Chapter 256 Zhu Mengxian’s wooing
Miracle Group, meeting room.

Looking at Zhu Mengxian, who was older than himself, Wu Shixian said with a smile, "President Mengxian is a busy man! Do you have anything to discuss when you come here this time?"

"President Wu, I still need your Miracle Group's help when I come here this time!" Zhu Mengxian said with a smile. The sales of products that came out have fallen sharply.

After some consideration, the Zhu family finally decided to restart the overseas market plan, sell their group's products overseas, and realize profits by earning a large amount of foreign exchange.It's just that if you want to sell your own products overseas, you will inevitably need the help of Hanjin Shipping, a subsidiary of Miracle Group.

After these years of development, Hanjin Shipping has been promoted to the largest maritime transportation company in Asia, successfully surpassing Yang Ming Marine Group, Evergreen Line, and Mitsui MOL of Sun Country to become the fourth largest shipping company in the world!Hanjin Shipping has established sales channels and large-scale warehousing bases in dozens of countries on all continents.

Moreover, Zhu Yirong also received news that Shunyang Group and Miracle Group were cooperating to sell new mobile phones overseas, which made him even more jealous.Can the products produced by Shunyang Group, the second oldest company in the world, be as good as those of Daying Group?His products can sell well overseas, and their Daying Group must be able to do the same!

"That's right, we want to use the Hanjin Shipping channel to sell the automobiles and digital electronic products produced by our Daying Group overseas." Zhu Mengxian said shamelessly, "Now that domestic sales have declined sharply, we can only ship Hope it will be available in overseas markets!"

"Oh, is that so?" Wu Shixian thought about it carefully and found that it was indeed the case.After all, everyone knows what kind of virtue the domestic economy is now. It is definitely useless to rely on the domestic market for the products they produce, and they can only find a way from overseas markets.

"Hanjin Shipping's overseas sales channels are what our Daying Group urgently needs now. So I came here this time to ask President Wu to help us."

"As long as our Daying Group's products are sold overseas, we can rely on foreign exchange to bring the group back on track and restore it to the state it was before the financial crisis broke out!"

Wu Shixian looked at Zhu Mengxian, who was sincere in front of him, and said with a smile, "Of course there is no problem. After all, we Miracle Group and Daying Group are also old partners who have cooperated for many years, and they are still shareholders of Daying Group. Of course, we can help Daying Group." Will decline."

"However, there is one thing that needs to be made clear to President Mengxian in advance." Wu Shixian changed the subject and put forward his request, "Our Miracle Group can provide overseas sales channels to Daying Group, but what about the sales results? We can’t guarantee it. It still depends on whether Daying Group’s products can impress those foreigners!”

"Another point, our Miracle Group needs to charge a certain fee. Presumably, President Mengxian should have no objection to this point?" Wu Shixian asked with a smile.

"Of course there is no problem with this." Zhu Mengxian replied with a smile. Since Wu Shixian is willing to help and is willing to let Daying Group borrow overseas sales channels, it is reasonable for Miracle Group to charge some handling fees.


After chatting about business, Zhu Mengxian still had no intention of leaving.I chatted with Wu Shixian for a long time.When talking about the internal development of Daying Group, Zhu Meng pondered for a while, then looked at Wu Shixian and said, "My father, President Zhu Yirong, is already 76 years old. He has been thinking about the successor of Daying Group these years."

"I hope President Wu can support me and help me ascend to the chair of the Daying Group!" Zhu Mengxian said. He has never been convinced after fighting with himself and his brothers for so many years!
As for his elder brother Zhu Mengbi, relying on his status as the eldest son, Zhu Yirong decided to be the future heir of the group.In terms of ability, the second and third are much stronger than him!Why should such a "mediocre" inherit the Daying Group?Where does the ability come from to carry forward the Daying Group? !

When Wu Shixian heard what Zhu Mengxian said, he still didn't understand why the competition among the five sons of the Zhu family had become more intense within the Daying Group.Perhaps Zhu Yirong, the old president, is getting older and can no longer hold his sons in check, right? !

"President Mengxian and our Miracle Group have cooperated well for so many years, and we naturally prefer to continue to cooperate with President Mengxian!" Wu Shixian did not express his position directly, but mentioned the previous cooperation with a smile, and said Indicates that we can continue to cooperate.

Although he didn't get a direct answer, Zhu Mengxian also understood what Wu Shixian meant. Among the brothers, Wu Shixian was still more optimistic about him!
"As long as the Miracle Group is more inclined to my side, why should those guys fight with me?!" Zhu Mengxian said secretly.In his opinion, he is deeply loved by his father Zhu Yirong, and his ability is also the most outstanding among several brothers. Only he is the most suitable to inherit the Daying Group!

------Dividing line------

Yuetian Group, the president's office.

Xin Gehao, Xin Dongbin and his son sat on the sofa and were silent for a long time.Over the past three months, it can be said that the Yuetian Group has suffered a series of blows and suffered heavy losses.

First, a financial crisis suddenly broke out, and the guys at the Blue House were forced to repay debts.When funds were scarce, the most profitable Yuetian Department Store was robbed by a group of gangsters from Baihu Club. Later, Miracle Group took away Yuetian Food, Yuetian Products and Yuetian Construction from them. Core subsidiary!
Not long after, Shunyang Group also took action against them and forcibly acquired their Yuetian Hotel.Having lost five core subsidiaries, Yuetian Group has suffered repeated blows. It has been completely removed from the top chaebols in the country and reduced to an ordinary large enterprise.

In addition to the heavy losses they suffered in their careers, they were also targeted by the inspection agency and the Public Security Bureau, and a lawsuit was filed against them.If they lose, the two fathers and sons will be imprisoned for many years.


"Axi, it's all caused by the Miracle Group! If it wasn't for them, how could we be so unlucky? All kinds of targets! I can't swallow this breath!" Xin Dongbin said angrily. For so many years, only they have surpassed the sky Groups want others to look good, when is it their turn to ride on their heads? !

"You unbelievable thing! What if you don't accept it?" Xin Gehao said angrily, "At the beginning when you asked you to kill Wu Shixian, you patted your chest and said there was no problem! What happened? He is still fine until now! On the contrary It is because of your incompetence that you have caused so much trouble!"

 The serial number is wrong, it should be Chapter 256...

(End of this chapter)

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