The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 124 Chen Daojun: Give this dividend to Chen Yangji

Chapter 124 Chen Daojun: Give this dividend to Chen Yangji

"Ahem, son, according to our previous agreement, you recover the cost of 3000 million U.S. dollars. We will split the remaining 17000 million U.S. dollars 3400/[-]. I can get [-] million U.S. dollars, right?" Chen Runji ignored Chen Daojun. Instead, he continued to express his long-awaited goal, to get a dividend!

"Dad, don't worry, can I still be short of you for this money?" Chen Daojun said a little speechlessly, "But, are you sure you got the dividend, can you keep it? The secretariat of Shunyang Group is not a vegetarian." Yep, if there's a sign of trouble, they'll know soon enough!"

"...Then...then what should I do?" Chen Runji's mentality was a little out of balance, because he missed the well-informed secretariat of Shunyang Group. Now that the domestic economy is in depression, not many big companies can withstand the broken capital chain. Problems, one after another went bankrupt.Although the Shunyang Group has a big business, the situation is not very optimistic.

If Chen Yangji knew about it, he might not be able to keep the money.But asking him to spit out the money he is about to receive is unacceptable to anyone!
"Dad, you can continue to hold the 3400 million US dollars, but for the remaining 1.3 million US dollars, we might as well be a favor and hand over the money to grandpa, so that we can leave a good impression in front of grandpa!" Chen Daojun was very pleased He soon came up with an idea. In his opinion, his worth has already reached tens of billions of dollars, and this mere 1.3 million dollars is just a drop in the bucket. If he can use this little money to fool the people who live in the Chen family, this deal is worth it!
"So much money, are you really willing to give it to your grandfather?" Chen Runji was a little shocked. You must know that this is more than 1 million US dollars. Now that the exchange rate between Bangzi Country's Korean Won and Pretty Country has fallen to a low point, 2000 million US dollars is enough. More than [-] billion won!
"How much is 1.3 million U.S. dollars?" Chen Daojun said with some disdain, "Dad, you have been looked down upon by grandpa and those uncles and aunts for so many years. You don't want to fight for it. Prove to them that running a film and television company can make money?"

Chen Daojun's words were like opening a Pandora's box, instantly recalling the discrimination and criticism Chen Runji had received over the past few decades. How proud it was to have the opportunity to feel proud and slap those who mocked and looked down on him in the face one by one. It’s a happy thing, but it comes in exchange for my son’s investment return of US$1.3 million!
"Daojun, are you...sure that you want your father to hand over this money to your grandfather?" Chen Runji was obviously a little moved, but he still restrained his inner desire and asked his youngest son for his opinion again.

"Leave it to him. This 1.3 million can be exchanged for their fair treatment of our family. I think it's worth it! At least my mother will never be gossiped about by them again!" Chen Daojun said firmly.

The two of them, father and son, could directly hand over the money they earned from investing in filming to Chen Yangji. Who else would dare to take Chen Runji out of business and embarrass the Chen family in Shunyang? !What happened to marrying a female celebrity as his wife?He took 1.3 million US dollars to support the Chen family in Shunyang, who dares to make irresponsible remarks!

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Chen Runji was very moved, and said in a hoarse tone, "Okay, then I will hand over the money to your grandfather according to your wishes."

Chen Daojun smiled and said, "When Dad goes to Zhengxin Zhai, it's best to hand over the check to Grandpa when the uncles and aunts are all around. I think their expressions must be wonderful!"

"Okay, I understand what you mean! Hahaha!" Chen Runji understood his son Chen Daojun's proposal.Before, it was because his teacher was Chen Yangji's illegitimate son. Although Li Biyu didn't embarrass him publicly, Chen Yongji, Chen Dongji, and Chen Huarong have often embarrassed him because of this.

Since Chen Daojun showed his intelligence, the situation of their family has improved a lot. However, the second eldest brother Chen Dongji and the third eldest brother Chen Huarong hold a grudge because they sided with the eldest brother Chen Yongji, and they frequently slandered and belittled their family in front of Chen Yangji.

Now that he, the fourth child who is not up to the mark, can directly hand over 1.3 million US dollars to Chen Yangji, what else can his three half-brothers and sisters use to slander their family?

Miracle Group, at 8 pm, Chen Daojun, Wu Shixian and Rachel are all gathered in the meeting room, waiting for the next remote video conference.

"Chen, I finally saw you again. I heard from George that you took your girlfriend on vacation? But he called you back again, hahaha!" James couldn't help teasing when he saw Chen Daojun in front of the camera. .

"James, I advise you to be kind!" Chen Daojun didn't expect that the old guy James would actually tease him about this matter. George was also ignorant, so why would he say such a thing to this old man!
Seeing Chen Daojun looking at him with an unfriendly expression, George could only cough twice in embarrassment, not daring to say more.It's just that the old guy James saw that Chen Daojun was a little angry, so he brought back the somewhat crooked meeting topic.

"Short Xiangjiang this time, Chen, do you have any plans?" James asked solemnly, "I heard from George earlier that you think the risk of shorting Xiangjiang this time is a bit high and may fail?"

"Yes! I don't think shorting Xiangjiang this time will be as smooth as the previous few times. The foreign exchange reserves of Xiangjiang alone are as high as 900 billion U.S. dollars, which has surpassed the previous Xinjiapo, and Xiangjiang has returned to the hot summer. Once there is a problem with Xiangjiang, Yanxia officials will definitely not sit idly by. You must know that Yanxia country's foreign exchange reserves are a full 1400 billion U.S. dollars, adding the two together, even Sun Country does not have such a huge foreign exchange reserve!"

After hearing what Chen Daojun said, James was a little silent. Even Bruce from Morgan Bank, who was used to seeing big waves, didn't know how to argue. After all, what Chen Daojun said was true, and they had all the information on hand, but They all subconsciously ignored the Yanxia Kingdom, which had been diving for decades and had been developing steadily.

"But this opportunity is really rare. Now international speculators can mobilize as much as 300-400 billion US dollars, plus the more than 400 billion US dollars we have on hand. It would be a pity not to give it a try. Got it!" James thought of his previous successful short selling experiences and generous returns, and it was really hard to let him go.

Especially after the Singapore dollar collapsed, their Goldman Sachs Group and Morgan Group took the opportunity to buy many properties and company stocks in Singapore at almost diving prices. There is huge room for upside. As long as Singapore's economy recovers, they will Bo can at least earn another few billion dollars!
(End of this chapter)

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