Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 934 Trading

Chapter 934 Trading

Li Zhirui knew nothing about what happened in Wanxian Mountain. After leaving his family, he rushed to Wanxian State as quickly as possible, even at the risk of crossing the mountains.

Of course, Li Zhirui took such risks because he had the confidence to hide in space as soon as he encountered a monster that he could not resist, thus naturally ensuring his own safety.

So he returned to Wanzhu Prefecture in half the time he had left.

Li Zhirui had a general understanding of all the local forces, so he ran towards a combined sect called the Wood Spirit Sect without hesitation.

There were many reasons for choosing the Wood Spirit Sect, but the most important thing was that their spiritual veins were contaminated and they were strong enough, making it easier for them to agree to the conditions he proposed.

While Li Zhirui was running back and forth, Wanzhu Prefecture had already spread the news about what the demonic cultivators were doing. Those forces whose spiritual veins were polluted tried their best to summon cultivators from all walks of life, offering rewards, hero orders, introduction orders, etc. There are endless means, just to solve this huge trouble as soon as possible.

The difference between the three is that the reward is clear; for the Hero Order, the person who completes it sets the conditions; for the Guidance Order, one or several children can be sent directly to the inner gate with the help of a warrant.

So when Li Zhirui came to the gate of Mu Lingzong, a god-transformation monk came up to him and asked respectfully: "Senior, are you planning to take over the Hero Order?"

"I heard that the Wood Spirit Sect was issuing heroic orders, so I wanted to give it a try." Li Zhirui did not say that he had verified that the purification law worked.

The monk was still respectful on the outside, but a flash of disappointment flashed deep in his eyes. In his opinion, Li Zhirui was just a void-refining monk, and even many combined powerful beings couldn't accomplish things. How could he succeed?

This was a method that Li Zhirui came up with on the road. He originally planned to use lotus seeds directly to absorb the power of black dirt to grow, but as a result, the lotus seeds could not reach into the spiritual veins.

But the next moment, he exploded violently, pouring out his majestic magic power, crushing the white lotus plants into pieces. Coupled with the purification law mobilized by Li Zhirui, this small space was filled with strong purification lotus. fragrant.

Li Zhirui frowned slightly. As a result, his plan to easily and quickly purify the black dirt with the help of lotus seeds was in vain.

When the monks who were watching and witnessing saw this scene, a trace of doubt appeared on their faces, and they speculated in their hearts: Could it be that these ugly spiritual species can solve the black stain that has troubled countless monks?

Then he saw Li Zhirui placing lotus seeds on the surface of the spiritual veins above the black scale. He used his hands to cast spells and soon drilled out strands of roots, but no matter what, they could not penetrate into the spiritual veins. .

Because it was born inside the spiritual veins, and fell directly on the black dirt when mature. After Li Zhirui found out, he immediately cast a spell to induce birth, and soon white lotuses grew and bloomed inside the spiritual veins.

He could only use another more complicated method, which was to first enter the purification law into the spiritual veins, and then cast a spell to turn it into a special lotus seed. It seemed that the effect was indeed good.

And after absorbing a lot of black dirt, the blooming white lotus gave birth to a few real lotus seeds.

It can be said that this period of time is the most open time for the major mountain gates and clan areas, allowing various monks to come in and out under the leadership of others.

"Come and check it out." Li Zhirui confidently said to the monk beside him.

Li Zhirui nodded and kept a calm mind, but instead of mobilizing the purification laws between heaven and earth as before, he took out dozens of white lotus seeds for purification.

"Senior, the elders of the sect have found Heizu's location, you can just take action." The monk reminded.

It was precisely because of this feature that he thought about trying it, and it turned out to be really useful!

Under the leadership of this god-transforming monk, it didn't take long for Li Zhirui to come to a small spiritual vein.

The reason why Li Zhirui came up with such an idea was because he remembered the origin of the Purifying White Lotus. It was originally created when purifying a place where a lot of dirt gathered, and it could even absorb dirt to strengthen itself.

The black scale disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. Due to the extremely rich spiritual energy inside the spiritual veins and the black scale as soil, the white lotus multiplied rapidly and spread to other spiritual veins along the black scale.

