Chapter 113 Responses from all parties

An hour later, Jin Yuzhong finally left the Blue House satisfied. After a series of "coercion and temptation", Jin Yongsan finally agreed to his request. Daewoo Group's loan can be postponed for three years, which gave Jin Yuzhong a breathing space.

Looking at the back of Jin Yuzhong leaving, Jin Yongsan, who was sitting on the presidential throne, was still burning with anger. This was the first time he encountered such a thing since becoming president.There really is a chaebol who not only threatens him with words, but also forces him to make concessions. It is a shame!
"Jin Yuzhong, you will have to pay the price for today's actions sooner or later!" The furious Jin Yuzhong broke three ornaments in a row, venting his anger in his heart.Seeing Jin Yongsan losing his composure, the two confidantes on the side didn't dare to speak, so they had to wait quietly in the distance.


What happened at the Blue House quickly spread to the ears of several big chaebols.Everyone expressed disbelief at the rhetoric and actions of Daewoo Group Jin Yuzhong. The world's top 500, a well-known multinational company, is actually a poor ratio with less than 1/2 of its assets and liabilities?Dude, how did Kim Woo Joong manage to be "so powerful"? !

Daying Group.

President Zhu Yirong, who was originally sad, now showed a rare smile, "I never thought that Jin Yuzhong would be so courageous and have such a high debt, and he has never been exposed!"

The eldest son Zhu Mengxu said with a smile, "Yes! Originally, I thought that the marriage between Shunyang Group and Daewoo Group must be a bad thing for our Daying Group. But I didn't expect that Daewoo Group is just an empty shell!"

Everyone looked happy when they heard Zhu Mengxu's words.They have been having a hard time these past few days. In order to raise funds, it can be said that they have racked their brains and tried their best to deduct a part of the funds that can be temporarily embezzled, which looks like 4-5 million US dollars.I thought that if I used such a small amount of money to repay the loan, I would probably be scolded by the Blue House.

But with the precedent of Kim Woo-jung, what else can the president say?At least they have used part of the funds to repay the loan, and their repayment attitude is very positive.It's not like some people who owe money and don't pay it back, pretending to be a bad guy!

"I guess the old fox Chen Yangji's face is dark now! I thought we could join forces with the Daewoo Group, but it turns out that the Daewoo Group is a loser!" said the second son Zhu Mengjiu with some gloating.When everyone heard this, they couldn't help laughing, right?A few months ago, they were quite anxious about the news that the eldest son of the Shunyang Group was getting married to the daughter of the Daewoo Group. Aren't No. 2 and No. 3 joining forces for the No. 1 Daying Group?Now that they have just united, Daewoo Group has a problem, and Chen Yangji's plan has obviously failed!

"Hahaha! Mengjiu is right! This guy Chen Yangji is probably furious now!" Zhu Yirong laughed loudly. In his opinion, Chen Yangji, the old guy who has been suppressed by him for more than ten years and has been the second-largest child for ten thousand years, is still It is simply wishful thinking to want to turn over the salted fish!


Zheng Xin Zhai.

Director Li quickly reported the news obtained by the Secretariat to Chen Yangji.Chen Yangji was numb. He never thought that the allies he had tried so hard to win over, even at the expense of his most valued eldest grandson, Chen Xingjun, turned out to be a bottomless pit!
"Axi! The debt is 70 trillion yuan! How on earth does that bastard Jin Yuzhong run the company? That's a debt that is higher than the country's foreign exchange reserves!" Chen Yangji couldn't help but cursed. He originally thought that Jin Yuzhong was an honest man, but he didn't succeed. To think that he is a black-bellied old bastard who even lied to his own people is simply shameless!

"President, what should we do next? Vice President Chen Yongji, do you want to inform him?" Mr. Li, who was on the side, saw Chen Yangji's expression, and finally raised his own question.From his point of view, paper can't hold fire. Everyone will know about Daewoo Group soon. It's better to inform Chen Yongji as soon as possible so that he can prepare early.

"..." After hearing what Director Li said, Chen Yangji was obviously stunned for a moment, yes!In order to successfully form an alliance, he did not hesitate to push his eldest grandson Chen Xingjun out and marry Jin Yuzhong's youngest daughter, but who knew that this would be the result?Tell them that he, as an elder, made poor decisions and chose the wrong person for marriage, thus cheating his grandson?Then where is his old face going to be put!


Chen Yangji was silent for a long time, and finally said with some disappointment, "Tell Yongji about Daewoo Group... and let him not think too much." Although it was only a dozen words, there was a sense of guilt in his words. .

As a confidant for many years, Chief Li quickly understood what Chen Yangji meant. It seemed that the old president felt wronged by his eldest grandson!


Miracle Group meeting room.

Chen Huarong, who suffered from Zhengxinzhai, felt unwilling to seek Wu Shixian from Miracle Group again, hoping to get more help from him.

"President Wu, our Shunyang Department Store and Miracle Group have cooperated for so many years, and they have always cooperated well. If Miracle Group has any new projects in the future, remember to call us!" Chen Huarong smiled sweetly at Wu Shixian. At the beginning, Miracle Company also It's just a small company, and she doesn't care about it.

However, the other party relied on Wall Street capital giants to advance rapidly in just a few years, defeating the Hanjin Group, and annexing companies such as Hanjin Shipping and Hanjin Land Transportation. It was also very surprising to hear that the original President Lu was impeached and stepped down early. The capital giants behind them have an inexplicable relationship.

"If you have nothing to do, go to the Three Treasures Hall. President Chen must have other things to discuss when you come here this time, right?" Wu Shixian naturally did not speak rashly, but instead asked directly about the other party's intentions.

"Pfft——" Chen Huarong couldn't help laughing, "Since President Wu is quick to speak, then I won't go around the bush. I hope that President Wu and Miracle Group can help me to become the president of Shunyang Group! "

Wu Shixian was obviously stunned for a moment, and then smiled and said, "President Chen is not joking, is he? How can it be so easy to get the position of president of Shunyang Group? Your elder brother, the vice president of Shunyang Products, Mr. Chen Yongji has been looking forward to it for almost 30 years, but he still hasn't sat on it!"

"President Wu, Ming people don't speak dark words. I know that the Goldman Sachs Group on Wall Street is behind your Miracle Group. With their strength, there is absolutely no problem in helping me to the top. As long as I become the president of Shunyang Group, I can be with you." We have in-depth cooperation with Miracle Group and even Goldman Sachs Group, and I can promise things that my father cannot promise!"

Wu Shixian never expected that Chen Huarong, the daughter of the Shunyang Group, who looked very arrogant and even short-sighted, had such big ambitions, and dared to pay such a big price. It seems that he underestimated this woman in the past. !

 Originally thinking about today's Valentine's Day... I thought about it later, no!The tea eggs of a single dog are not worthy of the festival... let's continue to code...

  Adding another chapter, wishing everyone a sweet holiday date and getting out of singles as soon as possible~
(End of this chapter)

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