seeking death, it would be impossible for him to leave his physical body outside. He had no plans to become a ghost cultivator.

Besides, although ghost cultivators exist, they are extremely rare in the remote and desolate Xuanyuan world. After all, to monks, ghost cultivators are objects that need to be killed, while in the eyes of demon cultivators, they are objects of refining. Excellent material for magic weapons.

Therefore, ghost cultivation was extremely withered, and Li Zhirui had no relevant skills in his hands.

After doing some mental construction, Li Zhirui carefully returned to the void. He saw that the surroundings were calm. While he breathed a sigh of relief, he also felt a little disappointed in his heart.

How great it would be if they could both suffer losses and die together!

If this is true, then Li Zhirui will make a fortune.

The spiritual object of two fused monks!

Even if they are the poorest, it is still a huge gain for Li Zhirui!

After all, it is very common for both immortals and demons to keep records of their cultivation experiences. And no matter how poor you are, you still have a magic weapon for your destiny, right?

Although after the death of this deity, most of the restrictions on the natal magic weapon will be destroyed, the aura will become dim, and the grade will plummet, but! The spiritual materials for refining magic weapons are valuable treasures even if they are re-refined.

Unfortunately, all this is just Li Zhirui's fantasy.

Shake your head, clear away these unrealistic thoughts, and continue on your treasure hunting journey.


But I didn't expect that I would encounter a strange cocoon just half a day after walking out.

Li Zhirui could sense that there was a living thing inside, a dying living thing. What exactly it was was because of the thick chaotic spiritual energy that blocked deep exploration by his spiritual consciousness.

"Could it be..."

As if something suddenly occurred to him, Li Zhirui's pupils suddenly dilated and his heart beat wildly.

One of those two combined powers? "

When he said these words, the greed in his heart grew crazily and occupied his entire heart in an instant!

There was a voice in his mind that kept shouting, asking Li Zhirui to quickly destroy this big gray cocoon.

"Why don't you give it a try? Anyway, I have space at hand. If I encounter danger, I can hide in it instantly."

This sentence seemed to convince himself. Li Zhirui stepped back, holding five fourth-level Heavenly Thunder Pills in his palm, and slammed them towards the cocoon.

Boom boom boom——

For a moment, thunder and light exploded, turning into a small square thunder pool, with a large number of thunder beating in it, constantly destroying the cocoon.

With a bang, the large cocoon formed by the chaotic spiritual energy shattered, revealing a demon cultivator with a sluggish aura and several large wounds that were still bleeding. He was glaring at Li Zhirui fiercely with his eyes wide open.

This person is none other than Wan She who was chased by Red Phoenix!

I don't know what method he used to escape from Chifeng, who had burned his lifespan and forcibly activated the true form of the Dharma. But it came at a huge cost.

"It's you again, kid! Looking for death!" Wan She was furious and roared with anger.

Not only was Li Zhirui not frightened, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and he smiled and said, "Senior's injury is far more serious than I thought!"

If not, the first time Wan Snake saw him, he would definitely attack, instead of using his aura to intimidate or verbal threats.

"is it?"

A hint of coldness appeared in Wan She's eyes, and he immediately activated the few magic powers in his body to turn into a spiritual snake that wanted to devour others, and pounced towards Li Zhirui.

But Li Zhirui, who had been prepared for it, immediately hid in the space and disappeared.

"Damn it!"

Wan She cursed in a low voice. No matter how much he searched with his spiritual consciousness, he could not find any trace of Li Zhirui.

"What kind of evil magic is this that can actually disappear in the void?"

Wan She had no choice but to drag his severely injured and mutilated body and slowly fly towards the distance.

But just after taking a few steps, another whistling sound came from behind.

There was no other way, Wan Snake could only continue to squeeze out the few mana, and easily dispersed the attack. The spirit snake flew out and rushed towards Li Zhirui.

But the next moment, Li Zhirui disappeared in front of him again.

Li Zhirui counted the time in the space, ensuring that Wan She would not escape his sight and would escape to take a look after a few breaths.

If Wan She was ready to attack, he would run back again, but if Wan She buried his head and flew forward, Li Zhirui would activate his magical powers and use various talismans and thunder pills to stop him.

Although in the void, the attacks of Shen Tong, Fu Lu and others would be weakened to a certain extent, Li Zhirui did not want to take this opportunity to kill Wan She directly.

Because he knew that even a severely injured powerful fusion power was not something he could deal with!

All Li Zhirui did was not give Wan She a chance to heal, making his injuries worse. At the same time, the ubiquitous chaotic aura would also help.

If there is enough spiritual energy, even a monk in the early stage of becoming a god can easily resist the erosion of chaotic spiritual energy, but Wan She cannot do this in his current situation.

"Ahhhh, I'm going to kill you!"

After more than a dozen sneak attacks and interferences, Wan She was finally driven crazy by Li Zhirui's scoundrels, and roared crazily.

But at this time, Li Zhirui did not hide in the space again.

One is because Wan She's mana has been squeezed out, and the chaotic aura is constantly eroding, further aggravating his injuries.

Secondly, based on Li Zhirui's understanding of demon cultivators, the more they seem to fight you desperately, the greater the possibility of them escaping!

The reason why Chifeng fell into the trap before was mainly because he forcibly activated the true body of the Dharma and was not very conscious. Wanshe seized the opportunity to escape.

But this time, Wan She plans to repeat his old tricks.

But I never expected that Li Zhirui did not fall into the trap!

Instead, he threw out all the various spiritual vine seeds he had accumulated over the years, and used his magical power to bring all the spiritual seeds into being. Countless spiritual vines of different grades grew instantly in the void, forming a dense forest cage. Trapped ten thousand snakes in it.


Li Zhirui's magic formula changed, and the magic power in his body poured out crazily, and all the explosive spiritual vines hidden in the countless spiritual vines exploded.

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