Chapter 218 Chen Xingjun’s plan
"Dad, Miracle Group still controls the new city development project. Now that we are proposing to cooperate with them, we may also get a share of this project." Zhu Mengxian changed his tone and mentioned another thing. "Although Miracle Group acquired Yuetian Construction, they do not have the ability to produce steel and cement themselves! And our Daying Group is a giant in domestic cement production and steel smelting, and can fully support the raw materials needed for the entire new urban development project !”

Zhu Mengxian's words successfully persuaded Zhu Yirong, but it is still unknown whether Miracle Group will turn against them in the future.As far as the current situation is concerned, they need to cooperate with the Miracle Group. If they can benefit from the new urban development project, their situation in the Daying Group will be much better. "

"Meng Xian, it's up to you to communicate with Miracle Group. If President Wu is willing to cooperate with us, that would be great!" Zhu Yirong still chose to cooperate with Miracle Group. He was not willing to sit back and watch Daying Group controlled by foreign capital.The lesser of two evils” is the right approach!
"Yes!" Zhu Mengxian said happily, and felt very proud when he saw the third and fourth children with gloomy faces.Sure enough, at the critical moment, only he, the fifth child, can turn the tide!

In addition to the Daying Group, other chaebols and other chaebols also have mixed feelings. They are happy that they have finally received the aid from the Blue House. However, once they accept the aid from the IMF, the company they have worked hard for many years will probably be destroyed. It was invaded by foreign capital and even completely controlled by them, turning it into a puppet.This result is only slightly better than bankruptcy. This is really a dilemma!
For example, chaebols such as Yuetian Group, which was hit hard, Hanwha Group, and LG LG, etc., after weighing the pros and cons, finally gritted their teeth and agreed to the harsh requirements of receiving aid.Of course, like the Daying Group, there are chaebols who are still struggling and unwilling to accept their fate, such as Shunyang Group, Xianjing SK Group and LG Group.


Shunyang Property President's Office.

"Dad, if we want to get out of this predicament now, we must get the new urban development project. Only in this way can we obtain more capital turnover and revitalize more subsidiaries!" Chen Xingjun said with some reluctance. In his opinion, now If Shunyang Group wants to reverse its predicament without resorting to IMF aid, it can only hope to obtain new projects and then find ways to raise financing.

"Do you think I don't want to? Your grandfather has already talked with Cui Changji, but this guy is determined to hand over the development project to Miracle Group. Moreover, most of the land in the Bundang area is in the hands of Miracle Group, and we don't have it at all. Find a way to intervene!" Chen Yongji replied helplessly.

"No, there is still a way! According to my investigation, that guy Chen Daojun bought a lot of land in the Bundang area a few years ago. As long as we can get the land from him, we are qualified to develop it!" Chen Xingjun recalled the news he had received from Section Chief Jin, and said excitedly.

"Daojun? Are you sure?" Chen Yongji was a little surprised. He didn't expect this to happen. If Chen Daojun really has a large piece of land in the Bundang area, then their Shunyang Group does have a chance to be in the Get a piece of the new urban development!
"You can't be wrong. Section Chief Jin has asked someone to investigate this matter! Speaking of which, Chen Daojun is really lucky! He bought a large piece of land at the price of buying wasteland. In less than ten years, This has become a land for new urban development!" Chen Xingjun said enviously.

"...Stop this matter for now. I'll go ask your grandfather for instructions!" Chen Yongji pondered for a moment and quickly made a decision.He was indeed very moved, but Chen Daojun, his nephew, and his father had previously spent 1 million US dollars to support the family. He had to go and say hello to Chen Yangji first, and methods such as forceful robbery would definitely not be used, otherwise he would I'm afraid I can't escape the reputation of elders robbing younger ones.

Seeing that Chen Yongji had been shaken, Chen Xingjun also showed a proud look after achieving his goal. When he learned about this from Section Chief Jin, he was also very surprised. He had no idea that Chen Daojun was so good at investing in Sunshine. Not only did he build Disneyland in the Bundang area, but he also had the foresight to hoard a large amount of land. It was mainly a coincidence. If the other party did it on purpose, then this guy's vision is too vicious!

When Chen Yongji came to Zhengshimjae and reported the matter to Chen Yangji, he was having a headache about whether he needed to apply for aid from the Blue House. His face turned ugly, "You mean, there are still people like Dojun in the Bundang area?" Large tracts of land?”

"Yes, according to the investigation of his subordinates, Daojun does still have a lot of land in his hands. Perhaps it was hoarded for the subsequent expansion of Disneyland. If we can get these lands, then we can participate in the development of the new urban area As soon as the development zone is completed, we can get a lot of money by selling new residential and commercial areas." Chen Yongji looked at Chen Yangji nervously, expecting his reply.

"Are you going to get the land from Dao Jun? How much money can you pay for it?" Chen Yangji was not in a hurry to express his position, but asked Chen Yongji.

Chen Yongji was a little stunned. He had never thought about this, but now that there is no money in the property company's account, he can only rely on the group headquarters to fund the acquisition of these land parcels.Moreover, a large sum of money will be needed as start-up capital for development and construction.

Chen Yangji looked at his silent son and said in a somewhat unkind tone, "Or do you want me, an old man, to go out of his way to tell his grandson to donate that land to the family? Daojun and his father just came up with 1.3 million. US dollars support Shunyang, do you think I have the nerve to say this?!"

Chen Yongji felt a little excited when he saw Chen Yangji, so he had to lower his head and pretend to be an ostrich, not daring to say more.After Chen Yangji calmed down a little, he slowly said, "...If you really want that piece of land, just exchange it for the company shares in your hand. Whether he will agree or not depends on your own ability!"

"Yes, I understand!" Chen Yongji never expected that Chen Yangji would come up with such a way to exchange the company's shares with Chen Daojun?Is this to let him bear all the costs and risks of the development zone project?

Looking at Chen Yongji's leaving figure, Chen Yangji sighed with emotion. This eldest son's thinking and foresight are really short-sighted!He never thought that Chen Daojun and his family were all on his side, and if they rashly attacked "one of their own", what would other people think?Who else would be willing to follow a leader who sacrifices the interests of his own people?

(End of this chapter)

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