Chapter 936 Battle

"In this case, let's spread the lotus planting method for free, so that all the forces can inherit the sect's affection." The leader of the Dongyuan Sect said.

Although this favor is not huge, at least it has gained something.

"Just use the four-sided formation." A certain immortal suddenly said.

The Four Directions Formation, the full name of the Yuanling Dongzhou Four Directions Tianzhu Formation, is the crystallization of the wisdom of all the formation masters in the entire Immortal Dao! Its grade is that of an immortal.

Transmitting messages is only the simplest and most basic function. It is like a combination of various formations. It uses mountains, rivers and stars as formation materials, so the area of ​​the formation is extremely large, covering the entire East Continent.

Of course, the Square Formation is far more than that simple. It is also a very powerful defense and attack formation.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the immortal forces in Dongzhou have been verified and inspected, they will be able to obtain matching authority based on their strength.

However, few forces will activate the four-party formation because the cost is too high. Just using the formation to spread a message to several nearby states requires a huge amount of spiritual energy.

As for the Dongyuan Sect, which intends to spread the news throughout the entire East Continent, only the forces in the Fairyland have enough foundation to do so.

If it were the Li family, and Li Zhirui activated the four-sided formation, he would not be able to sustain even three breaths, and the spiritual energy generated by the spiritual veins would be completely drained!

The Dongyuan Sect quickly took action. Presided over by a fairy formation master, and assisted by dozens of Mahayana and Tribulation-Transcending monks, the four-sided formation was activated.

If the method is really as effective as the Dongyuan Sect says, the worst that can happen is that it owes a cause and effect, and it looks like it will just be paid back in the future.

Countless demon cultivators gathered here, and conflicts broke out at every moment. It was extremely common for the two sides to fight, and even to directly kill people, without attracting the slightest glance from any demon cultivator.

"The Dongyuan Sect is so selfless that they directly make their method public?"

If you look down at the entire Dongzhou at this time, you will find thousands of light spots flickering on the vast expanse of land.

The content is not much, it means that I have discovered a very simple method that is very effective in removing black dirt, and it also comes with the method of planting lotus.

The next moment, a beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth shot straight into the sky, and the corresponding stars in the sky also shined brightly, causing reactions from all over the Eastern Continent.

"The actions to pollute Dongzhou's spiritual veins were too hasty. In some places, the black dirt was not completely spread out at all. The culprit that caused all this has been integrated into the Holy Mountain."

Moreover, if they had obtained this method, they would never be so generous.

This means that so many immortal forces received messages from the Dongyuan Sect at the same time.

At the same time that the method of planting lotus was spreading widely, thousands of miles away in Xizhou, there was a towering, pitch-black Holy Mountain of Demonic Dao.

And he was the one who gave the solution!

Like a beast that has been hungry for a long time, it greedily devoured the spiritual energy in the world. Even in places like the Dongyuan Sect where the spiritual energy is so dense that it turns into clouds, you can clearly feel the spiritual energy when the formation is fully activated. It's become a lot thinner.

It wasn't until the demonic energy that soared into the sky appeared that the mountain returned to peace, or it became dead silent. On the huge mountain, there was an instant silence, and you could hear a needle drop!

Because the Demonic Immortal is here!

No demonic cultivator dares to provoke the masters of these demonic ways, because if they are not careful, they may be captured and used as training resources, even if they are their disciples.

Those small forces may not be familiar with the Dongyuan Sect tens of thousands of miles away, but they have more or less contact with the major fairyland forces.

But because he was worried that the big tree would attract wind, Li Zhirui concealed his identity so as not to show it to others.

The devil spent thousands of years deducing and perfecting the black dirt, and spent more than a thousand years sneaking into various parts of Dongzhou, polluting the spiritual veins of Dongzhou, and driving the immortals out of Dongzhou in just one or two days. It failed in a year!

Under the vigorous promotion of the Dongyuan Sect, in just one month, the method of planting lotus spread throughout Dongzhou and all the immortal forces!


And the source of all this turned out to be Li Zhirui, a little Void Refining cultivator!

No need to think too much, there must be other reasons for this, but it is impossible for them to activate the four-square formation for this trivial matter. After thinking about it, they put it behind them and began to understand the lotus planting method.

A calm, emotionless voice sounded, as if the temperature of the entire mountain had dropped a lot.

