Chapter 289 Zhu Mengjiu's Plan
"Who knows? Even in Xiangjiang, no one may be willing to spend tens of billions of dollars to build a central business district with no character. The risks are too great!" Hong Zhiqing said with some emotion.

Jiang Sui nodded in agreement. This wave of operations by Futian District officials is really confusing. Guo Bingxiang and Li Shauji of Sun Hung Kai in the city, and Li Jiacheng of Hutchison Whampoa may not agree easily. Why do they think that their Starlight Investment Company will invest so much? Where's the money?
"Next, let's inspect the second-hand real estate in Futian District, and buy another batch if there are suitable ones. After the matter is completed, we can return to Xiangjiang!" Hong Zhiqing said with a smile.

"Heck! It's finally over." Hearing what Hong Zhiqing said, Jiang Sui had a smile on his face, as if he was about to get out of the sea of ​​suffering.


In a hospital.

The chairman Zhu Yirong was emotionally agitated because of the matter of his eldest son Zhu Mengxu, and he couldn't bear it for a while and fell into a coma.After waking up, Zhu Yirong regained his former sanity. He summoned his sons to the hospital bed, and announced in a solemn tone that for the next period of time, the daily affairs of the group will be handed over to his fifth son, Zhu Mengxian, who will act as the representative of the group. long.

Hearing his father's arrangement, Zhu Mengxian's face was full of excitement. He didn't expect that after working hard for so long, he finally got his father's approval. It was so exciting!

The faces of the second child Zhu Mengjiu, the third child Zhu Menggen and the fourth child Zhu Mengyu were ugly.Especially the second eldest brother Zhu Mengjiu, after Zhu Mengxu's car accident, he quickly thought that his father Zhu Yirong might leave the group's affairs to him.

After all, their Daying Group, like the Shunyang Group, has always followed the "primogenarian inheritance system".Now that the eldest son Zhu Mengxu had an accident, he, the second child, should take over. Let the fifth child, Zhu Mengxu, be in charge of the group affairs first. What do you mean? !


After leaving the hospital, Zhu Mengjiu looked at the back of the fifth child leaving, feeling very unwilling, and then stopped and was about to leave the third and fourth child.

Looking at the confused expressions of Zhu Menggen and Zhu Mengyu, Zhu Mengjiu said, "We three brothers haven't been together for a long time. Why don't we take today's opportunity to find a place to reminisce about the past?" Seeing this, Zhu Menggen and Zhu Mengyu exchanged words. He looked at the other person and nodded in agreement.


"Axiba, I never imagined that my elder brother had a car accident, and my father would hand over the affairs of the group to the fifth boy. Does this mean that my father may hand over the chairmanship of the Daying Group to the elder brother? Five?!" The third child was very dissatisfied with what Zhu Yirong said in the hospital.

"Yes! If something happens to the eldest brother, it will be your turn to take on the important responsibility, no matter what. Why does the fifth brother manage the group?!" The fourth brother Zhu Mengyu is also very dissatisfied with the arrangement of his father Zhu Yirong.

Wanted content: text; theme/keywords: After leaving the hospital, Zhu Mengjiu looked at the back of the fifth child leaving, feeling very unwilling, and then stopped the third and fourth children who were about to leave.

Seeing Zhu Menggen and Zhu Mengyu's puzzled expressions, Zhu Mengjiu said, "We three brothers haven't been together for a long time, why don't we take today's opportunity to find a place to catch up on the past." Seeing this, Zhu Menggen and Zhu Mengyu said, They looked at each other and nodded in agreement.


Not far from the hospital.In a private room of a coffee shop.

"Axiba, I never imagined that my elder brother had a car accident, and my father would hand over the affairs of the group to the fifth boy. Does this mean that my father may hand over the chairmanship of the Daying Group to the elder brother? Five?!" The third child was very dissatisfied with what Zhu Yirong said in the hospital.

"Yeah! Something happened to the elder brother, so it's your second elder brother's turn to take up the heavy responsibility anyway. Why should the fifth manage the group?!" The fourth Zhu Mengyu was also very dissatisfied with his father Zhu Yirong's arrangement, and said indignantly.

Except for their eldest brother Zhu Mengxu, most of their brothers have about the same ability level.As a result, the fifth boy likes to show off his ability in front of his father Zhu Yirong, but they are more cautious. After all, they know well that the first shot will lead to the first bird.

Zhu Mengjiu sighed, looked at the two brothers and said quietly, "Everyone, don't be angry, since the father's decision has been made, we have no way to change the current situation. We still have to put aside our personal grievances and help the fifth brother manage well. The group is!"

The third and fourth brothers were stunned when they heard the words. One must know that the fifth brother, Zhu Meng, manages the group first. Isn't it their second brother, Zhu Mengjiu, who should be most angry?What is this going on?

The fourth brother Zhu Mengyu said excitedly, "Second brother! What nonsense are you talking about? You can bear the fifth boy climbing on your head to show off his power, but I can't bear it!"

When Zhu Menggen, the third child, heard what his brother said, he also said, "The fourth child is right, the fifth child has never taken us seriously. If he really becomes a troublemaker in the group, Then how can we live a good life?!"

Hearing what the third and fourth children were saying, Zhu Mengjiu couldn't help but laugh, and then said with a relaxed expression, "I was just making random nonsense! Don't take it seriously."

Zhu Menggen and Zhu Mengyu were relieved. When they heard Zhu Mengjiu's words at first, they almost thought that the second brother was crazy. It turned out that he was testing them!

"Since the three of us have the same idea, things will be much easier to handle." Zhu Mengjiu said with a smile, "Now my father is letting the guy from Lao Wu temporarily manage the group, and he will probably be given the position of chairman of the group in the future. We must plan early and be prepared for a rainy day.”

"Second brother, do you have any good ideas?" Zhu Menggen, the third brother, asked curiously. Now that the situation is obvious, is there any way for the second brother to reverse the situation?
Upon seeing this, the fourth child came forward very curiously, wanting to know Zhu Mengjiu's plan.

"...Father Zhu Yirong is almost 80 years old. No matter how good his physical condition is, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive for long." Zhu Mengjiu's expression gradually turned cold, and he said in a cold tone, "Since he is partial to Lao Wu, he wants to put the group's If the management rights are passed to him, then you can’t blame us for causing trouble!”

"Second brother, could it be that you separate?!" The fourth Zhu Mengyu quickly understood the meaning of Zhu Mengjiu's words and was very surprised.

"Second brother, are you sure about the separation of the family?... As long as my father is still here, the management of those companies will only obey his orders. There is no way we can convince them!" Zhu Menggen said with some embarrassment. .

He had thought of this method before, but his father Zhu Yirong's reputation was unmatched in the Daying Group, and he could be said to be a veritable spiritual leader of the Daying Group.They want to control those subsidiaries and separate them from the Daying Group. The possibility of success is extremely low!
(End of this chapter)

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