Chapter 169 Wu Shixian’s surprise
"Boss, I think this Song Cailin is quite courageous, and she can be trained." After Song Cailin left, Wu Shixian said to Chen Daojun.

"Don't worry, let's see her ability first. If she can survive under the hands of that woman Liang Meihua for a while, she can be cultivated. If even Liang Meihua can manipulate her at will, then she may not be as good as her father. There is no need to waste our time and energy, let her be a puppet." Chen Daojun took a sip of his coffee and said calmly.


"President Wu, next, I need you to contact Shunyang Group and acquire all the shares of their subsidiary, Saehan!" Chen Daojun remembered that the copyrights of many songs purchased in Sun Kingdom were not small. These songs need to be converted into visible profits as soon as possible!
"Saehan Company?...Boss, this doesn't seem to be an important subsidiary, does it? Why are you so concerned?" Wu Shixian was a little puzzled. It would be fine if he bought the core subsidiary of Shunyang. There, there is value and a market for acquisitions.But what is the value of this little-known Saehan company?

"...I got news that this Saehan company is developing a portable music player. I am very optimistic about this product, which is why I bought the copyright of songs in Sun Country!" Chen Daojun hesitated for a while, half-truth and half-fake He said, if Wu Shixian got to the bottom of it, it would be the top-secret news that his confidantes had heard!

"Portable music player?" Wu Shixian was a little dumbfounded, "Is there really a market for this product? And don't portable mini players have mini-discs (MD)?" Wu Shixian remembered something in his home , reached out and gestured, a square box bigger than a palm, you can switch the music by changing the disc.

"It's not like this, but a new product that can be downloaded directly through the Internet, copied to a music player and connected to headphones to listen to songs! If you get tired of listening to it, you can go to the Internet to download new songs! You don't need to spend money frequently Buying discs is such a hassle!" Chen Daojun explained, and Wu Shixian, who is a music lover, showed a look of surprise!
"Does this kind of product really exist? That's really great!" Wu Shixian soon realized that this is a huge business opportunity. You must know that the star records released by record companies in the past were often expensive and did not have much money in their pockets. Fans can only buy one or two records, and they have no money to continue buying.Now under the impact of the financial turmoil, the money in the pockets of the people is estimated to be even less.With the emergence of this new type of music player, as long as the price is not high, after one purchase, you can spend a little money to listen to songs from different singers continuously. Seize the market for music records within a short period of time and become the mainstream trend in the future!
"So, Chairman Wu, I ask you to complete the acquisition of Saehan Company as soon as possible. Otherwise, Shunyang Group will not let them go easily until they develop this music player!" Chen Daojun smiled at Wu Shixian. said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take Saehan down!" Wu Shixian said with a smile. Knowing this inside information in advance, he will never miss such a good opportunity. The next under-appreciated subsidiary should have no major problems!
------Dividing line-------

Yanxia Kingdom Miracle Group.

Lin Bin, the head of the personnel department, took the newly approved business license and came to Li Taiyong's office happily, and said with a smile, "Chairman, the method you said really works! We are applying in the name of an Internet cafe this time. Got the permit!"

"Good job! Thank you for your hard work! This month, I will give you an extra bonus from the HR department as a sign of encouragement!" Li Taiyong said with a big smile. Originally Chen Daojun suggested that he was a little skeptical, but he didn't expect to give it a try. It actually succeeded, which saved them a lot of effort!
It turns out that a few days ago, their Internet cafe was almost decorated and decorated, but it was still missing a business license and could not open.They prepared a lot of materials, but their applications failed to pass the review twice in a row. This made Li Taiyong a little anxious and angry, but there was nothing he could do.According to the industrial and commercial department, there is no relevant management system for "Internet cafes" in China, and the approval process for new things has always been strictly reviewed.

"Thank you, Chairman!" Hearing Li Taiyong's promise, Lin Bin was a little overjoyed. Originally, his department had worked hard to prepare the information for more than half a month, but when he applied to the industrial and commercial department, he was rejected twice in a row. Although he didn't say it, The employees below are inevitably a little resentful.Fortunately, they successfully completed the task this time, and their hard work finally paid off!

Li Taiyong quickly thought of what Chen Daojun mentioned before, and said to Lin Bin, "Now that the Internet cafe matter is settled, the plan to establish an Internet company we mentioned before can also be put on the schedule! You can prepare it and bring it with you the day after tomorrow. People go to Pengcheng and Xiangjiang to recruit talents in the Internet field! Now the rise of the Internet field has become a general trend, and we must prepare early. When the time comes, Bangziguo will arrange professional personnel to work with us to form a new Internet company. You can’t embarrass me!”

"I understand, Chairman!" Lin Bin happily agreed. Although Li Taiyong assigned the task, he was able to go to Pengcheng and Xiangjiang for business trips at public expense, and he could travel there after he was busy with business. This was hidden. Welfare!

------Dividing line------

When Chen Daojun came to StarMuseum with a stack of song materials to find Li Xiuman, the president of the entertainment company, who had seen big scenes, was shocked by Chen Daojun's words.

"President Li, a few days ago, I went to the Sun Country next door to discuss business. By the way, I bought some popular Japanese songs from the three major record companies in the Sun Country. Let the company's lyrics production teacher change them into Korean songs! "Chen Daojun spoke calmly, but Li Xiuman, who received the information, was extremely shocked in his heart!
There are hundreds of hit songs, many of which are the famous works of female stars such as Miyuki Nakajima and Meina Nakamori who are well-known in the Sun Country. Chen Daojun actually bought the copyright of them all?This... this is simply unbelievable!
"Director Chen, don't worry. I will definitely ask the people in the creative department to make these classic songs into Korean songs as soon as possible!" Li Xiuman said excitedly.Although they have a high self-esteem in Bangziguo, they also worship those who are better than them.

(End of this chapter)

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