"I think those monks are currently busy trying to deal with Heizu. Taking advantage of their confusion and distraction, we can quickly capture Dongzhou."

As soon as these words came out, all the demon cultivators knew that a war was about to break out!

Originally, Mo Dao Wonderland planned to wait until the spiritual veins were seriously polluted and the spiritual energy produced contained waste gas before taking action.

After all, at this time, as long as the immortal is not a fool, it is impossible not to see that there is something wrong with the spiritual veins.

The Demon Dao chose to take action at this time in order to deny the Immortal Dao the opportunity and time to study Heizu.

It is true that countless demon cultivators spent countless efforts to create Black Scale, but it is impossible for immortals not to be able to find a way to crack it, it just takes time.

But now that Black Scale has been discovered by the monks in advance, the Demonic Way has to change its strategy.

Unfortunately, none of the demon cultivators now know that the real reason why Heizou was exposed was the betrayal of a certain demon cultivator before his death.

Just when the demon cultivators were dreaming of weakening the power of the immortals and driving them out of Dongzhou, bad news suddenly came.

A demonic cultivator lurking in a certain combined force in Dongzhou sent back an urgent message. The cultivators have found a solution! And it has spread completely, even casual cultivators know it!

This urgent news sent back several fairyland demon cultivators as if they were struck by lightning.

"How is this possible! Black dirt is a magic weapon that we have spent thousands of years researching to win! How is it possible that in just one year, monks have developed a method of restraint?" Even the demon cultivators in the fairyland are listening. After that, my mood became very bad.

The demonic cultivators never underestimate the cultivators' background and strength, so they originally came up with this method of harming others and themselves to reduce the cultivators' strength and improve their own winning rate.

But it is absolutely impossible. It only takes one year to find a solution.

A monk can use a thousand years, five hundred years, or even a hundred years to develop a solution, but he can't just use one year!

"Could this be false news deliberately spread by the monks?" Another fairyland demon cultivator said solemnly: "It makes us suspicious, so we won't take action immediately."

"That's right! That must be the case!"

Another fairyland demon cultivator echoed excitedly: "We must not be deceived by the monks' conspiracy! We should mobilize the army immediately to attack Dongzhou!"

The reason why he is so excited is because he has put a lot of effort into studying black dirt. From the Mahayana realm to the present, this is his proudest achievement!

If the monk solved it so easily, wouldn't he become a joke?

So no matter what, he can't accept it, and it may even become a mental barrier for him.

Although other demon cultivators in the fairyland did not believe in the authenticity of the news, they did not express their opinions because the arrow was on the string and had to be fired!

They have summoned all the magic cultivators here, and have used all means and methods to boost morale. Now the morale is as high as it can be.

If they announce that things have changed and tell everyone to go back to their homes, either morale will plummet, a large number of demon cultivators will be traumatized, or a big fight will break out internally!

Both of these situations, no matter which one they are, will weaken the strength of the devil, and they don't want to see this happen. So regardless of whether the news is true or false, they must mobilize troops to attack!

"Now that Immortal Dao is in crisis, it is the best time for us to take over the East Continent. By then, we will occupy the East and West continents, and no one in the entire Yuanling World will dare to be our enemy, and all living beings will become ours. Cultivation resources!”

All kinds of deceptive words continued to come out of his mouth, which aroused the morale of the demon cultivators higher and higher. They shouted at the top of their lungs: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"set off!"

Following the order from the fairyland demon cultivator, countless demon cultivators came out in full force, and the entire sky was dyed black.

Before the arrival of the demon cultivators, countless resources were transferred towards the junction of the West Continent and the East Continent, all of which were prepared for the upcoming war.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

But Li Zhirui, who returned to Wanxian Mountain, took out the various techniques and spiritual objects he had traded, and kept all the things that were useful to him, Daqing and others, and gave the others to the family.

With these things, the Li family looks like a real Lianxu family.

Of course, none of these can take effect immediately. Spiritual seeds need to be planted and techniques need to be learned, which all take time.

"Brother Ninth, you are finally back!"

Li Zhirui had just entered the spiritual realm for a moment when Daqing, Xiaoqing and Xiaocang came hand in hand.

"When did you come back?"

"It's been a while."

Xiao Qing replied casually and said: "Brother Ninth, we went out for training before and got a very precious spiritual root! We want to plant it in the space."

