The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 235 Mrs. Mou’s “Assist”

Chapter 235 Mrs. Mou’s “Assist”

"You have the nerve to say, didn't you persuade you before, telling you not to be busy with work and spend more time with Daojun when you have time. He is not yet 20 years old. If he is abducted by a woman outside, I think he will Where are you going to cry!" Mrs. Mou couldn't help complaining that since working in SBS TV station, Mou Xianmin has been more focused on work than her father Mou Yongpei.

This made Chen Daojun "let the pigeons go" from time to time, and sometimes he came to Mou's house to give some gifts, and Chen Daojun came alone.Although Chen Daojun didn't say anything, Mrs. Mou decided to say a few more words for her daughter's future happiness, so as not to cause estrangement between the young couple.

"Okay, I got it. I will pay attention to it in the future." Seeing Madam Mou looking like she was going to drag her into a good conversation, Mu Xianmin quickly confessed her love and begged for mercy, trying to escape the catastrophe.She doesn't want to come back from a hard day and accept her mother's PUA, she must give herself some rest time.

She also didn't expect that her mother would side with Chen Daojun and persuade her earnestly, instead of caring about whether she was tired from work and paying more attention to rest.This brat Chen Daojun is really cunning. He turned her mother into a "betrayer" and even became his lobbyist. She spoke for Chen Daojun as soon as anything happened, while her biological daughter was like an outsider, which made her Very helpless.

"Xianmin, my mother is also doing this for you. You and Daojun are engaged now, and we will be husband and wife from now on. You can't focus on work in the future! Don't forget, although Daojun, this kid can't He inherited the entire Shunyang Group, but the wealth created for him by the companies in his hands every year is also amazing." Mrs. Mou warned Mou Xianmin earnestly.

Although she didn't know all of Chen Daojun's businesses, Disneyland, StarMuseum Company, Nexon Game Entertainment Company and Shuguang Law Firm were all "money trees" on the surface!If my daughter was stupid and had a conflict with her prospective son-in-law, Xianmin, the child, would probably suffer heavy losses!

Mou Yongpei, who is engaged in the media industry, chatted with her at home and talked about some current affairs news. He would always mention several companies under Chen Daojun’s name from time to time. Park tickets are hard to come by. Nexon Game & Entertainment Company, a game company that makes computers, even sold the software it developed abroad, with millions of users, becoming the pride of Bangzi Country...

In Mou Yongpei's view, his "son-in-law-to-be" investment vision is too sharp. Many people are not optimistic about it. He has made a lot of money in unexpected industries, and his revenue is higher than that of many listed companies with good performance. , Much better than these old people!


At Shunyang Medical, the doctor who examined Chen Yangji looked very solemn.This made Chen Yangji on the side feel a little uncomfortable.

"We found cerebral arteriovenous malformation in your brain." The doctor said with some regret.

"... Can this be operated on?" Chen Yangji didn't know the professional terms, but if the operation could be done in advance, there shouldn't be a big problem, right?

"Well...because the lesion is close to the brain, there will be great risks if you need to do surgery, so we don't recommend you to do surgery..." The doctor hesitated for a while, and finally told him the truth. After all, As the top brain doctors in Bangzi Country, they are not sure that their colleagues in the country will not have a better way. There is no way!

"So, I can only...resign myself to fate? Really?" Chen Yangji's eyes became cold. Unexpectedly, the authoritative doctor in front of him had no way to do anything, and he could only watch the disease unfold.Such a cruel reality made him feel like he was struck by lightning for a moment.

"We will closely follow up and observe the condition." The doctor said tactfully.

The stimulated Chen Yangji did not return to Zhengxinzhai, but came to the former Shunyang Logistics warehouse and sat in a daze in the former Shunyang car.

The assistant waiting outside the warehouse received a call from Zhengxinzhai. It was Li Biyu who said that it was getting late, when would Chen Yangji come back?The assistant received the call and reported to Director Li immediately.Director Li didn't know how to answer for a while.

How come Chen Yangji didn't say a word after he came out of the hospital today, and he never came out after he came here. "Could it be that there is something wrong with the president's physical condition?" Mr. Li secretly speculated, it seems that he has to find an opportunity to go to Shunyang Medical and ask the doctor who treats the president!


"It seems that there is a time bomb in Chen Yangji's mind that will explode at some point!" Chen Yangji muttered to himself as he looked at the CT image in his hand.His expression gradually changed from frustration to disdain. After decades of dominance in Bangzi Country, what scene has he not seen?If that's the case, then he just needs to prepare in advance!
------Dividing line------

Far away in the beautiful country, Chen Daojun received a call from Mou Xianmin, which made him a little happy. "Sister Xianmin, you actually took the initiative to call me, did you miss me?" Chen Daojun joked with a smile.

Hearing Chen Daojun's call to break her mind, Mou Xianmin's face flashed a blush, and seeing her mother who was still encouraging her, she didn't try to defend her, but said solemnly, "My mother asked me to ask you, what is it about?" When can you come back? There will be a banquet at home in a few days, if you can come back, come back as soon as possible!"

"Is it your mother-in-law?" Chen Daojun was a little surprised. No wonder Mou Xianmin took the initiative to call and contact him. It turned out that it was his mother-in-law who was helping to "assist"!Chen Daojun is a little proud. Over the years, he has spent a lot of thought on getting his future father-in-law and mother-in-law into his camp. These elders are all his people. No matter how strong Mou Xianmin is, can he still turn the world upside down?
"Yes, can you come back?" Mou Xianmin asked after him.

"It should be possible. The matter has been almost settled at present. There are still two final investments left. We need to negotiate with the two companies again. There will be results soon." Chen Daojun thought for a while and finally gave a positive answer. .After being away from Bangzi Country for so many days, I still miss Mou Xianmin, Rachel...ahem, and others!
"Have you not finished processing your investment? Then... come back soon after you complete the negotiation." Mou Xianmin was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized that Chen Daojun told her before that he had a big investment in the beautiful country. Chen Daojun did not elaborate on the specific amount of an investment.Now that I think about it, maybe the scale is too big and everything hasn’t been adjusted at once?

"Okay, wife! I will bring you a gift!" Chen Daojun said with a smile.

"What are you talking about? Who is your wife!" Mou Xianmin was ashamed by Chen Daojun's sudden nickname, this guy is really glib!Seeing her daughter's shy appearance, Mrs. Mou also showed a smile. It seems that the relationship between the young couple is not bad!

(End of this chapter)

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