The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 209 Catch the Yuetian Group 1

Chapter 209 Catch the Yuetian Group and keep squeezing
"Hey... I hope so! If we continue to consume like this, before the Hang Seng Index rebounds, our companies may not be able to sustain it!" Hong Guidong sighed faintly, and said with emotion.

"If it really doesn't work, Daddy, you can sell me the many villas and mansions you bought under the group at a low price! I have a lot of investment quota here!" Seeing Hong Guidong was a little frustrated, Hong Zhiqing said "good intentions" " said.

"...You girl, turn your elbows outward! I asked you to contact Chen Daojun for a loan before, but he pried you away! Now you have to dig out the family's assets, alas—!" Hong Guidong said half-jokingly .

"Who is it? Who was pried away? Am I still here? Don't talk nonsense!" Hong Zhiqing quickly argued, "And at this time, even Minsheng Bank's loan business has been tightened in an all-round way. Daddy, if you If you want to get financial support, you can only count on me!"

"Okay! Daddy was wrong. My baby girl came out to start a business to pursue her dream, not to chase her lover!" Hong Guidong said with a smile, "I will let Director Wang from the asset management department come over to meet with you in the future." Yes. You can't push the price too hard!"

"..." Seeing that her father's words were becoming more and more rude, Hong Zhiqing didn't want to explain anymore, lest the description would get darker and darker.

However, Hong Zhiqing was quite willing to buy a batch of high-quality villas and mansions from the Hong Group at a low price, as well as help her father, killing two birds with one stone.

------Dividing line------

In the afternoon, Miracle Group Wu Shixian's office.

"Boss, I'm going to trouble you this time! Cui Changji came to me before and said that part of the Bundang area is in your hands, and we need to buy the land from you to ensure the maximum benefit of the development zone." Wu Shixian said seriously.

"Of course! It's just President Wu, how much do you think Miracle Group should spend?" Chen Daojun looked at Wu Shixian and teased.

"...Boss, you are making things difficult for me. Miracle Group is also your property! If you open it too low, you won't be satisfied. But if you open it too high, there's no point! Why don't you just move the money from the left pocket? To the right pocket?" Wu Shixian said with a smile.

"...The area of ​​​​that piece of land is not small. Just ask the finance department to transfer 1200 billion won to me. The amount is less than [-] million US dollars. I think even if my uncles and aunts are jealous, they won't be able to say anything." Chen Daojun and Chen Yin said. After a while, a number was spoken.

"OK, it seems that the internal struggle of the chaebol family is really fierce!" Wu Shixian was a little emotional when he heard Chen Daojun say this, "By the way, that Mayor Cui and your aunt, Ms. Chen Huarong, came to me this morning and said It is they who hope to get the help of the Miracle Group to help them win the Yuetian Hotel!"

"Oh? It seems that my aunt is enlightened! I asked you to hint that she can annex other companies to expand Shunyang Department Store. It's just that after so long, there has been no movement. I thought she gave up!" Chen Daojun smiled. road.

"Perhaps their situation has changed?" Wu Shixian speculated on the sidelines, "Now Seoul officials have announced that the new urban development project will be handed over to Yuetian Construction. The couple may have had conflicts with Shunyang Group. According to me As we know, Vice Chairman Chen Yongji of Shunyang Group is very interested in this new urban development project!"

"So what if he is interested in the new urban development project? Now Shunyang Group has no funds, no land in the new urban area, and even the official contacts are not as good as ours." Chen Daojun is a little disdainful, "Even if they take over the new urban development project , it is also impossible to develop!"

"Hahaha! If that Vice President Chen Yongji knew that you were hurting him like this, I'm afraid he would be mad!" Wu Shixian laughed endlessly. He now understood why Chen Daojun hid his true identity.This kind of enemy is overt and covert, and everyone on the stage is secretly plotted. The other party may not even know who has been tricked.This is so stupid!
"President Wu, you must underestimate him! My second uncle Chen Dongji colluded with Daying Group to make his plan to acquire Han Dao Steel fail, so as to pull him down from the position of vice president of the group. He didn't even get angry on the spot!" Chen Daojun said with emotion as he remembered what happened before.


"Let's get down to business, since my aunt has taken the initiative to speak up, then we will naturally help to make things happen!" Chen Daojun brought the topic back again. Still very interested.

Only in this way can the Shunyang Group be split.Once the Shunyang Group, like the Daying Group, splits up due to internal strife after the passing of the old chairman, then he can take the opportunity to swallow these scattered companies one by one, thus completing the feat of annexing the Shunyang Group and the Daying Group in one fell swoop!

"This is easy. Since Yuetian Group lost several core subsidiaries, its strength has been greatly reduced. Their president Xing Hao is still involved in lawsuits. The Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate have been giving him a lot of trouble!" Wu Shixian nodded. , thinking of the current "bad luck-possessed" Chairman of the Yuetian Group, the smile on his face became even stronger.

"Ahem, although it's a bit too much to catch the Yuetian Group's wool all the time, but who let them have more subsidiaries?" Chen Daojun said with a smirk, even though they have taken away four subsidiaries of the Yuetian Group now. However, the "rich" Yuetian Group still has a lot of companies that can be sold, but the current headquarters of the Yuetian Group is in a mess. It would be a waste to not take advantage of the fire and rob it!

"I guess it won't be long before the Yuetian Group will soon become the second Hanjin Group!" Wu Shixian also continued to smile, and the principle of "the wall is overthrown and everyone pushes it back" even in the relatively strict class of the Bangzi Kingdom country, is also applicable.

If we put aside the past, if the Yuetian Group was at its peak, even if the Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate really grasped the criminal evidence of Xinghao and others, they would probably take vague measures that would "reduce a major issue to a trivial matter." , allowing the controllers of these chaebols to escape the sanction of the law, how can they be as stubborn as they are now, insisting on "investigating to the end"!


"Boss, there has been little progress in the establishment of the Internet shopping platform. There are almost no talents in this field in the country. We still need you to contact the beautiful country as soon as possible. We can dig a group of experienced IT industry talents from the beautiful country. OK!" Wu Shixian thought of Chen Daojun's previous proposal and said with some embarrassment.

Although Bangziguo currently has hundreds of thousands of netizens, the Internet field has just started in Bangziguo. There is a shortage of relevant professionals, and it is impossible to recruit talents who can set up an Internet shopping platform website. It is hard for a smart woman to cook without rice!
(End of this chapter)

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