The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 115 Next step plan, desperate Yong 1

Chapter 115 The next step plan, desperate Yong San

If the Four Asian Tigers are just a ranking of comprehensive development and development, then the Sun Country, Yanxia Xiangjiang and Xinjiapo can definitely be regarded as the rich "rich households" in Asia, and they are definitely not comparable to those small players before. ! In 1997, Singapore's foreign exchange reserves exceeded 700 billion US dollars, Yanxia Xiangjiang's foreign exchange reserves were 928 billion US dollars, and the foreign exchange reserves of Sun International, which ranked first, reached 2100 billion US dollars!
These three countries and regions with "money in their pockets" are no longer something speculators like them can deal with alone.Unless it is a joint attack, it is difficult to succeed.And once these powerful economies are conquered, the profits they can get will far exceed the rewards for attacking those small countries before!
"If I guess correctly, Soros and those speculators who have tasted the sweetness will also snipe at other areas. And the target is either Singapore Slope or Xiangjiang in the hot summer. At that time, we can also participate and get a share of the pie." Chen Daojun thought about it. In the memory of the previous life, after these international speculators successfully attacked Singapore, their confidence was extremely inflated. When they attacked the Hong Kong stock market, differences arose.Some swollen speculators planned to fight on multiple fronts and went to Eastern Europe to snipe Da Mao. However, the stubborn Da Mao held back the short-selling funds.

This also led to changes in the process of shorting Xiangjiang. What was supposed to be a quick sniper battle was turned into a stalemate by Xiangjiang.Yanxia Kingdom is continuously raising funds from the rear to support Xiangjiang.

In the end, Xiangjiang, which had more reserve funds, won the sniper war with great difficulty, defeating the myth of invincibility among international investors.It only injured the enemy a thousand times and damaged itself eight hundred. Even if the opponent's plot to snipe Xiangjiang was foiled, the price Xiangjiang paid was extremely huge.


"Chen, but Singapore and Xiangjiang have so much foreign exchange reserves, can we really succeed?" James, who was sitting next to Eric, said with some doubts.

"It's hard to say whether the sniping will be successful. But we will definitely get a lot of benefits from it! How much we can earn depends on how we operate." Chen Daojun said confidently. According to the timeline of his previous life, although sniping Xiangjiang and The last Sun Country did not succeed, but as speculators, they still got a lot of wool from these two regions and countries, and returned with a full reward!And as long as they don't follow up blindly, they can catch leaks behind the Soros group, and retreat immediately if the signs are wrong. At most, they will earn less money, and the risk will naturally be much smaller.

"You continue to stare at Soros and Quantum Fund. After confirming their goals, we will follow up two days later, but this time the focus is on the futures market! Whichever they attack, we will short that side in the futures market currency!"

Chen Daojun's proposal was quickly approved by James, Bruce and others. After all, in the current situation, if you want to obtain higher returns, you must ensure that the next snipe can be successful.Otherwise, they have struggled for so long, wouldn't it be nothing to fetch water from the bamboo basket?


The government of Bangzi Country, which has declared bankruptcy, is in an extremely difficult situation at the moment.President Kim Yong-sam never expected that such an outrageous thing would happen during his term of office, it was like a fucking dream!Every day at the Blue House, subordinates come to report which companies have gone bankrupt, which factories have closed down, and how many workers have lost their jobs... For more than a week, I have not received any good news. information!
"Mr. President, if you don't want to save yourself now, the situation will become more and more unmanageable!" The confidant on the side couldn't help but reminded. The "powerful country" collapsed like this, and none of the Western countries were willing to help.

"Then tell me, how can we save ourselves? Our foreign exchange reserves have been robbed by those bastards!" At this moment, Jin Yongsan is very decadent. Bankrupt during his tenure!Those people outside are afraid that they want to kill him!
"Mr. President, we can call on the people to donate gold! As long as we can raise enough gold, we can tide over the difficulties!" The Minister of Finance said excitedly. He was still thinking about a good plan, and he quickly proposed a A highly feasible method can overcome the crisis in front of us and restore the tragic ending of the country's bankruptcy.

"Calling the public to donate gold?!" Jin Yongsan was completely stunned. What was the difference between such an outrageous method and begging from the public?Once he agrees to do this, I am afraid that his president will be completely disgraced, and the people who have supported him will be extremely disappointed in him, and may even lead to impeachment from his political opponents!
"Mr. President, as long as we can save the bankrupt country, we are heroes! If we continue to allow the situation to deteriorate, we will not end well!" The Minister of Finance has completely given up at this moment, as long as he can raise money to save the country , how can you care about other things?

Jin Yongsan hesitated for a long time, and finally agreed to the proposal of the Minister of Finance. Just like an old saying in Yanxia Kingdom, "choose the lesser of two disadvantages" is the right choice!


Under the suggestion of the government, many groups and institutions began to encourage people to donate gold to save the bankrupt country.At the beginning, many people scoffed at this. You must know that the debt that the country cannot repay this time is hundreds of billions of dollars!Relying on those people living at the bottom, even if they actively donate gold, how much can they get together?
But they were quickly slapped in the face.After a large number of people knew the crisis facing the country, they did not stand by and watch. Instead, they took out the treasured gold ornaments from their homes and went to the donation point to donate them.And more and more people came to fundraise.

Seeing the people donating gold enthusiastically, attracted many media reporters to report.Some chaebols and companies with a keen sense of smell can't sit still.At the suggestion of their husbands, the wives of some business executives took out part of their gold jewelry and donated them.Of course, this scene "coincidentally" was captured by reporters, and the subsequent media news reports soon ushered in the praise of many people and the reposting of reports by official agencies.

This situation quickly attracted the attention of other chaebols and companies, so all major chaebols began to take action.The same is true of the Chen family in Shunyang.

On Saturday, Chen Yangji called all the children to Zhengxinzhai, and then asked them to prepare. On Sunday, he followed his mother Li Biyu to the donation point to donate part of the gold.The four brothers and sisters of the Chen family were well aware of the meaning of this "political show", and no one raised objections.

(End of this chapter)

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