Chapter 185 Hong Zhiqing’s request
In the following two days, Chen Daojun and Rachel successfully found a pirate manufacturer and purchased a large number of song audio sources from them.The price offered by the other party was quite affordable, which made Rachel exclaim in disbelief, and the package cost of all the songs was less than 150 million Hong Kong dollars.

When Chen Daojun was about to return to Xiangjiang after finishing his business, Wu Shixian's phone call came suddenly.

"Boss, the Yuetian Group has not stopped these two days. They have reported that Yuetian Department Store is suspected of tax evasion. Xu Zaitian, the former president of the department store, has been invited by the prosecutor to investigate. I have already obtained a lot of information from the Yuetian Group. Shall we take action against the Yuetian Group in advance?"

Wu Shixian's words made Chen Daojun's face change in an instant, and he said in a bad tone, "Since the Xin family and his son like to make trouble so much, let's have fun with them. I really want to see, once I lose financial support and lose Without those core subsidiaries, how can the Xin family father and son go rampant!"

"I understand, I'll have people disseminate these black materials tomorrow! When the stock price of Yuetian Group plummets, we can start the acquisition!" Wu Shixian said happily. He didn't expect that after a few years, he would be able to buy it again. It's exciting to think about sniping a top chaebol and seizing their core subsidiary!

Seeing that Chen Daojun's face was a little unhappy, Rachel on the side asked, "Boss, is there something going on with Miracle Group?"

"It's nothing, it's just some trouble-making guys who are causing trouble. I have already explained it to President Wu and he will handle it!" Chen Daojun said lightly, "Now that the matter is done, let's go back to Xiangjiang first."

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Rachel didn't ask any more questions. After greeting Li Bin and others, Chen Daojun took Rachel on the bus back to Xiangjiang.

It's just that after returning to Xiangjiang, Chen Daojun saw the preoccupied Huang Lin, "Mr. Chen, the stock market in Xiangjiang has plummeted in the past two days. Although we have cashed out our shares in advance, the companies we cooperate with have encountered difficulties Small trouble. Many people came to me, hoping to get help from our Goldman Sachs. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Coming to you for help?" Chen Daojun was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile, "I'm afraid it's hard to help with this! The current stock market in Xiangjiang is so turbulent, if you rashly lend them money for turnover, if they arrive this time In the midst of the stock market turmoil, I’m afraid you won’t be able to get back the money you lent! According to my estimate, this stock market turmoil will last at least a few months, and this is just the beginning!”

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Huang Lin quickly realized that a few "old friends" came to the door, hoping that Goldman Sachs would help them through this "difficulty".He didn't directly reject the other party because of his affection.He almost forgot that this stock market shock was a joint operation of foreign speculators, including the Goldman Sachs headquarters.
"If you really want to help them, you can help them. When the stock market continues to decline and has fallen by 30-40%, and when the Hong Kong authorities come to rescue the market, we will buy the stocks of these companies to help raise the stock price. We will cash out when the stock market recovers. Wouldn’t it be possible to take care of favors and interests in this way?”

Knowing the cause and effect of this "stock market crash", Chen Daojun naturally understood that the Xiangjiang stock market plummeted this time, how could it only take a few days?Under the cooperation of Goldman Sachs Group, Quantum Fund and a group of international speculative institutions, if Xiangjiang does not make a big move, it may be difficult to recover the disadvantage.In the past, there was no impact of tens of billions of dollars in Singapore, which caused the stock market and real estate to explode one after another, and subsequently led to the collapse of the Singapore dollar, and the wealth accumulated over decades was divided up by speculators.

"Okay, I understand." Huang Lin nodded solemnly. Chen Daojun had already spoken to this extent, and he knew what to do.


At the end of September, another major incident occurred in Hong Kong. Sun Hung Kai CEO Guo Bingxiang was kidnapped and the other party demanded a huge ransom, and it was still in cash.This made the Guo family panic, and they had to look for banks and institutions everywhere to raise funds.As soon as the news of the kidnapping of Sun Hung Kai's CEO came out, it immediately caused an uproar, and the stock price of Sun Hung Kai was also greatly fluctuated, with a single-day drop of more than 9% at one time!

Many rich men in Xiangjiang changed their countenance when they heard the news. As the second richest man in Xiangjiang, big men like Guo Bingxiang could be kidnapped, so what about them?Will something similar happen?Rich people in Xiangjiang who pay attention to their own safety have contacted security companies to request a higher level of security services.

Chen Daojun didn't care about this, except for some high-level members of the Goldman Sachs Group branch and a few people, the others didn't know Chen Daojun's identity at all. Even so, Huang Lin still arranged two bodyguards to follow Chen Daojun. He can't afford any accidents.


Peninsula Cafe.

Hong Zhiqing looked at Chen Daojun in front of her and the nearby bodyguards, and jokingly said, "It seems that what happened to Mr. Guo of Xinhongji made everyone a little scared! I didn't expect you to bring a bodyguard with you when you travel."

Chen Daojun listened to the other party's teasing and said with a smile, "There is no way, no one knows whether he will encounter any danger if he goes out alone. If he is kidnapped like Mr. Guo, not only will he be affected, but his family will also be affected. Don’t worry. Bringing a bodyguard can give you a lot of security.”

"Pfft! Haha, I didn't expect you to be so interesting, Mr. Chen!" Hong Zhiqing heard Chen Daojun say this and felt a little more favorable towards him.The two chatted about a lot of interesting things. After a while, she stopped smiling and said seriously, "I came here mainly because of my father's instructions. I want to ask you to help convince Mr. Huang to let Goldman Sachs Group." Provide a loan to help our Hong Group survive this financial crisis."

"Oh? Mr. Hong sent you here as a lobbyist, do you think you can get a loan by convincing me?" Chen Daojun said with a smile, "This time the financial turmoil has come so fiercely, I am afraid that the entire Hong Kong stock market may not be able to stand up." Stay?"

"I think the person in Government House should not sit idly by. If the Hang Seng Index is allowed to plummet, many companies in the entire Hong Kong will go bankrupt, and the economy of the entire region may be hit hard! He cannot afford such a tragic loss! "Hong Zhiqing thought for a while and expressed her opinion.In her opinion, Xiangjiang is one of the most prosperous regions in Asia. If it collapses, the bad impact will be too huge!

"Ms. Hong's analysis is reasonable!" Chen Daojun said while smiling and applauding, "I plan to find a partner in Xiangjiang and carry out some investments in Xiangjiang. I wonder if you are willing to join?"

(End of this chapter)

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