The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 318 Mirabilis Corporation's Disagreement

Chapter 318 Mirabilis Corporation's Disagreement

When the banquet was over, Chen Daojun asked the waiter to help the drunk members of the inspection team and Wu Shixian back to the hotel room upstairs.It took Chen Daojun and several waiters a lot of effort to send the drunk guys back to the room one by one.

But after sending Wu Shixian to the room, when Chen Daojun turned around and wanted to leave, Wu Shixian's voice came from behind him, "Oh, this guy Li Taeyong has a good drinker, and he didn't get drunk after drinking so much. If I hadn't been smart and quick Pretend to be drunk, otherwise you will really be drunk and unconscious like the other guys!"

Chen Daojun turned to look at Wu Shixian who had already got up, and said in surprise, "Are you pretending to be drunk? Isn't this too cunning?!"

"If I don't pretend to be drunk, how can I stand it?! But the baijiu in Yanxia Kingdom is really strong, and my head is still a little dizzy." Wu Shixian rubbed his dizzy head, feeling a little painful Said.

Chen Daojun turned to look at Wu Shixian, and said with a smile, "Li Taiyong has been drinking this kind of high-alcohol baijiu all these years in Yanxia Kingdom, and he is used to it. You have never drank it before, and it is reasonable for you to not get used to it for a while. Medium. Drink more in the future and get used to it!"

Hearing Chen Daojun's "comfort", Wu Shixian said with a wry smile, "Farewell! I don't want to try this kind of high-grade liquor again! It doesn't feel good to be drunk!"

Hearing what Wu Shixian said, Chen Daojun laughed even more.It took a while for Chen Daojun to stop his laughter, and said, "Then you should rest early, we have other schedules tomorrow, so don't be affected!"

"Okay!" Wu Shixian nodded.

But as soon as Chen Daojun left, Wu Shixian, who couldn't bear the dizziness, subconsciously fell on the bed, and snoring came from the room not long after.

------Dividing line------

Beautiful country, Mirabilis company.

Goldfinger and the other two partners, Weisge and Vardy, carefully read the OICQ data and introductions they obtained from the European market.It's just that the deeper they looked, the more excited Goldfinger became.On this OICQ instant messaging software, he had inspiration and inspiration.

"Viggs, this guy who plagiarized our ICQ software really has two brushes, and he was able to come up with such an idea. A pop-up window is embedded in the instant messaging software, and a link is attached, which can guide some users to Go to the designated website! This idea is really great!" the honest Goldfinger couldn't help but said.

"Goldfinger, you have to find out, they are thieves! They stole the ICQ achievements we have worked so hard to develop. What is there to praise?!" Viggs didn't care.

In his view, this is what those plagiarists have done, and it has no merit at all.The original version of ICQ they produced is the best!

Vardy on the side disagreed with Viggs' remarks, and he thought of a key question.That's where he saw a profitable place on this OICQ instant messaging software!

A year ago, when the three of them took ICQ, a newly developed instant messaging software, and looked for investors to invest, they were rejected by many of their own investors.And the reasons they gave are similar, the main reason is that they did not find a profitable enemy on this instant messaging software!

Investors' words are very heart-wrenching, but they are also true.In layman's terms, as software developers, they only completed the pre-work to attract traffic, without considering the subsequent conversion of traffic into real revenue.For a product that is listed for profit, it is essentially a semi-finished product, which is unqualified!

Although they later found investors who were "not short of money", their ICQ instant messaging software achieved amazing results in just one year by burning a lot of money for publicity.The number of registered users exceeded 800 million, and continued to grow in line with the 1000 million mark.

But the problems that followed were also exposed again.That is, the funds that can be mobilized are gradually decreasing, and their ICQ instant messaging software is also equipped with plug-ins and modules that can benefit them. If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before the capital chain breaks.

There are only three ways in front of them, either continue to look for investors and increase investment, or install a plug-in that can make money to reverse the status quo of continuous loss of money, or take advantage of the current good situation, use ICQ as an instant messenger Sell ​​the software to other companies at a high price, and cash out in time!

Vardy looked at the two people who were arguing, and couldn't help but said, "Viggs, although it is true that they copied our ICQ, it is undeniable that they do have merits! The pop-up link that pops up is very nice!"

"It can direct users to designated websites, such as the websites of some Internet companies, and earn an advertising fee! We can also refer to it and create a similar pop-up window in our ICQ."

Hearing that Vardy not only sided with Goldfinger, but also proposed to copy the OICQ settings in reverse, Viggs was very angry.

They copied ICQ through OICQ, so they sued the company where OICQ works in Europe, and even spent a lot of money to hire a lawyer to help clear up the relationship. As a result, his two "god teammates" actually said that they would copy OICQ in reverse. If it gets out, their Mirabilis company will lose all face!


Due to the different views of the three people, this exchange eventually broke up unhappy.However, Goldfinger and Vardy have realized that ICQ, as the world's first instant messaging software, still has many shortcomings. If they stick to the old rules, it may be difficult to keep ICQ's interests only by going to court.

Only continuous optimization and adding corresponding functions is a wise move.Otherwise, there will be more up-and-comers in the future, impacting their ICQ market share and industry dominance.

Even if they can win the lawsuit this time and make the company that developed OICQ pay the price, the effect may not be as good as they imagined. ICQ cannot monopolize the entire instant messaging software market at all. This software does not have too advanced research and development technology in essence, and it is easy to be plagiarized and copied!
It's just that Viggs, a partner who developed ICQ together, has a stubborn personality, and he has deviated from his original intention without knowing it.Viggs gradually turned into that disgusting capitalist who only cared about the immediate gains and losses, and gave up the research and development and optimization of the product itself.


Goldfinger and Vardy summed it up again, and they both felt that this function of OICQ is very good. If their ICQ can be equipped with this function, their ICQ will definitely be able to open up profit points and be a big success.As for the lawsuit with OICQ in Europe, they don't care about it, and they don't bother to think about it, let Viggs to toss it!
(End of this chapter)

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