The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 111 The Peso Crash, Chen Yangji's Arrangement

Chapter 111 The Peso Crash, Chen Yangji's Arrangement

Affected by the depreciation of the peso, the thriving Philippine stock market once collapsed, and the stock market plummeted by more than 60%. Foreign capital, after discovering that something was wrong at the beginning, rushed to withdraw from the Philippines in order to avoid risks in an attempt to avoid risks.This caused the real estate industry and financial industry in the Philippines to experience a cliff-like plunge.Unable to bear the pressure of national bankruptcy, the Philippines had to turn to the IMF again, hoping to get assistance from it to rebuild the country's economy.


Inside Bangzi Country, Jiangnan Villa Area.

"Boss, this time we made a lot of money! We suddenly sniped the Philippines and Indonesia this time, and the other speculators didn't have time to keep up. We got a lot of money! That old James, his mouth is about to smile crookedly!" On the other end of the phone was Eric, Goldman Sachs' gold trader.

"Haha! I knew this old guy must be secretly having fun now!" Chen Daojun said with a smile, "How much profit can we make from sniping these two countries this time?"

"According to the current estimates, including the contracts in the futures market, we can earn about 25 billion US dollars. The main reason is that these two countries do not have much oil and water, and there is not much profit to be scraped." Eric said with some regret .

In other words, the funds we can now have are close to 300 billion? "Chen Daojun was stunned for a moment, and then asked happily, if there is really so much money, then they can consider picking those "big fish" to start with!

"That's right, it's just that some of the funds need to be transferred before they can be used." Eric replied in the affirmative.

"That's okay. Next, we will hold a remote video meeting tomorrow to discuss the next plan!" Chen Daojun said excitedly.

"Okay, BOSS!"


Looking at Chen Daojun who was in a good mood in the living room, Mou Xianmin brought the washed fruit over and asked curiously, "I see you have been on the phone here for a while, why don't you talk in English again? Is the other party a foreigner?"

Chen Daojun smiled and said yes, "Yeah, I'm chatting with my friends from Pretty Country." Mou Xianmin didn't think too much about Chen Daojun's explanation. In the past few months, Chen Daojun would fly to Pretty Country from time to time "Further study" of legal knowledge, it is normal to have some acquainted friends there.

"By the way, Daojun. There is something I want to discuss with you. Can you lend some money to my father? Recently, there has been a new change in the policy of the Blue House, requiring all companies to repay the loan as soon as possible. Dad (Mou Yongpei) There is a lot of pressure. In order to expand the scale of Xiancheng Daily, we mortgaged 20% of the company’s shares to the bank. Although we have made some profits in the past two years, it is still very difficult to take out so much money at once.”

Seeing Mou Xianmin's worried look, Chen Daojun got up and hugged her, and said softly, "Sister Xianmin, how can you be so polite? My father-in-law is in trouble, so of course my son-in-law must do my best." In his opinion, although Xiancheng Daily He is the leader of the domestic media industry in Bangziguo, but his size is limited after all. Compared with Shunyang Group, Daying Group and even Daewoo Group, he is nothing more than a small witch. To have a loan of 4-5 million US dollars is already It's awesome!
"I'll call Wu Shixian later. You can ask your father-in-law to go directly to Miracle Group tomorrow to contact him. Lending him 4 million US dollars should be enough, right?" Chen Daojun thought for a while and added.

"Enough, enough! My father borrowed less than 3 million U.S. dollars." Hearing that Chen Daojun agreed to borrow money to help her natal family, Mou Xianmin quickly said that now she is engaged to Chen Daojun, and it is only a matter of time before she gets married (Bangzi Guo The age of marriage here is 20 years old), the water that the married daughter throws out, it’s fine to help the mother’s family once in a while, if you help the mother’s family every day, you will be laughed at by others.

"Then I helped Sister Xianmin solve the problem, how are you going to repay me?" Chen Daojun stroked Mou Xianmin's soft body and whispered in her ear.As soon as he finished speaking, Mou Xianmin, who sensed something was wrong, tried to break away from Chen Daojun's arms, but how could Chen Daojun, who was well prepared, let the "little sheep" who came to his door escape?

Chen Daojun picked him up directly, ignored Mou Xianmin's struggle, turned around and walked towards the room, halfway Chen Daojun said proudly, "Hey, don't resist, today I, the big bad wolf, will eat the little sheep~ !"


Zheng Xin Zhai.

Chen Yangji looked at his three children with a gloomy face. Director Li had already told the three of them the request of Kim Yongsam and the Minister of Finance at the Blue House two days ago.Chen Yongji's expression was decadent. He originally thought that he had successfully won Han Dao Iron and Steel, and successfully fulfilled his father Chen Yangji's wish. He also successfully held the position of vice president.

Unexpectedly, Han Dao Steel, which was acquired through untold hardships, has become a huge hot potato, with a debt of more than 4 trillion Korean won. The money is used to fill the gap!

Chen Dongji looked at his elder brother Chen Yongji and couldn't help but gloated. After all, he tried his best to prevent Chen Yongji from acquiring Han Dao Steel. Now that he thinks about it, he really has "foresight"!

"Why don't you ask my brother? After all, Han Dao Steel was purchased by my brother at the beginning. It cost 7500 billion yuan!" Chen Dongji sneered.Although Chen Huarong on the side didn't speak, he still had an expression that he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

Chen Yongji was speechless for a while by his own brother, not knowing what to say.After all, that is a huge debt of 4 trillion yuan, even if it is converted into US dollars, it will cost billions. How can they Shunyang Group have so much money now!

Seeing that the two brothers were having conflicts again, Chen Yangji yelled directly, "Enough! You are here to figure out a solution, not to shirk and find excuses here! Huarong, your Shunyang Department Store has performed well in the past two years. , There are still a lot of funds in the account, don't you think? Take half of it to repay the debt of Han Dao Steel."

"Dad! How is this possible! What Shunyang Department Store is today is due to my hard work. Why should I spend so much money to fill the hole of Handao Steel! It's not me who bought Handao Steel!" Chen Huarong, who was still planning to take advantage of her, never thought that Chen Yangji would directly target her and demand money from her, even asking for half of her account balance. What the hell is the difference between this and killing her!Moreover, she didn't buy the hot potato of Handao Steel, so why should her Shunyang Department Store pay the bill? !
"Because you are my daughter and the daughter of Shunyang Group! If Shunyang collapses, will your Shunyang Department Store survive?" Chen Yangji said angrily, "And you! Shunyang Fire Insurance and Shunyang Chemical also Take out half of the account balance and use it to repay the loan!" Chen Yangji looked at his somewhat clever second son Chen Dongji and said solemnly.

"Dad! This is inappropriate. I didn't cause the incident, so why should I be held responsible?" Chen Dongji directly objected.

(End of this chapter)

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