"Oh?" Li Zhirui raised his eyebrows slightly. It seems that it is really not easy to get such an evaluation.

When he saw the red dates that were temporarily planted in the spiritual plant jade tablet, he immediately understood why the three of them rushed over in the first place.

Opening his Dharma Eyes and observing carefully, Li Zhirui said with some surprise: "This is actually a seventh-level spiritual root?"

"You must have paid a big price for this red jujube plant, right?"

He carefully scanned the bodies of the three of them with his spiritual consciousness, and immediately found many hidden injuries. No wonder there was something wrong with their auras when they first arrived.

When Li Zhirui was pleasantly surprised, he thought it was because of their rush, but now he realized that he was seriously injured and has not fully recovered yet.

"You are taking too many risks! If your spiritual root is gone, you can think of other ways, but what if you lose your life?"

While Li Zhirui taught the three people a lesson, he began to plant red dates on a hilltop with independent space.

"In the next period of time, you should heal your wounds in Lingjing Sect."

Li Zhirui would not let them leave until their injuries healed and their hidden injuries were resolved.

In the following period, Li Zhirui became very fulfilled. In addition to daily absorbing the essence of the sun and moon, accelerating the transformation of the soul, and breathing in spiritual energy, he also had two more tasks.

The first is to mobilize the law of purification to clean up the hidden wounds in the bodies of Daqing and the others; the second is to comprehend the sixth-order elixir Sun Moon Yunyang Bao Dan obtained from the Wood Spirit Sect.

Li Zhirui invested more time and energy in understanding the elixir, because it was related to his own cultivation.

Until one day more than half a year ago, Li Xiansong came in a hurry and broke the peace.

"Ruizu, something bad has happened. An all-out battle broke out between the demonic and immortal realms! Chaos has broken out in Shanyuan Prefecture!" Li Xiansong said in a panic.

The cause of the chaos in Shanyuan Prefecture was not only those latent demon cultivators who took action, but also some casual cultivators who fished in troubled waters, especially in the mountains!

The complex terrain has created a large number of places where it is easy to conceal and hide. Some casual cultivators hide in the dark and attack secretly. Many cultivators are caught off guard and may be succeeded by the opponent.

"Activate the mountain protection formation, tell the clansmen not to go out, and send more clansmen to guard the mortal towns of the family to prevent the demon cultivators from slaughtering the villages." Li Zhirui gave the order in an orderly manner.

"Has the Zhang family launched a recruitment campaign?"

"Not yet." Li Xiansong shook his head.

"Then don't worry about this war between immortals and demons, let's develop our own strength first."

If the Li family participates in the war with their current strength, I don't know how many members of the clan can come back alive.

The war between immortals and demons, the huge meat grinding ground where battles may break out in the fairyland, is not a place where the Li family can participate.

Like the previous recruitment of the Zhang family to go to Wanzhuzhou to fight against the demon cultivators, although there was danger, it was still controllable, but a battle of this scale was too dangerous!

Some people may think that this is an excellent place for training.

But you must know that training is training, not death!

In an extremely chaotic battlefield, you are not facing a single demon cultivator. You may have defeated one demon cultivator one moment, but died at the hands of another demon cultivator the next moment.

Therefore, without recruitment from the Zhang family, Li Zhirui would not lead his clan members to participate in the Dao of Immortals and Demons!

If any tribesman wanted to participate, he would not stop him.

As for how they get to the battlefield, they have to rely on their own strength.

But Li Zhirui never imagined that Jiang Fengwu would be on the battlefield right now!

After Jiang Fengwu left Wanxian Mountain, he first practiced in the East China Sea and obtained a precious sixth-level Feng Shui spiritual object that suited him.

It's a pity that Donghai, which is obviously very suitable for her cultivation, did not allow her to make a breakthrough in her realm.

In desperation, Jiang Fengwu had no choice but to leave the East China Sea and return to the land, wandering around like floating clouds. He encountered many things and his mood improved.

But he just didn’t take the last step!

As a result, Jiang Fengwu stood in front of the Lianxu Gate for so many years without opening it.

And this time participating in the battle between immortals and demons was also a coincidence.

Jiang Fengwu was training in a state in the west of Dongzhou. Then he heard that the war broke out and it was not far away, so he went directly.

(End of this chapter)

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