This is a small branch of the Wood Spirit Sect. After all, it is impossible to test whether a strange monk can remove the black dirt. It is impossible to test the seventh-level main spiritual vein. What if the monk has evil intentions and suddenly destroys it?

The reason why this branch was contaminated was that it was transmitted through the connection between the spiritual veins. Fortunately, the infection time was relatively short, and there was not much black dirt.

An illusory lotus seed quickly sank into the spiritual veins, landed on the black scale, and then quickly grew roots under Li Zhirui's control.

After a while, you can clearly see that the black scale has been reduced a lot.

It was just his good upbringing that allowed him to still maintain a decent expression and said: "Senior, please come with me."

The illusory white lotus grew out of the black dirt, and was constantly absorbing the power of the black dirt to strengthen itself.

What happened next made Li Zhirui look happy.

The man stepped forward doubtfully, but when he used his spiritual consciousness to probe into the spiritual veins, he was startled.

"How is this possible?" the monk exclaimed.

Hei Guo, who had left several of the sect's supreme elders helpless, was so easily solved by the Void Refining monk in front of him!

If he remembered correctly, the two of them had only been here for an hour, but at least 10% of the black dirt had been eliminated!

At this rate, wouldn't it only take one day to remove the black dirt from the entire spiritual vein?


Those white lotuses will become more and more numerous as time goes by, which means it won't take that long at all.

"Senior, please come with me!"

Li Zhirui has proven himself with his strength, so when he speaks now, he brings a level of respect that he didn't have before.

"Let's go." Of course Li Zhirui would not take Qiao, that would be too stupid, so he followed him calmly.

But before the two of them had gone far, a group of monks gathered around them, including many who were capable of cultivating the void, and even those who were powerful in combination.

But just as he was walking around, the leading monk passed the news to the leader, which alerted most of the top brass of the Wood Spirit Sect, and then flew over at the fastest speed.

They all couldn't wait to see with their own eyes such an effective elimination method.

There was no other way, Li Zhirui and the others could only return to the spiritual veins, and then looked at the Void Refining and Fusion cultivators, frantically exploring the spiritual veins, and then a look of surprise appeared on their faces.

"I wonder how my little friend did it?" One of the fused figures asked impatiently.

Li Zhirui smiled and said nothing. The most critical part of this method is how to transform the purification law into a special lotus seed. If he had not witnessed the whole process with his own eyes and planted white lotus for so many years, he would not have created it.

He hasn't got the spiritual object he wants now, so how can he hand over his exclusive method?

As soon as the powerful man said the words, he knew that he was a little reckless, but as an old monster who has lived for so many years, if nothing else, he must be very thick-skinned.

As if it had never happened, he asked: "My little friend has completed the task perfectly. What do you want to exchange for it?"

"As long as we, the Wood Spirit Sect, have it, just ask, little friend!"

Since the Wood Spirit Sect has issued the hero order, it is natural that it must fulfill its promise. If word spreads, what dignity will the Wood Spirit Sect have?

And when he said this, in addition to the promise, he wanted to get the method of removing black stains from Li Zhirui. "I want a sixth-level elixir recipe that can be passed down by the sect or family to speed up the cultivation of the Void Realm." Li Zhirui stated his goal very directly.

'The new virtual refining force? '

This sentence directly exposed a piece of information, but it was very insignificant, because a new Void Refining force like this was extremely common, and it was impossible to find his force based on this.

"Okay!" It's just a sixth-level elixir recipe, nothing like it.

You know, the Wood Spirit Sect is famous in Wanzhu Prefecture for its alchemy and spiritual planting. Let alone a sixth-level elixir recipe, even a seventh-level elixir recipe is not impossible.

As long as Li Zhirui is willing to hand over the secret method.

"The junior wants to use the secret method of planting white lotus in the spiritual veins in exchange for all the spiritual seeds needed for the elixir, as well as the other five sixth-level spiritual seeds. I wonder what the senior wants?"

When he said these words, Li Zhirui's attitude suddenly became respectful, like a request.

With the huge gap in strength between the two sides, it is not a good thing to remain so-called arrogant.

Li Zhirui wanted another sixth-level spiritual seed, so he naturally had the idea of ​​deducing the elixir formula. After all, there were too few elixir formulas to cover all the monks.

"Okay." The combined power didn't hesitate at all and agreed very simply.

