The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 173 Rachel: Boss, Are You Good or Bad?

Chapter 173 Rachel: Boss, Are You Good or Bad?
"Is that so?" Chen Daojun quickly had an idea, "My villa in Jiangnan District is still vacant, so why don't you live there? It's also vacant anyway~!... By the way, it would be nice to collect some rent !" Chen Daojun has already sold the two properties that Yuetian Group gave as an apology, and at the same time bought three houses near his villa in Jiangnan District.Originally, they planned to give one of them to their mother, Li Hairen, and move their current living place to a big villa, so that they could be closer to his living place.

Another way, he planned to take the time to give it to his sister Song Yuner who had a "skin relationship" with him. Although Song Yuner never asked him to be responsible, Chen Daojun knew in his heart that he owed her after all.

"Boss, don't you want to be so ruthless! I borrowed the villa in Jiangnan District and asked me for rent? Do you think I can afford it?" Hearing that Chen Daojun asked her to live in the villa, Rachel thought that Chen Daojun wanted to live in the villa. He was going to take care of her as a little secretary, but he didn't expect that he wanted her to pay the rent, it was outrageous!

"If you don't have the money to pay the rent, you can pay with meat!" Chen Daojun whispered next to Rachel's ear. Hearing Chen Daojun's words, Rachel's face turned red instantly, and she knew that Chen Daojun was an unscrupulous boss. Waiting for her!If this is agreed, is there any difference between her and being adopted?Doesn't she want to lose face as a female executive of the Miracle Group?It's just that the villas in Jiangnan District live for free, it's a pity to miss it!
Seeing that Rachel had been pretending to be silent, Chen Daojun stopped teasing her and began to close his eyes to rest. It would take more than two hours to arrive in Xiangjiang.But when Rachel, who had already made plans, was about to agree to Chen Daojun's "renting a house" proposal, she saw that the other party was already asleep, which made her very depressed, and she was teased by Chen Daojun again~!


By the time they arrived in Xiangjiang, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. Chen Daojun and Rachel, who was a little depressed, slowly walked out pushing their luggage. Chen Daojun smiled and said, "How is it? Have you figured out the previous proposal now? If not If you are willing, I will rent the house to others. Then you may want to live in it, but you can’t!”

"...How could it be like this! I didn't say I disagree!" Rachel stomped her feet, and said a little angrily, the boss Chen Daojun was really too bad, and she was eaten to death. "That's right, if you don't tell me, how will I know whether you are willing or not!" Chen Daojun said with a smile.

While the two were chatting, the representative of the Xiangjiang branch of Goldman Sachs Group who was waiting to pick him up in the lobby saw Chen Daojun and hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

"Welcome Mr. Chen to Xiangjiang. I am Li Wenlin, the HR director of Goldman Sachs' Xiangjiang branch. We have arranged a hotel for you. Please come with me." A middle-aged woman holding a Goldman Sachs Group sign recognized Chen Daojun at a glance , said enthusiastically.Huang Lin, the general manager of the previous branch, told her that a big shot from the Goldman Sachs headquarters would come to Xiangjiang. She originally thought it was an older middle-aged man or an old man, but she didn't expect it to be a young man who was a little too young.

"Then please trouble Ms. Li, let's lead the way." Chen Daojun said with a smile.


Chen Daojun and Li Wenlin chatted for a while on the way, and got a general understanding of the Xiangjiang branch and the current situation in Xiangjiang.Affected by the short selling by international speculators, the stock market and real estate industry here are relatively turbulent. Not long ago, the Hang Seng Index plummeted, and the stock prices of many listed companies plummeted.Many foreign financial institutions have begun to withdraw capital and seem not to be optimistic about this financial shock.

Chen Daojun smiled and said, "It's normal for such a situation to happen. Even Xinjiapo, which has similar foreign exchange reserves as Xiangjiang, can't escape. They don't have confidence in Xiangjiang, so they can understand." If they didn't know the future direction in advance, Perhaps Chen Daojun, like many others, thinks that Xiangjiang may not be able to successfully resist this financial turmoil.

"Yes, I heard from friends in the real estate industry that the number of luxury houses listed for sale in the past two months has more than doubled than before, and the price has dropped by [-]-[-]% compared to before, but there are very few buyers." Li Wenlin nodded in agreement. The real estate market, which is a major pillar of Xiangjiang, has begun to turn cold and fall, which shows how severe the situation is.

"It's normal. Everyone is watching the situation, and no one is sure how the situation will change in the future." Chen Daojun said calmly.Just like the young people in the future market, facing the high housing prices, have an alternative idea, "As long as I don't buy a house, the leeks will not be able to cut me"!

Chen Daojun and Li Wenlin chatted for a while, and Li Wenlin didn't leave until they were sent to the hotel to check in.It's just that as soon as she entered the room, Rachel, who hadn't said a word, couldn't help complaining, "Boss, why did you chat with this Li Wenlin for so long? Could it be that you fell in love with her?"

"...I'm talking about official business. Is it good to know the situation in advance? Girl, can't you think of something serious in your head?" Chen Daojun was speechless. No wonder people say, "A woman with a beautiful appearance and a good figure doesn't care." It would be too smart." This Rachel seems not to be able to escape this pattern!
Rachel whispered in a low voice, "I'm not the boss yet, but you talk about these things all the time, and you lead me into trouble..."


Early the next morning, Chen Daojun took Rachel to Golden Harvest Film Company to visit an old acquaintance.When General Manager Zou Wenhuai learned that it was a visitor from Bangziguo, he was stunned for a moment, and then remembered Bangziguo Runhai Film and Television Company, which had a long-term cooperation with them. He was very impressed with the father and son who came to Xiangjiang to introduce Xiangjiang movies profound.

"Mr. Zou, I haven't seen you for many years, but you still have the same style!" Chen Daojun greeted the other party in Cantonese, Zou Wenhuai was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile, "I didn't expect Mr. Chen's Cantonese to be so good, this is too surprising !"

"When you come to Xiangjiang, do as the Romans do. I don't know a few words of Cantonese when I come to Xiangjiang, and I have problems communicating with people!" Chen Daojun replied with a smile, "In addition to visiting Mr. Zou during this visit, there is one more thing I want to ask you. An old timer from Xiangjiang can help!"

Hearing that Chen Daojun was so polite, Zou Wenhuai did not refuse, and said with a smile, "Mr. Chen might as well talk about it. If you can do what you can, you will naturally be willing to help!"

"It's like this. I opened an entertainment company in Bangziguo and signed many newcomers. There are many outstanding singers in Xiangjiang. I want to buy the copyright of some songs from the record company here in Xiangjiang, and let them adapt them into Korean songs. , re-sing it. I would like to ask Mr. Wrinkle to lead the way!" Chen Daojun half-truthfully put forward his request.

It's just that when Zou Wenhuai heard what Chen Daojun said, his originally curious mind suddenly cooled down. He thought that Chen Daojun had some big business to ask him for help, but he didn't expect it to be such a trivial matter as buying song copyrights. Zou Wenhuai still promised to ask his subordinates to help contact several record companies in Xiangjiang and asked him to go back and wait for news.

(End of this chapter)

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