The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 276 Zhongyu Group’s concession

Chapter 276 Zhongyu Group’s concession

Shirt merchant department store, inside the president's office.

Song Cailin looked at Cui Chengyou in front of her and felt very emotional.Unexpectedly, in less than 2 months, the former lovers would meet again as competitors.

Song Cailin forcibly suppressed the complex emotions in her heart and said in a calm tone, "Mr. Cui, do you have any business coming to our shirt merchant department store this time?"

"...President Song, our Zhongyu Group hopes to reach a settlement with Shangshang Department Store. We are willing to sell you our shares in Shangshang Department Store!" Cui Chengyou saw Song Cailin's calm tone, so he had to adjust his tone and put his Tell me your purpose.

"Reconciliation?" Song Cailin sneered, and then said, "Mr. Cui, don't you think this statement is too naive? With just one sentence, we are required to reach a settlement? Where do you have the confidence?"

"As for who you want to sell the shares of T-shirt Merchant Department Store to, you are free to do so! However, I'm afraid I haven't found an institution willing to take over, right?" Song Cailin didn't give the other party any face, and directly exposed the other party's hypocrisy.

This made Cui Chengyou very embarrassed. He never imagined that the girl who used to call him "Brother Chengyou" coquettishly would now become the president of a department store, and even confronted him tit for tat, without thinking about the old relationship at all. This made him very uncomfortable.

However, in order to protect the interests of the company, Cui Chengyou had no choice but to endure it and said bravely, "President Song, even if our Zhongyu Group does not find a buyer in the country, we can still sell our shares to those foreign institutions if we are pressed! I hope President Song You can think carefully and don’t miss this opportunity!”

Song Cailin said with some disdain, "Mr. Song, look what you said! Foreign institutions tend to invest in companies that hold more than 50% of the shares. Just based on the shares of T-shirt merchants and department stores currently held by Zhongyu Group, I'm afraid it's less than Is this the standard?”

"As for Liang Meihua, we have hired professional lawyers to file a lawsuit against her! As a shareholder of the department store, she has violated the "Bangzi Country" by privately selling her shares to other institutions without the consent of other shareholders of the company. Business Law!"

Song Cailin's confident appearance doubled Cui Chengyou's pressure. He was indeed careless. Song Cailin, his ex-girlfriend, has become such a professional elite who is proficient in business. For a moment, he didn't even think of what kind of words he should use to impress the other party and make her Purchased a stake in Xia Shi Shang Department Store.

Song Cailin felt a little emotional when she saw Cui Chengyou being defeated repeatedly.Brother Chengyou, who was once very good and talented in her eyes, was really unsatisfactory in front of her, and he didn't even have a reason to convince herself!

After a few seconds, Song Cailin finally said, "I can buy the shares of Shirt Merchant Department Store held by Zhongyu Group, but the purchase price needs to be 7% off the current market price!"

"[-]% off? How is this possible!" Cui Chengyou heard Song Cailin suddenly relent, and thought that the other party was thinking about old friendship. Unexpectedly, when he heard the second part of the sentence, the purchase price was only [-]% of the market price, he instantly broke his guard!
If he sells his shares in T-shirt Merchant Department Store at this price, then he and Zhongyu Group will become veritable fools!After spending so much energy and money, we almost succeeded in acquiring the Shirt Merchant Department Store, but in the end it was a money-losing business, with no benefits gained and a lot of principal lost!

"President Song... this price is too low, and our Zhongyu Group cannot accept it!" Cui Chengyou said while suppressing the resentment in his heart.

"Dong dong dong!" Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and then Song Cailin softly shouted "Come in!"

Wu Luomin, who was wearing a suit, walked in. He looked at Cui Chengyou opposite Song Cailin and smiled. Then he came to Song Cailin and said with a smile, "President Song, what do you want from me?"

"Lawyer Wu, now this Mr. Cui from Zhongyu Group wants to sell their shares in Shirt Merchant Department Store to me. I want you to help me as a consultant!" Song Cailin said with a smile.

"So that's the case! Hello, Mr. Cui, I'm Wu Luomin from Shuguang Law Firm. I'm employed by Mr. Song, and I'm the recent legal counsel for Shirt Merchant Department Store!" Introduced myself.

This scene made Cui Chengyou even more unable to sit still. He had heard of the famous name of Shuguang Law Firm for a long time!This law firm's record is so outrageous that it has participated in no fewer than five corporate acquisitions this year alone, with a success rate of an astonishing 100%!Song Cailin actually found such a helper. No wonder she dared to be so confident and launched a reverse takeover of Zhongyu Group!
Cui Chengyou nodded towards Wu Luomin with a somewhat ugly expression, and the two parties launched more intense acquisition negotiations.Originally, Cui Changji wanted to argue and tried to sell the shares of T-shirt Merchant Department Store to Song Cailin at the market price.

But Song Cailin and Wu Luomin didn't buy it at all. They wanted to fight with their Zhongyu Group on Zhongyu Express to complete this anti-takeover feat!This made Cui Chengyou very angry.Now their Zhongyu Group's funds are all tied up. If they can't sell the shares of Shishan Merchant Department Store to cash out, they can only watch as Zhongyu Express is taken away by Song Cailin!

Such a decision doubled Cui Chengyou's pressure. Seeing the negotiation reaching a stalemate, Wu Luomin smiled and said, "Mr. Cui, if you can't make up your mind, you can ask Chairman Cui Zhengzai. Maybe Chairman Cui can make the most correct decision." decision!"

As soon as these words came out, Cui Chengyou was silent for a while, and then he followed the other party's advice, took out his mobile phone, got up and called him.Seeing Cui Chengyou subdued in disguise, Song Cailin smiled at Wu Luomin, and incidentally gave a thumbs up to express her admiration.

Wu Luomin nodded calmly, as if all this was expected.After a while, Cui Chengyou hung up the phone. His face, which was not pretty at first, became even worse now!

"President Song, Lawyer Wu, we at Zhongyu Group are willing to sell our shares in the shirt merchant department store at 80% of the market price. This is our bottom line! If you don't agree, then this negotiation will be abandoned!" Cui Chengyou got it. After his father Cui Zhengzai's latest instruction, he took a deep breath and said in a strong tone.

"Is the market price 80%?" Wu Luomin thought for a moment, then nodded towards Song Cailin, indicating that the transaction was okay.Seeing this, Song Cailin smiled and said, "The price is okay. I will ask my assistant to draw up a share transfer contract and we can sign it later!"


After signing the contract, Cui Chengyou looked at the familiar face in front of him, and said with some emotion, "Cailin, you have changed a lot, I don't know you anymore!"

Song Cailin smiled and said, "If you focus on so many things, you will eventually become more mature, right?"

 The third update has been uploaded, thank you for your support~!

(End of this chapter)

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