The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 316 "Beer Belly" Li Taiyong

Chapter 316 "Beer Belly" Li Taiyong
Chen Huarong, Ma Jiachang, Song Cailin and others who were far away in Bangzi Country were all dumbfounded when they heard the news reported by their subordinates.Before this, they had never thought that Miracle Group actually had a company in Yanxia Country, and it sounded like it was quite large!

Ma Jiachang knew that Chen Daojun was the big boss behind the Miracle Group, although he was a little surprised, but he was soon relieved. After all, the more powerful Chen Daojun was, the more benefits he and the White Tiger Society could gain.

After Chen Huarong learned the news, she was completely stunned. She thought that the representatives sent to Yanxia Kingdom to investigate had heard the wrong news.After repeated confirmations, Chen Huarong had to accept this fact.She has a good relationship with Wu Shixian, but she has never heard him talk about it. This guy hides it well!

Chen Huarong soon came up with a new idea. Since Miracle Group has a big company in Yanxia Country, their newly established Tesco department store is absolutely stable!Father Chen Yangji's vision is really vicious, no wonder he said he wants to invest in this e-buy department store!


Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian did not return to their rooms after lunch, but went to the headquarters of Yanxia Kingdom Miracle Group in the imperial capital.

Taking a taxi on the road, Wu Shixian looked at Chen Daojun beside him with some surprise, and asked curiously, "Boss, when did you learn Yanxia's Mandarin? I've never discovered it before!"

Facing Wu Shixian's question, Chen Daojun had an idea, and then said proudly, "Maybe it's because I'm so talented! After watching a few Yanxia movies, I learned it!"

Wu Shixian's old face twitched. How could he believe Chen Daojun's nonsense explanation?It was nothing more than Chen Daojun didn't want to answer, or he was joking with him.


Since they had contacted Li Taiyong by phone in advance, Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian came to the office floor where Li Taiyong was located under the guidance of the staff after they arrived at the office building where Yanxiaguo Miracle Group was located.

Following the assistant's communication, Li Taiyong, who was originally in the office, quickly walked out and welcomed the two into the office.


"Taeyong, it seems that you are doing well in the hot summer? The company is bigger than I thought!" Wu Shixian looked at the impressive and confident Li Taiyong in front of him and said with some envy.

He observed all the way just now, but he didn't find that the Miracle Group office building on Heyanxia Country seemed to be much more grand than the Miracle Group in Bangzi Country, and the staff also had a lot more staff.

"Haha, Shixian, look at what you said. I have suffered a lot in the past few years in Yanxia Kingdom!" Li Taiyong also laughed when he heard his former friends making fun of him and told about his difficulties.

At the beginning, Li Taiyong, who had just come to Yanxia, ​​thought that as long as he had money here, he could quickly establish a company and win projects.But when he really got in touch with some companies in Yanxia Kingdom, he suddenly discovered that, apart from a lot of benefits visible to the naked eye, these guys also wanted a wave of banquets, and the etiquette was in place.

At first, he didn't think there was any difficulty, but when he went to the table and saw the bottles of high-strength liquor handed over by the waiter, he panicked.

Especially these northern "entrepreneurs", each one has a better drinking capacity than the other, even Li Taiyong risked everything to drink and toast with each other.But Li Taeyong, who was not a good drinker, soon drank too much and vomited in the bathroom.But just after I staggered back from the bathroom, I was dragged to drink by the guests at the banquet...

After the hangover, Li Taiyong felt very painful when he woke up with a splitting headache, but for the sake of the company and performance, Li Taiyong did not shrink back, and still had drinks and dinners with these big customers every now and then.


Seeing Li Taiyong lamenting his "heroic deeds" while stroking his somewhat bulging "beer belly", Chen Daojun couldn't help laughing.The alcohol content of the liquor from Yanxia Country and that from Bangzi Country is extremely different.

The degree of liquor in Bangziguo is usually between 12 and 18 degrees, and there are also some liquors with lower degrees.Specifically, high-alcohol baijiu is generally considered to be 14% or higher, while low-alcohol baijiu is generally considered to be 12% or lower.


It is precisely because Yanxiaguo's baijiu has a very high alcohol content, even if a person with an average capacity for drinking drinks Yanxiaguo's baijiu, even 2 taels, the other party can be easily knocked down and unconscious.


Wu Shixian listened to Li Taiyong's story and felt very emotional.He didn't expect that the entrepreneurs in the northern part of Yanxia Kingdom were so good at drinking. Li Taiyong was able to bite the bullet. It was really amazing!
Especially when I heard that Li Taiyong can easily handle half a catty of liquor above 50 degrees, I am even more impressed.Although he usually has a few drinks, but the alcohol content is low and the amount is not large, he feels that he is about to get drunk.


The three of them lit cigarettes and laughed and chatted for a while. Wu Shixian and Chen Daojun were both amused by some of the interesting stories told by Li Taiyong.

When the cigarette burned out, Chen Daojun brought the topic of conversation back again, "President Li, how many commercial plazas and office buildings have we acquired in the hot summer?"

Li Taiyong exhaled smoke rings faintly, and said with a smile, "We have built 34 commercial plazas in first-tier cities such as Imperial Capital, Shanghai Stock Market, Jinling, and Yangcheng. In terms of office buildings, there are about 90 buildings!"

Hearing this, Chen Daojun nodded with satisfaction.You must know that the Yanxia Kingdom Miracle Group was just a small company engaged in foreign trade at the beginning.After making a lot of money with the big hair on my back, I got real initial capital and started to get involved in other industries.

Li Taiyong was able to expand Miracle Group's tentacles to so many cities and acquire so many commercial plazas and office buildings in just a few years, which greatly exceeded his expectations!To know this size, even Shunyang Property Company in Bangzi Country does not have so many properties under its umbrella!

"Currently, are the stores in these commercial plazas fully rented?" Chen Daojun then asked.Now that Yanxia Miracle Group already has many commercial plazas, he can use these commercial plazas to transform some of the shops into large-scale comprehensive supermarkets.

In this way, not only can it attract more surrounding residents, but it can also increase the passenger flow of the commercial plaza in a disguised form. It is definitely a win-win situation for cooperation~!

(End of this chapter)

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