Chapter 258 Disappointed Chen Yangji
Chen Dongji looked down on Chen Yongji's moderate answer very much.After seeing Chen Yongji finished speaking, Chen Yangji's face was a little ugly, and he laughed even more in his heart.

Chen Dongji said, "Brother is right! I think in addition to continuing to carry out overseas trade, we can try to enter the Internet. Now the Internet companies that have emerged in the beautiful country have only been established for a few years, and their market value has exceeded tens of billions. U.S. dollars, companies such as Yahoo and Microsoft have an astonishing market value of hundreds of billions of dollars!"

Hearing what Chen Dongji said, several people present were a little surprised. They didn't expect that the Internet could give birth to so many companies with astonishing market values. It was really beyond their expectation!
Chen Yangji certainly knows something about the Internet companies that have emerged in Beautiful Country, but in his opinion, the current Bangzi Country obviously does not have the basic elements to vigorously develop the Internet!
Not to mention anything else, just in terms of the number of people surfing the Internet, the gap between their country and the beautiful country is astonishing. The beautiful country has more than 2000 million Internet users, while theirs only has about 190 million Internet users, which is less than a fraction of others!

Secondly, there are very few professionals in the Internet field in Bangzi Country, unlike the beautiful country, where a large number of Internet elite talents continue to come from many universities in the beautiful country, such as MIT, Stanford University, California University, and Caltech. The number of talents is so large that it crushes the country of Bangzi!
Although Chen Dongji’s proposal is good, and the market value of Internet companies is indeed very high, the feasibility of its implementation remains to be discussed.Not only does it need to solve a series of problems, but whether it can succeed in a short period of time remains to be seen.This kind of risk-taking is obviously not suitable for the current Shunyang Group.

Chen Yangji turned his attention to his daughter Chen Huarong.Ever since Cui Changji became the mayor of Seoul, he has clearly felt that this daughter and son-in-law have become a lot tougher in front of him.Cui Changji, the door-to-door son-in-law, even dared to reject his proposal in front of him, which made him think highly of him.

"Huarong, what do you think?" Seeing that Chen Huarong didn't speak, Chen Yangji asked proactively.

"I am more optimistic about the domestic consumption and tourism market. Although the financial crisis occurred this year and many companies went bankrupt, it will not take long for the domestic economic depression to be reversed."

Chen Huarong said very confidently that he specifically asked Vice Chairman Wu Shixian of Miracle Group about the subsequent development trend of Bangzi Country.

It was precisely because the other party was more optimistic about Bangzi Country's consumption and tourism industry that she made up her mind to take over Yuetian Hotel from Yuetian Group and enter the tourism industry.

Hearing what Chen Huarong said, Chen Yangji's eyes flashed with surprise and confusion. He didn't know what kind of virtue his own daughter was?When did Chen Huarong have such vision and pattern?Could it be that she got some advice from someone?
Thinking of Chen Huarong's acquisition of the Yuetian Hotel under the Yuetian Group not long ago, he quickly came up with a speculation. After all, whether it was Cui Changji's successful election to become the mayor of Seoul, or Chen Huarong's acquisition of the Yuetian Hotel, all these things It was beyond his expectations, and without the help of "nobles", how could it be possible for Cui Changji and Chen Huarong to succeed?

And there are only a few forces that have the strength to help them achieve their goals: Daying Group, Shunyang Group, Miracle Group and Blue House.Reminiscent of Cui Changji handing over the Bundang area development project listed as a new urban area to the Miracle Group immediately after the successful election, Chen Yangji quickly guessed that the backers behind Chen Huarong and his wife are most likely the Miracle Group!

"Why did Wu Shixian from Miracle Group fall in love with Chen Huarong and Cui Changji?" Chen Yangji was a little confused. In his opinion,


Chen Yangji finally asked Chen Runji, but it was the youngest's answer that made Chen Yangji's face darken.

"I am more optimistic about the entertainment industry. Before the financial turmoil, the revenue of film and television companies increased year by year. As the TV series produced by their company were exported overseas, the star artists under the company also gained a lot of popularity abroad."

"That boy Daojun asked me to keep working hard, and in the past two years, I will film and produce a few more TV dramas and export them overseas." Chen Runji said with a smile. Although he can't become a big movie director, being able to become a TV drama director can be regarded as fulfilling his dream. .

Hearing that Chen Runji is so passionate about the entertainment industry, Chen Dongji and Chen Huarong's faces became a little more sarcastic. They are indeed illegitimate children who cannot support themselves. How much money can the entertainment industry make?
Although Chen Runji made a lot of money investing in "Titanic" before, can this kind of opportunity to make a lot of money always exist?
Chen Yangji shook his head in disappointment. In his opinion, the entertainment industry is a trick that cannot be put on the table after all. Only real enterprises and high-tech industries can make a lot of money. This is the core of their future development for Shunyang Group!
As for Chen Runji, the younger son, he has given up hope. This guy is still the same as he was more than 20 years ago, still doing no real work and indulging in pleasure.The only difference is that he has an excellent son like Chen Daojun. With him here, he doesn't have to worry about Chen Runji anymore!


This family meeting disappointed Chen Yangji.The eldest son, Chen Yongji, has mediocre abilities and no vision. The second son, Chen Dongji, is too ambitious and does not pay attention to reality. The third daughter is ambitious but relies on others and cannot achieve great results. The fourth son, Chen Runji... just don't mention it!
As far as these four guys are concerned, none of them is the best heir to the Shunyang Group. If the power is handed over to them, it will only be a matter of time before Shunyang will decline!
As for Chen Xingjun, his eldest grandson who he had personally trained for several years and studied abroad, he originally thought that he was a piece of rough jade that could become a talent with a little polishing.Unexpectedly, I did things very impulsively and recklessly!

He thought that the signing of the divorce agreement with Jin Xiuzhu was kept secret, so that other people wouldn't know?From the moment Jin Xiuzhu moved back to her mother's house, their feud had been exposed.The Shunyang Group's office had already received the news, but he kept silent and did not expose it!
"Oh... if only that boy Daojun would be willing to run the company!" Chen Yangji was disappointed and couldn't help but think of his little grandson Chen Daojun who was very smart but not interested in running a company.

Although Chen Daojun insists on being a lawyer, his Shuguang Law Firm has become famous in the past two years, and it has performed very well in several corporate acquisition cases this year!
Whether it was Baihu Society's acquisition of Yuetian Department Store, or later Miracle Group's acquisition of Yuetian Food, Yuetian Property and Yuetian Construction, Shuguang Law Firm was behind it!
(End of this chapter)

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