Chapter 291 Chen Yangji’s concerns
After the two parties signed the transaction contract, Wu Shixian was very happy. He looked at Dongzhu Xin who had an ugly face and said with a smile, "President Xin, happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" Dongzhu Xin replied with a somewhat embarrassed expression.This time he was tricked by Wu Shixian. He knew clearly that the other party was plotting against him, but he had no choice but to agree.

The mess left by his unreliable father Xing Hao and his younger brother Xin Dongbin is too difficult to deal with.Fortunately, before he came here, he had imagined that he could control the Yuetian Group and become a very important figure in Bangzi Country!
Now I'm busy putting out fires and dealing with troublesome things.They still have to deal with the upcoming extraordinary general meetings of shareholders, what a piece of cake from the sky!This TM is a big pot directly on him!


After watching Dongzhu Xin and his subordinates leave, Wu Shixian also dismissed everyone and went back to work.Rachel, who stayed by Wu Shixian's side, asked, "Teacher, why did you agree to exchange shares with Yuetian Group? When we take down several other subsidiaries, it will be difficult for them to keep Yuetian Seven Star Drinks." ?”

"Rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, let alone a large enterprise. You have to give others a little hope, let them think that they can still save it, so that they won't work hard with us!" Wu Shixian explained with a smile.

In their confrontation with Xin's father and son before, they pushed too hard, so that the other party jumped over the wall and hired murderers one after another, trying to kill Ma Jiachang and him!
"And the boss wants us to acquire Yuetian Qixing Beverage as soon as possible to enrich our Internet shopping platform. However, Yuetian Chemical and Yuetian Giants, these two companies are of no use to us."

"I see! No wonder you suggested that, it seems that we have taken advantage!" Rachel suddenly realized, no wonder that Mr. Xin's face is so bad!It seems that Wu Shixian's move is superior and he took advantage of it!

Shunyang Group, the president's office.

"President, according to the news we have received, Vice Chairman of Daying Group Zhu Mengxu is in the hospital, and Zhu Mengxu is likely to become a vegetative state. Chairman Zhu Yirong was overly sad and passed out on the spot. He is still recovering in the hospital. He will handle the daily affairs of Daying Group Leave it to Zhu Mengxian for the time being!" Director Li reported the news obtained by their office from the side.

"Zhu Yirong handed over the affairs of Daying Group to Zhu Mengxian? Isn't it Zhu Mengjiu?" Chen Yangji was very surprised. You must know that he saw that Zhu Yirong of Daying Group had always insisted on the eldest son inheritance system, so he decided that Shunyang Group should also adopt the system. Inherited by the eldest son~!

Now Zhu Yirong, an old guy, suddenly made such a move. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that something happened to the boss, and the fifth brother, Chaimeng Xian, is likely to succeed him!I didn't expect that those who advocated the primogeniture system would now take the lead in violating their own ideas, which is really ironic!

"Yes, our information is correct." Li Hengcai just lowered his head and said nothing. This kind of matter involving the heir of the group is a sensitive topic in itself. If Chen Yangji thinks that he has other intentions, then His fate is not going to be any better.


"Director Li, please convey this news to Yongji and Dongji! Let them understand that not only our Shunyang Group has abolished the eldest son inheritance system, but the Daying Group has also done the same! Only the best person can succeed in the future. Inherit the Shunyang Group!" Chen Yangji said solemnly.

"Yes, President!" After hearing Chen Yangji's order, Li Hengcai quickly left the office.Looking at Director Li's leaving figure, Chen Yangji couldn't help but sigh. Each of Zhu Yirong's five sons was outstanding. No matter who passed the Daying Group on, they would all be able to run the Daying Group well.

But their Shunyang Group is in a different situation. The three children are either of average ability, great achievements or short-sighted, and their defects are very obvious.As for the descendants of the third generation, the eldest grandson Chen Xingjun was disappointed by his impatience and impatience.Although the little grandson Chen Daojun is very strategic and has a very unique vision, but his mind is not on the operation and management of the group, it is difficult to provoke a big responsibility.

With such a group of "disappointed" juniors, if it weren't for him, the founder of the group, Shunyang Group would have gone downhill long ago.But his time is running out, so he can only select the strongest person through competition and let him run the Shunyang Group.


In the conference room of Zhongyu Express Company, the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders is in progress.

The shirt merchant department store represented by Song Cailin is full of confidence. Under the chairmanship of Cui Jinhuan, the president of Zhongyu Express, this time the shareholders meeting was held in an orderly manner.And the first and most important thing they need to do this time is to own the management right.

After a period of acquisitions, Suzhou Merchant Department Store has successfully acquired a large number of shares in Zhongyu Express Company, and not long ago it launched the acquisition of Zhongyu Express.


Seeing the notary making statistics on the shares of both parties, Zhongyu Group seemed very anxious.

Soon the results came out, the shares held by Shanshang Department Store reached 49%, which was higher than Zhongyu Group's 47.6%, and Shanshang Department Store won the management right of Zhongyu Express!

This made Cui Zhengzai, Cui Chengyou and others present at the shareholder meeting very ugly.They have obviously tried their best, but why the acquisition of Dao's shares is still not as much as the other party's?How on earth did they do it? !

The young Cui Zhengzai was so excited by the news that he couldn't catch his breath and passed out on the spot.This sudden situation made Cui Chengyou and others panic.Finally, the assistant on the side reminded him, and Cui Chengyou and others quickly helped Cui Zhengzai to the hospital for rescue.

When Cui Jinhuan, the president of Zhongyu Express, saw what happened to his boss, he could only say hastily, "Today's extraordinary general meeting of shareholders has been temporarily suspended due to an accident and will be held again in three days!"


Seeing this extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, it was suddenly terminated in the middle of the meeting, and a group of people from Shirt Merchant Department Store had to leave.On the way back to the company, Section Chief Jin and Su Canping were very unwilling. If the meeting just now had not been interrupted, then the next step would be to dismiss all the management of Zhongyu Express by voting and appoint new managers. Yutongyun is in the bag.

"Everyone, don't take it lightly!" Wu Luomin, who had been quietly observing the drawing, reminded at this moment, "Chairman Cui Zhengzai is a shrewd person!"

"Lawyer Wu, what do you mean by this? Could it be that Cui Zhengzai was faking his coma? It doesn't look like it!" Section Chief Jin asked with some confusion when he heard what Wu Luomin said.

(End of this chapter)

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