Chapter 108
After listening to Chen Daojun's description, everyone who was originally excited gradually calmed down, yes!This time their target is the entire Asian country. Sniping the Thai Baht is only their first battle. There are still many battles waiting for them!
"Chen, do you think we have enough funds to attack countries like Indonesia and the Philippines next? If not, we at Goldman Sachs can continue to add more." James on the side said with sincerity in his eyes at this moment.

Bruce, the representative of Morgan Bank on the side, also nodded in agreement, "James is right. If the funds are not enough, we at Morgan Bank can also add additional funds! This kind of opportunity is really rare. If the funds are not enough, it would be a shame to miss the opportunity." ”

"You two old guys really don't want to spread the hawk before you see the rabbit! If it weren't for the huge gains from shorting the Thai baht this time, would you be so active?" Chen Daojun couldn't help complaining in his heart. If he had raised more funds before, If so, their income may be more than 40 billion US dollars, and more than half of the income will not be divided by Soros and other speculative institutions!
"How much more do you plan to add?" Chen Daojun asked after thinking for a while, "It won't be another few hundred million dollars, right? This is a bit misleading!"

"Ahem, no, no. This time our Goldman Sachs plans to add another 15 billion." James blushed, but quickly calmed down. If he had known that the short-selling of the Thai baht would go so smoothly this time, he should have invested more in the first place. That's right, after all, projects that can earn 30-40% profit in just a few months are not always available.

Bruce heard what James, an old friend, said, and he no longer hesitated, "Then we at Morgan Bank will add another 10 billion US dollars!"

"Hahaha, thank you two seniors for their support!" Chen Daojun smiled and thanked him, then looked at his trading team and asked, "Eric, how much money do we have now?"

"There are currently 186 billion U.S. dollars in the account, of which about 40 billion U.S. dollars need to be repaid to Taiguo Bank (the Thai baht loaned from Taiguo Bank for a period of one year), and it can still be used normally. There are still There are about 25 billion U.S. dollars, and if necessary, we can arrange to sell it now." Eric analyzed with the data report.

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised when they heard such an astonishing amount of account funds, but they soon relaxed. After all, Chen Daojun had collected nearly 100 billion US dollars alone, bought most of his own assets, and even used them like a stud. He pressed them all, he was like a crazy gambler!
"Sell those futures. Counting the 25 billion US dollars that Goldman Sachs and Morgan Bank will receive, more than 230 billion US dollars is enough! The foreign exchange reserves of Philippines and Indonesia are much smaller than those of Thailand. The two countries have It’s less than 200 billion in total. We can definitely attack the currencies of these two countries at the same time!” Chen Daojun looked at the information in his hand and finally made an extremely bold idea to fight on two fronts and short two countries at the same time, and the speed was as fast as Hurry up and don’t give other speculative institutions the chance to take advantage!
"Chen, this...isn't this a bit risky?" George on the side said nervously.James and Bruce also looked a little solemn. According to their ideas, it is safer to snipe country by country. Chen Daojun's proposal is risky!

"Is this plan a bit risky?" Chen Daojun said with a smile, "We are not the only ones shorting those countries in Asia! There is also Soros's group and those speculative institutions that have taken advantage of it! Satisfied with shorting the space country, and giving up the opportunity to attack other countries? As long as we act, others will be moved by the wind, and our pressure is far less than imagined!"

Listening to Chen Daojun's analysis, everyone thought for a moment and finally agreed to Chen Daojun's seemingly crazy plan!

------Dividing line------

Quantum Fund's conference room.

Soros, who had been successful in shorting the Thai baht, did not celebrate with his colleagues, but returned to the office with a heavy heart.As a veteran who has sniped at the national currency, he clearly felt that in addition to their Quantum Fund and allied financial speculators, there were other black hands controlling everything.

Soros, with a gloomy expression, was listening to the report of his subordinates. When he learned that their plan to snipe the Thai baht that they had carefully prepared for several months had only yielded more than 20 billion U.S. dollars, this made him very angry. It was obvious that he planned it with all his heart. After so long, I even found many institutions to borrow funds. In order to improve the success rate of short selling, I did not hesitate to attract many colleagues to form temporary alliances.But this is less than 20% of the income, how can he accept it!

Soros pounded the table angrily and shouted angrily, "Have you investigated clearly? Besides us, who else is shorting the Thai baht? Especially which institution was it that suddenly sold the Thai baht in large amounts before?"

"It should be Goldman Sachs Group. According to the information we got, Goldman Sachs Group sold a lot of Thai baht at that time. And when they hoarded Thai baht, they probably absorbed Thai baht from the market since March." The subordinate said tremblingly, This was the first time he had seen Soros so angry.

"Fuck! The robbers of Goldman Sachs! They must have discovered my plan and intercepted our results halfway! Damn it, they succeeded!" Soros soon understood that he could mobilize such a huge amount of funds, and Only big institutions can do it so far in advance!
Soros cursed Goldman Sachs Group for its shameless behavior for a long time, but finally swallowed his breath. As one of the giants of Wall Street, the powerful Goldman Sachs Group was not something he and Quantum Fund could compete with. He endured the calm for a while and took a step back. The sky is brighter~ When he gets the chance in the future, he will definitely make Goldman Sachs look good!

The success of sniping against the Thai baht made him more determined that his plan was correct and feasible. Next, he would quickly snipe at the currencies of other Asian countries to expand the results.

"Sun Country's foreign exchange reserves are 2100 billion US dollars, Singapore's foreign exchange reserves are more than 700 billion, Xiangjiang's foreign exchange reserves are more than 800 billion, and Bangzi Country's foreign exchange reserves are less than 200 billion..." Soros checked the information in his hand, and soon found the next one Sniper target——Bangzi Country!Chen Daojun did not expect that Soros would change the target of the sniping due to his own intervention, so that Bangziguo, which should have been sniped by international speculators in November 1997, embarked on the miserable road of national bankruptcy ahead of schedule...

(End of this chapter)

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