The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 280 The Collapse of Chen Yongji

Chapter 280 The Collapse of Chen Yongji
Now that something like this suddenly happened, the ones who are most excited are the eldest son Chen Yongji, Sun Zhenglai and his wife, and the eldest grandson Chen Xingjun.The second oldest couple, Chen Dongji and his wife, and Chen Huarong and his wife, were gloating over the misfortune, with smiles on their faces that could not be concealed.

Although they don't know why Chen Yangji made such a decision, for them, this is an excellent opportunity!Without the primogeniture system, they can free their hands and compete with their eldest brother Chen Yongji for the management rights of Shunyang Group!

"Whether you want to spend money to buy shares, or rely on your strength to prove your management ability, it's up to you!" Chen Yangji said with some excitement, "If someone can run Shunyang Group better than me, I will give the management rights to Leave it to him!... I will also leave all the shares of Shunyang Property to him!"

Chen Yangji's series of generous speeches directly stunned everyone. They didn't expect Chen Yangji to come out suddenly and directly abolish the inheritance rights of the eldest son Chen Yongji. He will only leave it to the most capable one!

This made the eldest son Chen Yongji directly break the defense. He did not expect that he had paid so much for Shunyang and his father Chen Yangji, and his heir position was ruthlessly stripped away by Chen Yangji!
"Dad, how could you treat me like this! How much have I paid for Shunyang, for you...!" Chen Yongji couldn't bear the grievance in his heart anymore, and asked directly.

Chen Yangji, who was about to turn around and leave, heard the eldest son's question, turned around and said calmly, "Yongji, how are your knees? Dean Zheng said that there are many good medicines recently, and curing your knees is just a piece of cake!" Remember to go to the hospital for treatment on time!"

"You have to take care of your body by yourself, no one can take care of it for you!" Chen Yangji said with determination.

Chen Yangji's unkind answer directly shattered Chen Yongji's extravagant hopes, and he was even more unwilling in every possible way, and wanted to argue a few words.

But it was Chen Yangji who greeted him loudly, "Who is my favorite child, don't you know?...It's Shunyang!"

After Chen Yangji finished speaking, he turned around and left the living room.The members of the Chen family were left in the living room in a daze.

Mou Xianmin next to Chen Daojun looked at Chen Daojun nervously. She never thought that Chen Yangji, the Shunyang Group, would suddenly lose his temper again. The oppressive scene just now was because she became the deputy station of SBS TV station. Long, she has seen a lot of big scenes, but she was still frightened.

Seeing this, Chen Daojun grabbed Mou Xianmin's soft hand and comforted her gently.Although he did not expect that Chen Yangji would suddenly announce the abolition of the primogeniture system, but he was familiar with the direction of the plot and soon realized that it was probably because of Chen Yangji's physical condition.

In the original play, Chen Yangji suffered from Alzheimer's disease, and it became more and more serious.In order to ensure that the Shunyang Group is handed over to the most capable children, he announced the news at Chen Xingjun's wedding banquet.It's just that Chen Xingjun is already married a long time ago, and the situation has changed a lot from the situation in the original drama.

Others gradually came to their senses from the "Father's Kindness and Son's Filial Piety" family drama just now. Looking at Chen Yongji who lost his composure, the mood of the second and third child, Chen Huarong, was simply "ecstatic"!

Father abolished the primogeniture system, doesn't that mean he was disappointed with Chen Yongji and Chen Xingjun?Now I even said the sentence "" If someone can run Shunyang Group more impressively than me, I will hand over the management right to him! "

They have worked hard for so many years, and they have been unwilling to be reconciled for so many years. Isn't this moment what they have been waiting for?In terms of ability, they will definitely blow up big brother Chen Yongji!

Especially Chen Dongji, he has always felt that he is better than his elder brother Chen Yongji in everything, but the other party only got the position of vice president of the group because of his eldest son's advantage. Other than that, his ability is mediocre and he is not qualified for the big job.

Now that Chen Yangji has publicly announced that the eldest son inheritance system will be abolished, then his second son will have a chance. As long as he wins more company shares of the group with his strength, he will soon become the next chairman of Shunyang Group!
Chen Huarong across the conference table was also in a very happy mood. If her husband hadn't kept hinting her not to speak, she might have laughed out loud now!

In terms of financial resources, she, Chen Huarong, is definitely the number one among the three siblings.If it wasn't for the half of the cash flow to support the group, she might have been able to acquire a second subsidiary to strengthen herself!

With the in-depth cooperation with Miracle Group these years, the Shunyang Department Store under her control has grown several times!The number of department store branches opened has reached 4, which can continuously earn a lot of money for her every day.

And with the strong foreign aid of Miracle Group, her Shunyang Department Store began to expand. After successfully annexing the Yuetian Hotel, Chen Huarong's ambitions were gradually awakened.Are his two brothers really better than her?It’s just that I got more help from my father Chen Yangji!

And now that she has the help of Miracle Group, even if she does not rely on Shunyang Group, she is confident to start a career. It is only a matter of time before she surpasses his two brothers!


Chen Yongji, who was mentally disturbed, gradually regained his senses and returned to his room under the persuasion of his wife Sun Zhenglai and his mother Li Biyu.Although Chen Xingjun did not have an explosive mentality like his father, his ugly face and angry eyes fully demonstrated his unwillingness.

The Chen Dongji couple and the Chen Huarong couple saw that the "big show" had come to an end, and they left happily. They needed to make a good plan when they went back, and make some achievements to prove their strength!


If we say that the ones with the least impact in this farce should be Chen Daojun’s parents!Chen Runji and his wife had no hope of inheriting the Shunyang Group's industry.Now

The eldest son, Chen Hengjun, is already a director of StarMuseum, and the youngest son, Chen Daojun, manages Shuguang Law Firm, which has become a gold medal in the industry, and it can be called daily progress!
Both sons are so promising, they are also relieved a lot!And Chen Runji knew about the secret relationship between Chen Daojun and Miracle Group.Now that the Miracle Group is so powerful, is the succession of the Shunyang Group very fragrant?
During the financial crisis, Chen Runji didn't think there was any competition for a big shell company that couldn't even get [-] million US dollars!
Although he doesn't know Chen Daojun's current assets, he is sure that Chen Daojun can use more than one billion US dollars in funds, so he was able to generously share the box office of "Titanic" worth 1.3 million US dollars to help Shunyang Group!
(End of this chapter)

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