The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 175 Changes, adjustment of plan

Chapter 175 Changes, adjustment of plan

Chen Daojun, who failed to acquire song copyrights, was in a bad mood, and bad news also came from the Hong Kong Goldman Sachs Group branch.Li Wenlin, who was previously in charge of reception, rushed to the Marriott Hotel and found Chen Daojun.

"Mr. Chen, we have just received internal news. Xiangjiang officials are already preparing new financial policies. Banks will stop providing large loans to overseas capital. Loans exceeding 10 billion not only require high interest payments, but also Explain the specific purpose of the loan, and will track and record the use and whereabouts of the loan." Li Wenlin reported the sudden news to Chen Daojun anxiously.

As a branch in Xiangjiang, they previously helped Goldman Sachs headquarters handle huge loans from Hong Kong's Standard Chartered Bank, Minsheng Bank and other banks, with a total of more than 30 billion US dollars in loans.Unexpectedly, Xiangjiang officials took countermeasures so quickly, directly restricting their actions.This is likely to affect their future plans.

"It's not a big problem, this matter is expected, don't panic." Chen Daojun replied calmly, "Prepare the conference room for me, and I can discuss the next action with the Goldman Sachs headquarters."

"Okay, I'll report to Mr. Huang when I get back later." Li Wenlin saw that Chen Daojun's demeanor was serious, and he didn't look panicked at all, and gradually relaxed, "Anyway, the big leaders are not in a hurry, so why are their subordinates in a hurry? The sky is falling, isn't there still a tall man to support it?"

After Li Wenlin left, Chen Daojun thought about the next solution. The official attitude of Xiangjiang was very clear, that is, they hoped that the way of system adjustment would cut off the Hong Kong dollars in the hands of international speculators from the source, and then use the huge foreign exchange reserves to absorb the market. A large amount of Hong Kong dollars can be added to stabilize the exchange rate between Hong Kong dollars and U.S. dollars.Although this method is not a brilliant move, but the effect is extremely significant.Unable to borrow more Hong Kong dollars, the exchange rate between the Hong Kong dollar and the U.S. dollar will inevitably not continue to fall, and their short selling this time may only go so far.

It’s just that the Hong Kong dollar has no room for manipulation. What about other places?Like the stock market?Chen Daojun quickly thought of the villain Ding Xie in the previous Hong Kong drama "The Big Era" who relied on predicting the stock market crash to buy bearish futures in advance and successfully made a profit of more than 20 billion Hong Kong dollars in one day!

And Chen Daojun's short-selling team has a huge cash flow of 300 billion U.S. dollars, and the influx of the stock market will inevitably cause severe shocks. Once a large amount of funds pour in and sell a large number of shorts, the Hang Seng Index will inevitably cause a sharp drop.At that time, they will also be able to make a lot of money in the futures market!


Early the next morning, Chen Daojun took Rachel to the Goldman Sachs branch, and met Huang Lin, the general manager of the branch, for the first time.Huang Lin, who looked short and somewhat stout in middle age, greeted Chen Daojun enthusiastically and personally led Chen Daojun and Rachel to a dedicated remote video conference room.

"Mr. Chen, I have also heard about your deeds from colleagues at the Goldman Sachs headquarters. You are able to earn more than one billion dollars with millions of dollars. You are definitely a legend in the investment world!" Chen Daojun and Huang Lin were not stingy with their compliments.

He has obtained specific information from Chen Daojun from the headquarters of Goldman Sachs Group in the past two days. This young man is not only the third-generation core member of Bangziguo Shunyang Group, but also their senior partner and shareholder of Goldman Sachs Group. His relationship is also very good.And the most surprising thing is his exaggerated investment profits.If it hadn't been confirmed by his colleagues in the beautiful country, he would not have believed that there would be such an enchanting young man!

"Mr. Huang is too famous, and I'm just lucky!" Chen Daojun said modestly, "Mr. Huang is the talent of a general! I admire him for being able to build such a large Goldman Sachs branch here from scratch. !"


Seeing the two complimenting each other, Rachel on the side couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth. These two grown men were so hypocritical. They didn't know each other before, but they just met and became as cordial as if they had met old friends for many years. Are you so familiar with each other? !

After a while, James, George, Eric and two other assistants had arrived in the conference room of the beautiful country.Huang Lin was the first to speak, and told the headquarters about the news they just received yesterday. Xiangjiang's official actions were undoubtedly aimed at speculators like them, trying to cut off their short-selling funds from the root cause, so that they could not trade in the international currency market. Continue to stir up trouble.

After hearing the news reported by Huang Lin, George on the opposite side became uneasy for a moment. These speculators could no longer raise more Hong Kong dollars. The Hong Kong dollar whose exchange rate has just been suppressed may soon recover. They The short-selling plan will also fail accordingly.

Eric's face also became ugly. The short-selling plan had obviously achieved initial results. Did he give up before making more profits?This is too shocking, right?

However, James in the camera showed no expression at all. Instead, he said to the camera, "Chen, do you have any thoughts on this matter? Should we give up shorting the Hong Kong dollar?"

Hearing James' inquiry, Chen Daojun smiled and said, "Let's see Soros's reaction first. We can change the entry point and work harder on Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index!"

"Hang Seng Index?...Could it be that you want...Hong Kong stocks?" James was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly realized that although they had plans for Hong Kong stocks in their plan at the beginning, they just didn't expect to have "firepower" so soon. "The transfer to Xiangjiang's stock market surprised him a bit.

In their previous short-selling experience, they first attacked the other party's currency. When the other party's currency exchange rate collapsed, and the domestic stock market and real estate industry collapsed one after another, they took advantage of the stock market and real estate industry of these countries with almost no effort. Harvested a wave and made a lot of money.And now that the exchange rate between the Hong Kong dollar and the US dollar has not completely collapsed, is it really feasible to take action on the stock market in advance?
"To be precise, this is a plan to 'make an impact in the east and attack in the west'. Since the Hong Kong authorities want to compete with us on the currency exchange rate, why should we fight to the death with them when the odds of winning are low? If we have this ability, we might as well find another battlefield. , identify their weaknesses and attack them hard! As for the hard-on-front thing, let’s leave it to Soros and Quantum Fund! They are the professionals in this!” Chen Daojun’s words quickly opened their minds, Persimmon You have to pick a soft pinch to hit it successfully!
Now that Hong Kong officials have made up their mind to fight with them on the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate, they might as well leave the "responsibility" of fighting a tough battle to Soros. They will shift the battlefield and launch a sneak attack on the stock market that the other party has not paid attention to. Maybe There will be extra gains!

(End of this chapter)

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