The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 278 Park Chung-hee’s shock, angry Dongzhu Xin

Chapter 278 Park Chung-hee’s shock, angry Dongzhu Xin

"If my guess is correct, Daying Group and Shunyang Group will probably send people to you soon to discuss cooperation. Then I will count on you, President Wu, to get it done!" Chen Daojun said with a smile.

"There's no problem with this. It's estimated that some acquaintances will come here!" Wu Shixian said confidently. After all, he has cooperated with these two chaebols many times. He even has good friendship with Zhu Mengxian, Chen Huarong, Cui Changji and others. It's something that is beneficial to both parties, and the other party will not refuse it!


After several people chatted in the ward for a while, Chen Daojun took Rachel and left.Park Zhengxi on the side finally came to her senses, she was very curious about Chen Daojun's identity.The conversation between Wu Shixian and Chen Daojun just now fully explained one thing, this young man Chen Daojun is definitely not just a lawyer in a law firm!
Seeing Park Chung-hee looking at him very curiously, Wu Shixian smiled and said, "I know what you want to ask? He is the boss behind our Miracle Group!"

Wu Shixian's answer made Park Chung Hee dumbfounded!How could Chen Daojun be the boss behind Miracle Group?How old is he? !
The behind-the-scenes boss of Miracle Group has always been a very mysterious existence, and the group's daily affairs have always been handled by Wu Shixian, the vice president.Even though he appeared a few times, he always looked like a middle-aged man (Chen Daojun's appearance after makeup). If Wu Shixian hadn't taken the initiative to reveal it, who would have thought of Chen Daojun's hidden identity? !
Looking at his slightly dull girlfriend, Wu Shixian smiled and said, "Isn't it incredible? This boss is a legend! He is not only the boss behind our Miracle Group, but also a senior partner of Goldman Sachs Group on Wall Street in Asia. One of the people in charge!"

Wu Shixian then threw out another shocking news, which once again shocked Park Chung Hee's little girlfriend!She had heard from the elders in her family that the backers behind the Miracle Group were senior figures from the Goldman Sachs Group on Wall Street in the United States.

It's just that the rumors are true, but the age of this senior figure is a bit too young!

After coming back to his senses, Park Chung-hee realized that he knew the "big secret" of Miracle Group. He looked at Wu Shixian and said playfully, "You told me such an important thing, aren't you afraid that I will leak it?"

Wu Shixian scratched Park Zhengxi's nose, and said with a smile, "Even if you tell it, no one will believe it! And once the news is leaked, it's scary to be remembered by the boss!"

"..." Park Zhengxi couldn't help but froze when he heard Wu Shixian say this, and then he came to his senses, blushing and said, "Ouba! You scare me!" Then the little powder punched Wu Shixian.

Wu Shixian, who was possessed by drama, reacted very quickly, and yelled out in pain, which shocked Park Zhengxi, and hurried forward to check Wu Shixian's injury.Wu Shixian took the opportunity to hug Park Zhengxi, and the two played around on the hospital bed for a long time!


In the following days, Zhu Mengxian of Daying Group and Chen Huarong of Shunyang Group took the initiative to approach Wu Shixian as Chen Daojun expected, hoping that the two parties would cooperate, exchange information, and jointly acquire the subsidiaries of Yuetian Group!

Wu Shixian did not refuse, and naturally welcomed this kind of cooperation, but he also kept in mind Chen Daojun's previous instructions that the shares of other companies could be transferred, but the shares of Yuetian Seven Star Beverage were the main target of this acquisition, and he could not let them go !
Zhu Mengxian readily agreed, which does not conflict with their acquisition target - Yuetian Logistics.On the contrary, Chen Huarong encountered some problems.

It turns out that among the acquisition targets of Shunyang Group are Yuetian Chemical and Yuetian Qixing Beverage.After thinking about it for a while, Chen Yangji finally decided to give up Yuetian Seven Star Beverage and shift his focus to Yuetian Chemical.After all, in his opinion, competing with Miracle Group for Yuetian Seven Star Drinks will not only break the friendly relationship between the two parties, but also have a high probability of causing the acquisition plan to fail.

It would be better to directly adjust the target to Yuetian Chemical, which has no competition. As long as the acquisition is successful, Shunyang Group will also be able to grow the group!

After the three companies were "connected in series", the shareholders of the three subsidiaries of the Yuetian Group changed significantly. The three companies that originally held few shares in the three companies of Yuetian Qixing Beverage, Yuetian Logistics, and Yuetian Chemical suddenly became This shocked Dongzhu Xin and other high-level executives of Yuetian.

"Baga! These guys actually colluded together!" In the office, Dongzhu Xin was extremely angry at the moment. He finally resisted the conspiracy of many organizations to acquire Yuetian Group's subsidiaries. He did not expect that the other party would not use force. Damn, it’s so “shameless” to exchange shares privately!

You must know that during this period of time, more than 8000 million of the [-] million U.S. dollars he brought over has been spent, and according to this posture, in order to keep these subsidiaries, he has to guard against the other party's acquisition of mortgaged company shares from those banks.

The most embarrassing part is also here. In order to develop and grow rapidly, each subsidiary of Yuetian Group mortgaged a lot of shares to the bank in exchange for a large amount of funds.Now if you want to buy back all these shares from the bank, you need at least 3 million US dollars!
It is impossible for Yuetian Group and him to come up with such a large sum of money!The subordinates on the side saw Dongzhu Xin's worry and comforted him, "President Xin, there should be no problem. The financial situation of Daying Group and Shunyang Group is definitely not much better, and it is impossible to get Spend so much money to acquire the shares mortgaged in the bank!"

(Note: With the support of Mrs. Xin and a group of elders in the group, Dongzhu Xin became the acting president of Yuetian Group and supported the group's affairs.)
“As long as we convince the banks not to give them the vote, we can keep the company running!”

The subordinate's words made Xin Dongzhu's face look better, but he quickly realized that besides these two companies, there was another even more difficult opponent - the Miracle Group, which the subordinate did not mention!
"What about Miracle Group? Are you sure you can defeat their acquisition plan?" Xin Dongzhu asked. According to the information he has, the financial resources of this Miracle Group are extremely amazing. When Xing Hao and Xin Dongbin were still there, the other party was Launched a violent acquisition campaign and "took away" the three core subsidiaries of Yuetian Food, Yuetian Products and Yuetian Construction from them!
Even Xin Gehao, the ruthless old chairman of the group, was helpless against the other party, and Xin Dongbin and the group executives seemed to have been severely retaliated by the other party!
The subordinates dare not answer Xin Dongzhu's question at all.Will Miracle Group run out of money?If the Miracle Group has no money, then no company in Bangzi Country would dare to say that it is rich!

 Chapter 3 will be uploaded later

(End of this chapter)

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