The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 127 The hero Yin Xuanyou in the original play?

Chapter 127 The hero Yin Xuanyou in the original play?
While Mou Xianmin and Chen Daojun were laughing and playing, a young man with glasses walked in from outside the store and walked towards the proprietress in front of the counter.I saw him feeling a little disappointed and saying, "Mom, I still can't find dad. I don't know where he went."

"...Forget it, Xuanyou! Leave him alone, go and finish your homework first. You have to go to school tomorrow!" The proprietress' face darkened, then she looked at her sensible son in front of her, and forced a smile.

"But now my father is unemployed, and my mother's business is not good,..." Yin Xuanyou looked at it with some worry. He is already in his teens and already understands that his family's current situation is not very good. His father just lost his job, and the restaurant run by his mother Affected by the economic crisis, the number of diners who come to dine is much less than before.

"Xuanyou, don't worry. Even if your father loses his job, there is still mother here, so you and your brother won't suffer!" The proprietress looked at her sensible son, and was moved in her heart, then hugged her child in her arms, Comforting him in a low voice, and at the same time comforting herself, she must not fall down, she still has two sons to take care of!

Chen Daojun and Mou Xianmin who were dining naturally saw this touching scene of a loving mother and a filial son. Mou Xianmin said with some emotion, "That child seems very pitiful. Do you want to help him?"

Chen Daojun was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Mou Xianmin to have such an emotional side, but if he thought about it carefully, he could understand. After all, Mou Xianmin now has a successful career, a gentle fiancé, and has not experienced the darkening experience in his previous life. It's normal for her to be moved by such a scene.

"Of course I can help. I just heard from the proprietress that the child is called Xuanyou..." Chen Daojun said with a smile, a bright light flashed in his eyes.

The male lead in the original play seems to be named Yin Xuanyou in his previous life. His father lost his job after Yazhen Motors went bankrupt and became decadent.The restaurant business run by my mother also plummeted. In the end, because of the sharp drop in the stocks she invested in, she couldn't think about committing suicide.But the young Yin Xuanyou resolutely dropped out of school and went out to work to take care of a family of three. In the end, relying on his tenacity of loyalty, hard work, and willingness to beat and scold, he finally became a middle-level member of the Shunyang Group. He was deeply loved by Chen Yongji, Chen Xingjun, etc. People's trust.If it wasn't for being betrayed by these black-bellied capitalists and being reborn after being headshot into the sea, I am afraid that the story of Chen Daojun in the original play would not have happened.

"If it is really him, then fund him in advance, bring him under his command, and train him carefully. He will be a very useful talent!" Chen Daojun soon had an idea in his heart. Although talented people with outstanding abilities are rare, they have always been Loyal confidants are even more valuable.


After finishing the meal, Chen Daojun came to the front desk to check out, and chatted with the proprietress by the way, "Is that boy just now your child? He looks very filial!"

Chen Daojun's seemingly ordinary praise made the proprietress very happy, and then happily introduced Chen Daojun, "Well, he is my eldest son Yin Xuanyou. This kid has good grades and is very filial. It's just that his father Recently lost his job, he was worried."

When Chen Daojun got the definite answer, he couldn't help but reveal a meaningful smile, "This is really the boy! It seems that I am very lucky today!"

"May I have a chat with this child?" Chen Daojun's proposal stunned the proprietress for a moment, but she was soon relieved.Judging by Chen Daojun's attire, he is obviously an elite, ordinary people like them have nothing to worry about.

"Okay, let me call him." The proprietress called out Yin Xuanyou who was in the lounge.Chen Daojun looked at the immature Yin Xuanyou in front of him, looked at himself with some vigilance, and couldn't help laughing.

"You are Yin Xuanyou, right? I heard the conversation you had with the boss lady just now. You are a filial child. But as a man, you have to be strong to be able to take good care of your mother and brother! I'm optimistic about you!" Chen Dao touched Yin Xuanyou's head. It was the first time that Yin Xuanyou, a middle school student, was praised so much by a stranger, and a smile subconsciously appeared on his face.

"My wife and I like the restaurant of this restaurant very much. I hope you can continue to operate it. By the way, I am a lawyer. This is my business card. If you need legal assistance or other help, you can contact me!" Chen Daojun said , while taking out two business cards from his pocket, one for the proprietress and one for Yin Xuanyou.

After Chen Daojun and Mou Xianmin left, the proprietress looked at the leaving figure of the other party, looked at the business card in her hand, and then suddenly sneered, and then put the business card on the counter, ignoring it.Perhaps in her heart, Chen Daojun was just a customer who was overwhelmed with sympathy for a while. How could it be possible to ask the other party to pay real money for help?
On the contrary, Yin Xuanyou held the business card in his hand and put it solemnly in his schoolbag. He had a feeling that he might need it in the future!

At noon the next day, Chen Daojun, who was fishing in the law firm, received a call from his father, Chen Runji.Before he could ask, Chen Runji told him the situation directly, "I just received a call from your uncle asking if I was at home tonight. They wanted to come over for a visit. Daojun, what do you think?"

"Oh? My uncle can't sit still now?" Chen Daojun was a little surprised, and then quickly reacted, and said to his father Chen Runji, "Then see you, according to my guess, this uncle is probably Come to show favor and win over father!"

"Then why don't you come back tonight, with you here, I can relax a bit." Chen Runji still hesitated about his son's conjecture. It would be fine if the other party came to show his favor, but what if the conjecture was wrong? ...Forget it, let Chen Daojun come back and let him deal with it!

"Okay, I'll come over then." Chen Daojun thought for a while and agreed to Chen Runji's proposal. He was also very curious about what this uncle Chen Yongji wanted to do.


"Boss Chen, Boss Ma needs to go through the procedures for registering the company. I have taken people to complete the registration in the past two days. Next, as long as the company gets the office address, we can officially open for business!" Wu Luomin handed over a pair of certificate materials. After showing it to Chen Daojun, he said with some excitement.

That's a total of five companies, and it's still a one-time registration!He has been a lawyer all these years, and he has never seen a client with such a generous hand, it is too arrogant!
Chen Daojun flipped through the documents, "Well, yes, the information is complete!" Chen Daojun nodded in agreement, and then said to the other party, "You should call me Daojun or Young Master Chen! I am not a club member, I'm not used to people calling me boss!"

 I have contacted the editor, and I am working hard to save chapters 122 and 125 in the little black room~ Brothers who have automatically subscribed can go to the beginning of the novel → the column related to works, there are original chapters 122 and 125, you need to read them manually

(End of this chapter)

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