The things he wanted were just a drop in the bucket for the Wood Spirit Sect, which had a large family and business. There was no need to bargain and waste time. He even asked Li Zhirui to mention the five spiritual seeds he wanted.

Li Zhirui naturally accepted this with pleasure. After thinking for a while, he named the five spiritual objects, namely Colorful Lotus, Yang Yuguo, Warm Moon Silver Flower, Xuanhuang Plum, and Yunqing Spirit Flower.

These five kinds of spiritual objects have the effect of warming and nourishing the soul and enhancing the strength of the soul.

Obviously, Li Zhirui is thinking about the future development and growth of himself and his family.

The great master didn't say anything and directly asked people to get the elixirs and various spiritual seeds.

Li Zhirui did not hand over the jade slip directly because he had not yet burned the method into it.

In other words, he did this on purpose.

Naturally, this little trick can't be hidden from the mature people, but no one has exposed it.

Not long after, the monk who took the elixir and spiritual seeds came back and handed it directly to Li Zhirui, who also handed the jade slip over.

“Full of creative ideas!”

The secret method is not too complicated. With the vision of a powerful combination, he quickly learned it. It uses a special method to condense the rich purification law into a special aura, and then transforms it into a lotus seed.

At this time, the lotus seed is just a pure spiritual light, but after a round of growth, it becomes a spiritual seed.

"Senior, you are so complimentary." Li Zhirui said modestly.

"Can you demonstrate it for us, little friend?"

Li Zhirui nodded and did the same thing. The reason why he used the white lotus to gather the purification laws was not only to save energy, but also to consider other monks.

After all, monks who master other laws cannot mobilize the laws of purification from heaven and earth like him, and can only rely on external help.

In reality, there must be very few monks who choose the Law of Purification, because it does not add any bonus to attack power!

Combat strength is not the most important, but as a means of protecting the road, it must not be inferior, otherwise it is easy to fall on the road of seeking.

This reason alone is enough to dissuade most monks. Unless someone is very compatible with the Law of Purification and will be of great benefit to future practice, basically no monks will choose the Law of Purification.

When Li Zhirui chose the Purification Law, firstly, he had many contracted spirit beasts and used spirit vines as a means of attack, which made up for most of his shortcomings in combat power.

The second is that he has the highest compatibility with the Law of Purification. In a small world like the Xuanyuan World where resources are scarce, of course, we must find ways to reduce the difficulty of cultivation.

"If there is nothing else, I will take my leave now." After Li Zhirui performed his performance in front of everyone, he planned to take his leave.

He had to rush to join the Wood Spirit Sect to get a few more combined forces in exchange for more training resources.

"Senrong, go see this little friend off."

A young-looking Void Refining cultivator stood up and led Li Zhirui away from the Wood Spirit Sect.

This treatment is completely different from when he came. This person's status and status in the Wood Spirit Sect are definitely not low.

The two chatted casually on the road, but they still wanted to find out Li Zhirui's true identity.

And he knew very well that the more he spoke, the more mistakes he made, so he spoke little along the way and only responded politely to the other party.

"Fellow Taoist, stop, I'll take my leave!"

The moment he walked out of the gate of Mu Ling Sect, Li Zhirui bowed his head and left as quickly as possible.

"Uncle, that man was too defensive and didn't ask anything about the situation." Senrong said a little discouraged after returning.

"At first glance, that person is from a small power. It can be said that he worked his way up from the bottom. It's normal that you can't test it out." The powerful man did not have high expectations for him.

Although Senrong has no experience in going out, his background determines that it is difficult for him to fall into dangerous situations, and he has never really entered the bottom.

"After this disaster is over, leave most of the life-saving means behind and go out to practice for a while."

"Yes!" The proud Senrong was naturally unconvinced, and immediately responded loudly to his uncle's evaluation of him.

The powerful man shook his head secretly. When he admitted Sen Rong into the sect, he found that he was expected to bring the sect to a higher level, but now he is protected very well!

If he had discovered it later, Senrong might have been ruined.

You know, to get to where they are now, which one of them has not gone through all kinds of life and death trials? How is it possible that just after a few playful experiences, there will be so much improvement?

Li Zhirui didn't expect that when he left, he would be treated as a tool. He was now busy flying to the next combined force.

(End of this chapter)

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