Chapter 129
Hearing what Chen Runji said, Chen Yongji and Sun Zhenglai were even more satisfied, and this old fourth must be reliable!Unlike the second eldest brother Chen Dongji and the third eldest brother Chen Huarong, they only worry about the inheritance rights of Shunyang Group every day when they are not doing business, and from time to time they give him troubles and ridicule him as the eldest brother!In the end, they are not as good as this half-brother, which makes me feel very aggrieved when I think about it!

"Runji, let's be honest! The operating conditions of the entire Shunyang Group are not very good recently. In order to raise funds to repay the debts owed by Shunyang Group and Handao Steel, almost all the available funds were used. . We tried to sell part of the company's shares to cash out the funds, but the result... Sigh!" Chen Yongji couldn't help complaining. In order to raise funds, he also went all out and wanted to sell his shares in Shunyang Properties, Shunyang Machinery and other companies. , but no one is willing to take over!Large domestic companies and chaebols cannot protect themselves, so how can they have spare money to buy stocks of other companies?

During this period, Chen Yangji did not stop showing him off, just pointing at his nose and scolding him for being incompetent and a waste!It's no big deal that his two younger brothers and younger sisters are still watching the fun!But if his eldest brother is unlucky, will Shunyang Group take their turn to inherit the company?Hum hum——!
"Uncle, has the group considered seeking help from overseas institutions?" Chen Daojun seemingly accidentally mentioned that domestic institutions have no money, but it does not mean that foreign institutions have no money!Just like their Goldman Sachs Group, nothing else, just a lot of money, panicked, and worry about nowhere to invest~!

Chen Daojun's proposal made Chen Yongji stunned for a moment, yes!Domestic institutions can no longer afford to buy his stocks, but foreign institutions can!Didn't the money they want to return from the Bangzi country government borrowed from overseas investment institutions?

At the side, Chen Xingjun seemed to be inspired, and quickly thought of something, and then whispered next to his father, "Dad, you forgot, there is also Miracle Group..."

Chen Yongji suddenly realized, yes!Other companies and chaebols may not have money, but Miracle Group definitely does!Back then, they sold off stocks and properties aggressively and recovered a large amount of funds. Moreover, there were financial giants like Goldman Sachs Group on Wall Street behind them. Wouldn't it be easy to acquire some of his shares?
Chen Yong was still in a bad mood, but he soon felt relieved. He smiled and said to his son, "Hahaha! He is indeed the smartest child in our Chen family! As the eldest brother, you will have to fight with Daojun in the future. Keep in touch!"

Hearing what his father said, Chen Xingjun was quite upset in his heart. It was obviously his own idea, but it was Chen Daojun's credit when it came to his mouth!But Chen Xingjun, who has a forbearing personality, didn't say much. He just smiled and replied to his father Chen Yongji, "Okay, I will contact Daojun more!", and then looked at Chen Daojun and others with a smile. There was a glimmer of coldness, but the others didn't notice.

Chen Daojun is also smiling very happily at this moment, he never thought of it!Originally, he wanted to guide Chen Yongji to contact the Miracle Group and Wu Shixian for help, so that the Miracle Group could take the opportunity to acquire a large number of shares of the companies under the Shunyang Group.Unexpectedly, Chen Xingjun, the "reliable" big brother, directly proposed this method, directly avoiding his calculations, this is simply a "god teammate"!

Chen Runji looked at his son Chen Daojun and smiled very happily. Naturally, he didn't say much, but he was muttering in his heart. Isn't he the boss behind Miracle Group?If Chen Xingjun takes the initiative to pull Chen Yongji up, he will probably be tricked by Dao Jun!

After Chen Runji's family left, Chen Daojun greeted his parents and got up to leave.After returning to his residence, Chen Daojun called Wu Shixian immediately.

Wu Shixian, who was enjoying a massage service at the club, heard the ringtone of his mobile phone nearby and quickly answered the call, "Boss, if you are calling me so late, are you asking me to work overtime again?"

"What? Chairman Wu doesn't want to work overtime, is it because the overtime pay hasn't been paid?" Chen Daojun said with a smile.

"That's not the case. It's just that I got off work early today. I made an appointment for a massage service and am enjoying it!" Wu Shixian did not forget to hum in comfort during the call, which made Chen Daojun almost think that this guy was doing something embarrassing.

"...Chen Yongji may come to Miracle Group to look for you in the next two days! Now Shunyang Group is short of funds, and he hopes Miracle Group can buy a part of Shunyang Group's shares!" Chen Daojun didn't care about what Wu Shixian was doing. What, directly stated his purpose.

"What does the boss mean to agree to their request and buy those stocks?" Wu Shixian has worked under Chen Daojun for many years, and he can more or less guess Chen Daojun's thoughts and plans.

"I want to buy those stocks. The lower the price, the better... Besides, besides Shunyang, Daying Group, LG, Hanwha Group, Doosan Group... I want their stocks!" Chen Daojun did not hide his own In this wave of financial crisis, the capital chains of these chaebols and large enterprises have been broken. If they don't take the opportunity to buy the bottom, it would be a waste of this great opportunity!

"To acquire the stocks of so many companies, our Miracle Group's current funds may not be enough! Although the Korean won has depreciated sharply, if we want to achieve your goal, boss, we will need at least more than 30 billion U.S. dollars." !" Although Wu Shixian was well prepared, he was still shocked by Chen Daojun's appetite!But if it can really be achieved, then Miracle Group may become the biggest winner of this financial crisis!
"And those guys may not necessarily agree to us buying their stocks like Shunyang Group!" Wu Shixian said with some embarrassment. Although the financial situation of Bangzi Country's chaebols is not optimistic, they have asked them to relax their control over the core companies. Not an easy task.

"This depends on the ability of our Chairman Wu. The country and the IMF have not yet reached an agreement. Even if they have reached an agreement, how much of the 200 billion aid provided by the IMF will be shared by these plutocrats? Maybe They are still going bankrupt! It’s not like us, who came to ‘save’ them out of misery with billions of dollars! We are good people!” Chen Daojun said with a smile, but in his description, Miracle Group was not taking advantage of the situation, but He is like a "rescue hero"!

"Boss, you can think of such a statement, but you really have it! Hahaha!" Wu Shixian was completely convinced, Chen Daojun was able to say such a coercion and temptation in such a high-sounding way, it was really (thick) (face) Beautiful (shameful)!

 Finally "saved" Chapters 122 and 125 from the little black room!Tears... T_T
(End of this chapter)

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