The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 220 Perel: Begging for food with a golden rice bowl

Chapter 220 Perel: Begging for food with a golden rice bowl

After finishing his business, Chen Daojun thought of Ambrosio, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. After a phone call, he learned that this girl was filming the commercials of Chanel and Givenchy in Europe, and it would take two days to finish the shooting and return to the beautiful country.

This makes Chen Daojun a little regretful, but as Chen Daojun's "good gay friend", George took him to a party where Hollywood stars gathered over the weekend.


"George, it seems that you often attend such parties! These guys are very familiar with you." Chen Daojun held the champagne and watched as people greeted George from time to time, as if they were acquaintances.

"Hey! After all, I am also a manager of Goldman Sachs Group!" George said with a smile, "Isn't this thanks to the great blessing of the previous "Titanic"? Now its cumulative box office has exceeded 17 billion US dollars. Those directors in Hollywood The producers and I are all red-eyed and want to attract investment for a big production, so we are looking for rich investors everywhere!"

"How about it? Chen, are you interested in investing in a movie?" George encouraged from the side, "If you invest 2000 million to make a movie, you might be able to get hundreds of millions in box office. If you are lucky, there may be beautiful women. Flip it!"

"..." Chen Daojun glanced at George and said speechlessly, "Who do you think is James Cameron? After spending more than 1 million US dollars, is the audience willing to pay for a romantic movie? Change the director, change the script , spending so much money, it’s still unknown whether the box office can exceed [-] million!”

Listening to Chen Daojun's analysis, George smiled.I originally thought that Chen Daojun would be a clueless young man in the film industry, but he didn't expect to know the situation of this industry very clearly. "Don't be so serious! We are here to find happiness. I will introduce you to some beautiful women later!" George quickly changed the topic and chatted with Chen Daojun about his best "expert" field.

Seeing George recounting information about Hollywood female stars in the past two years, Chen Daojun couldn't help but have an illusion. Who was the manager of Goldman Sachs Group in front of him?This is clearly the "Chairman of the Women's Federation" in Hollywood!


"George, if you were so attentive at work, you would have been promoted long ago in the past two years, right?" Chen Daojun couldn't help complaining. In addition to gaining weight in middle age, this guy is also not doing his job properly!

"...Ahem, in addition to work, life also requires pursuits and ideals." Faced with Chen Daojun's complaints, George didn't take it at all and said shamelessly.


"Director Cameron, do you have any new scripts that you plan to shoot recently? We are willing to invest in your new movie!"

"Director Cameron, your filming of "Titanic" is really great! How did you get this inspiration?"


Many people saw James Cameron, the currently popular Hollywood director, and came forward to say hello. Many film investors were like sharks smelling blood, and walked quickly towards Cameron, fearing that I arrived late and missed a good opportunity to invest and make money.

Cameron smiled politely at these strangers and answered some irrelevant questions.As for investing in new movies?He has no such plan yet.After all, as Hollywood's "gold medal" director, with his halo deepening, without a good script and actors, he would rather wait slowly than shoot a bad movie and ruin his own brand!
When many investors heard what Cameron said, most of their original enthusiasm dissipated, and they walked away from him after a while.


"It seems that the popularity of this director Cameron is a bit unexpected!" In the corner not far away, Chen Daojun and George also saw the situation of Cameron just now, but the crowd that had swarmed up quickly dispersed. Yes, it made him a little curious.

"Hey, those guys all want to find Cameron to make movies and invest to make money!" George looked at the investors who returned without success and said as if they were joking, "Speaking of this director Cameron, It can be said to be the guarantee of the movie box office! "Alien 1986" filmed in 2 cost 1850 million and box office was 8500 million; "Terminator 1991" filmed in 2 cost 1.02 million and box office was 5 million; "The Real" filmed in 1994 "Lies", with a cost of 1.15 million and a box office of 3.78 million. In other words, if you can invest in Cameron's movie, you can definitely make money!"

"The only regret is that the filming cycle for him is a little longer!" Chen Daojun nodded and said with a smile.George was stunned for a moment, and then nodded in agreement, "If I have the skills, I might as well invest with you, at least I can get objective returns every year!"


It's just that when Chen Daojun was admiring the beauties who came and went, he soon found a middle-aged man who was dressed too formally, looking around with some hesitation.

"George, who is that guy? It doesn't seem like he came to the party?" Chen Daojun asked curiously.

"Are you talking about this Perel? This guy is the CEO of Marvel. He is here to promote the copyright of Marvel's comic heroes!" George said with some disgust, "Now the comic industry has been going downhill. People who read comics With fewer people, Marvel, a giant in the comics industry, has also been reduced to selling copyrights to make a living!"

"Shouldn't it be so depressing?" Chen Daojun was a little surprised. A few years ago, he bought shares in Marvel. The profit from this transaction was tens of millions of dollars, and Chen Daojun was busy with other things in the follow-up, so he paid little attention to the situation of Marvel.

"At the end of 1993, Marvel's stock price plummeted by 60%. At the end of last year, Marvel declared bankruptcy. In order to repay the debt, Perel sold the copyright of the company's comic characters in an attempt to withdraw funds to repay the debt. However, whoever buys this stuff is being taken advantage of!"

Chen Daojun didn't agree with George's complaints. Although Marvel went bankrupt, the copyrights of the comic heroes under this company are the top cash cows!In the previous life in 2008, Marvel made hundreds of millions of dollars by bringing "Iron Man" to the big screen, turning losses into profits!

Before that, the copyrights of heroes sold by Marvel, such as "X-Men", "Spider-Man", "Fantastic Four" and "Blade Warrior", were changed into series of movies after those film companies took over the copyrights, Total box office receipts exceeded $36 billion.From "Spider-Man 1" and "Spider-Man 2" alone, Columbia Pictures earned $16 billion!
(End of this chapter)

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