The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 139 Chen Daojun's Seduction, Ma Jiachang's Ambition

Chapter 139 Chen Daojun's Seduction, Ma Jiachang's Ambition

Faced with Mou Xianmin's "soul torture", the Minister of Information was completely paralyzed. He knew that he was in the wrong today, and he couldn't justify Mou Xianmin.If this argument continues, Mou Xianmin, the powerful vice president, will probably give him a bigger hat, so he might as well swallow his anger and do his job well.Anyway, the sky is falling and there is a tall man standing on top of it. If she wants the reporter to cover the report, then go for it!

While waiting for the security team to come to the scene.Sitting on the sidelines, Ma Jiachang watched with great interest the employees of Yuetian Department Store who were crouching with their heads in their hands, and said with some emotion, "Boss, I really didn't expect that besides our club, their department store also To be able to pull out so many people, if they hadn’t been professionally trained and equipped with weapons, I’m afraid most of the younger brothers I brought would have been injured in today’s fight!”

Although the previous scuffle lasted for a few minutes, the boys under him were all armed with baseball bats, and they often participated in fighting and training on weekdays, but a group of ordinary people in the department store actually had a certain fighting power, which made him He was very surprised.

Chen Daojun smoked a newly lit cigarette, blew out a smoke ring, and said calmly, "Because department stores can provide a large number of jobs. This financial crisis has not had a serious impact on the retail industry. These people need to work to support their families. In order to keep their jobs, workers who make ends meet will naturally obey their superiors’ orders unconditionally!”

"The retail industry has little impact in this financial turmoil?" Ma Jiachang said in surprise. He is not familiar with business operations. If it wasn't for Chen Daojun's proposal to transform him, he might still be leading his younger brother to lend and collect money. Protection fee, grab more territory!

In the past, he wanted to go in the direction of business management. He had been thinking about other industries besides security companies and logistics companies. Some companies (in the early stage were relatively small), I am afraid they may not be able to get it done!Since the department store is so powerful, why don't you open one yourself?
Chen Daojun looked at Ma Jiachang who was a little moved, patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "If you think about opening a department store by yourself, I'm afraid that the club's funds will have been exhausted before the company is up and running! No matter it is The location selection of department store stores, employee training, and goods procurement are not easy to handle!"

When Chen Daojun said this, he seemed to have remembered something interesting again. The corners of his mouth rose unconsciously and he said to the other party, "But if you have the courage, I have a way to help you achieve this goal and save a lot of money." Cumbersome steps!”

"Is there really a way?" Ma Jiachang asked excitedly. If it is really possible, then his strength will definitely become stronger!There are so many unemployed people now. After he owns more companies, he will soon be able to recruit more people. This will definitely make the White Tiger Club stronger!When the time comes, who else will be in trouble in the Seoul area?
"Isn't the Yuetian Department Store a ready-made cake? As long as we are strong enough, we can take it from the Yuetian Group! It's just like the Miracle Group annexed Hanjin Shipping and Hanjin Land Transport back then!"

Chen Daojun's words were like the whispers of a devil, constantly tempting Ma Jiachang's heart.As an ambitious club boss, how can you refuse the opportunity to go further, have more funds, recruit more people, and become a stronger boss!It's just that the owner of this piece of cake, Yuetian Group, is not a good person. After decades of operation, it must be able to grow the company into the top chaebol in Bangzi country, and it must have two brushes!

"Tai Shici, a famous general of Soochow during the Three Kingdoms period, once said, 'When a man is born in troubled times, he should carry a three-foot sword to achieve immortality'! Jiachang, do you want to fight? If you succeed, you can directly conquer the whole world. The department store has earned hundreds of billions of won!" Seeing that the fire is almost ready, Chen Daojun directly threw out his "final move", the temptation of hundreds of billions of won. Also worth hundreds of millions of dollars!

Ma Jiachang's eyes were a little red, and he said excitedly, "It's done! As long as we can take down Yuetian Department Store, what can their Yuetian Group do to us? Can they even force us to vomit it out? Hmph -!"

Hearing Ma Jiachang's words, Chen Daojun smiled happily. He didn't think too much about what happened to happen this time. He just wanted to "protect the food" mentality. He naturally wanted to be a "cash cow" of Huohuo Entertainment. We have to strike hard, otherwise, once this opening is made, wouldn't anyone be able to take advantage of these artists that StarMuseum has worked so hard to cultivate in the future?He, Chen Daojun, a descendant of the third-generation chaebol of the Shunyang Group, is afraid that he will lose face and become the laughing stock of the upper class!
And this top-notch Jin representative didn't know his identity at all, and wanted to use the banner of Yuetian Group to pretend to be a tiger, and even called many employees of Yuetian Department Store to stand up for him.And this also happened to create an excuse and opportunity for him, a good opportunity to severely damage the Yuetian Group and take away the Yuetian Department Store!
Chen Daojun smoked all the cigarettes in his hand, threw the cigarette butt aside, stomped it out, and then said casually, "Jiachang, these brothers under your command today were injured in this company defense battle, right? Remember to go to the hospital to get a certificate, then you can go to Yuetian Department Store to ask for an explanation!"

Chen Daojun suddenly changed his style of painting and mentioned these horse boys beside him, Ma Jiachang was stunned for a moment, and thought to himself, "But these guys are very strong, how could they be injured!...Wait!" Ma Jiachang quickly responded Come over, "Boss, are you taking this opportunity to knock over money from Yuetian Department Store?"

"This is just incidental. This guy Wu Luomin is coming, and the reporter from SBS TV station is also coming....We can't let them all go for nothing, right?" Chen Daojun said with a half-smile.

Ma Jiachang understood instantly, and waved to Huang Mao who was beside him, telling him to come over immediately, and whispered a few words to him.Huang Mao nodded in embarrassment, and then immediately ran towards the brothers beside him, explaining the boss's latest order to them.In a short while, more than a dozen horse boys were taken to a nearby corner, and were severely beaten by other horse boys, with obvious scars on their faces and arms.

Everyone else present was confused, what kind of plane are these guys doing?How can you make out your own people and beat your own people?A big question mark rose in everyone's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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