The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 180 Ding Sanshi Solicits Investment Everywhere

Chapter 180 Ding Sanshi Solicits Investment Everywhere

In the following two days, Chen Daojun, Li Bin and others successively interviewed several identified Internet talents.But what Chen Daojun didn't expect was that when he was looking through the list of candidates, he suddenly discovered a familiar name - NetEase's Ding Sanshi!
According to Li Bin and others, Ding Sanshi had just resigned from an ISP company in early May this year and was almost unable to survive due to fierce competition and expensive telecommunications charges.Ding Sanshi, sensing something was wrong, decisively chose to run away with the bucket.At the end of May, Ding Sanshi felt that "the risk of working was too high and the income was too little" and he learned from the experience and decided to open his own company - NetEase.

However, Ding Sanshi, the new boss, soon discovered the problem. NetEase, which did not have much money in its pocket, could not afford big projects or recruit more employees.Forced to have no choice, Ding Sanshi could only bite the bullet and go find investors.It's just that in Pengcheng, there are many small companies founded. NetEase, which is not outstanding, has no investors to pay attention to it.

Occasionally, one or two investors came up to ask, but they were quickly shocked by NetEase's simple framework of "so poor that only the boss is left" that there is no project that can be sold.What the hell is this an investment company? It's a prodigal!


"Boss, I feel that this Ding Sanshi is unreliable. Could he be a liar?" Rachel on the side couldn't help complaining. After all, NetEase has not yet made a fortune at this stage. Ding Sanshi ran away from three companies in the past two years. "Feat" doesn't make a good first impression.

"Haha——! If he knew you were commenting on him like this, I'm afraid you would make him vomit blood!" Chen Daojun couldn't help laughing when he heard Rachel's comments. In the early stage of his job search, he had a bad start and frequently changed units. It can be regarded as one of the few dirty things about Ding Sanshi.It's just that this guy has bad luck. He has never found the field that he likes and is good at. It wasn't until he founded NetEase this year that he finally found the right direction.

"Facts! Could it be that he is still a talent in the Internet industry like Tony Ma?" Rachel didn't think that young people who frequently change jobs can make great achievements!And he has no loyalty to the unit. Even if they recruit him, I'm afraid it won't be long before this guy "runs away" again, right?
"Perhaps there is a gap in the other party's heart? Just like Sima Yi during the Three Kingdoms period. Although he was not famous and was not as famous as Wolong Fengchu, Zhou Yu and many other civil servants and military generals, he was the biggest winner during the Three Kingdoms period. He survived to death Cao Cao and Cao Pi laid the foundation for the subsequent establishment of the Western Jin Dynasty." Chen Daojun explained.

Li Bin and the others did not expect that Chen Daojun, a big figure from Bangzi Country, would still have research on Yanxia's history, which is really surprising!


When Ding Sanshi received a call from Li Bin, saying that Miracle Group was willing to meet with him to discuss investing in NetEase, Ding Sanshi almost thought he heard it wrong. I feel that I may not be able to find anyone to invest in.Didn't expect a big company like Miracle Group to join in on its own initiative? !

"Mr. Ding, our boss is very interested in you and your NetEase company. If you have time, we can meet up. As for the investment amount, I believe you will be satisfied." Seemingly aware of Ding Sanshi's hesitation, Li Bin directly threw out his "bait".In order to attract investment, Ding Sanshi finally agreed to the meeting.


The next day, Chen Daojun and others successfully met Ding Sanshi, the future Internet giant in the hot summer, in a private room of a coffee shop.Ding Sanshi was a little disappointed when he saw that the leader of the other party was the young man Chen Daojun. He had thought that it was really a big shot from the Miracle Group who came to interview him!

"Mr. Ding, this is Chen Daojun, the big boss of our Miracle Group. He is also one of the top executives of Goldman Sachs Group in the beautiful country." Li Bin's introduction made Ding Sanshi a little surprised. He originally thought that Chen Daojun would not be a young man. What a big shot, it turns out he has such a big background!

Not to mention the Miracle Group, the name of the beautiful Goldman Sachs Group alone is enough for him to treat it carefully. If he can get the favor of this big boss, the other party will invest millions or tens of millions of dollars with just a wave of his hand. Isn’t it coming?Ding Sanshi felt a little excited. After all, he had been soliciting investment for so long, and now he had met a big boss with strong funds!
"Mr. Ding, I'm a little curious. What is the specific business of the NetEase company you are opening now? Is there any profit point?" Chen Daojun asked directly.

“That’s me, I plan to launch the first all-Chinese search engine, the first free personal homepage, the first free e-card site, the first online virtual community and the first online auction platform within two years. , and the first free email system in the hot summer!" Ding Sanshi said confidently. The current hot summer is in the blank period of the Internet, and many Internet projects have not yet been launched. They, the first "crab eaters", only We can refer to the precedents in other countries, Europe and other regions, and follow suit to conduct similar research and development in China.

"The idea of ​​search engines and free mailboxes is not bad." Chen Daojun nodded and continued, "It's just that if the company can operate, it's not enough to have these free Internet services, and there must be enough profit points to replace the company. Make enough profit. Just the e-card station, virtual community and auction platform, IMHO, the profit may be barely enough to maintain the daily operation of the company.”

After all, there are only less than 70 domestic netizens at present, and even fewer people are willing to spend money on these "gimmicks". As for online auction platforms, they do not have sufficient funds and background to support them, and few valuable items will be sold. Put it up for online auction.More people's first choice will only be those large offline auction houses. With physical stores and staff, they will feel more at ease.

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Ding Sanshi couldn't hold back. In his opinion, Chen Daojun, a young man, can't stand and talk, and he doesn't work in the Internet industry. Dot"?

"Then Mr. Chen, which direction of the Internet can bring more profits to the company?" Ding Sanshi couldn't help asking. It is very easy to criticize other people's shortcomings, but it is difficult to put forward your own insights and innovative ideas. But it's big.

"I personally believe that the direction of Internet + sales and Internet + games will be a very considerable profit point in the future." Chen Daojun said with a smile, "Amazon, a beautiful Chinese company I invested in, has transformed from an online bookstore to engage in online sales. , after the company went public, the stock price continued to rise, and it has soared 9 times. According to the current first quarter financial report, the profit is very impressive!"

(End of this chapter)

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