The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 327 Nanjing Road with Expensive Rent

Chapter 327 Nanjing Road with Expensive Rent
"According to what the waiter said before, only the urban area is relatively prosperous, and the suburbs of Shanghai may be relatively backward. The shopping ability of ordinary people is not as high as we expected." Chen Daojun said thoughtfully.

"Boss, you are right. The hypermarket we need to build must be located in the city center in order to ensure sufficient flow of people and customers' spending power."

Wu Shixian nodded in agreement and continued, "It's just that the urban area of ​​Shanghai is a bit wide. There are seven districts: HP District, XH District, CN District, JA District, PT District, HK District, and YP District. The specific construction is in Which location is more suitable remains to be considered.”

"Let's see when the time comes. If these areas are more prosperous and it's hard to choose, just open a few more hypermarkets in Shanghai." Chen Daojun said with a smile. Anyway, they bought when the house prices were the lowest. If you come in, the transformed hypermarket will make a sure profit!

When Wu Shixian heard what Chen Daojun said, he nodded with satisfaction. Anyway, they were not short of money and needed to open a lot of hypermarkets, and they didn't care whether to open more in Shanghai.


Early the next morning, after some discussion, Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian decided to pay for the staff of Huating Hotel to be their guides for today, and take them to the most prosperous place in the center of Shanghai to learn about the specific situation. , after all, hearing is believing, seeing is believing.

Originally, the staff of Huating Hotel were not moved when they heard Chen Daojun's proposal to pay for a guide.This made Chen Daojun a little embarrassed. Could it be that there are still people who don't want to make extra money?
Until Chen Daojun took out a stack of old man's heads as a reward but still no one agreed, Chen Daojun and others were a little dumbfounded, this was different from what they imagined!

The lobby manager of Huating Hotel in the distance received the news and hurried over. "I am the lobby manager of Huating Hotel. Sorry, our working system of Huating Hotel does not allow employees to go out without reason during working hours."

I saw a middle-aged man in a suit and meticulously combed hair walking over with a smile on his face and explained to Chen Daojun, "But we are the ones who can provide customers with the best service.

It is our honor at Huating Hotel that this gentleman can serve you.You don't need to spend extra money, we will arrange a guide for you here!

When Chen Daojun saw the other party being so polite, he nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "In that case, that's great! But if you take out the 1 yuan, just treat it as a reward for being our guide!"

"Thank you then." The middle-aged man did not expect Chen Daojun to be so generous and said happily.


Under the leadership of the hotel staff, Chen Daojun and his party first came to Nanjing Road, which is known as the most prosperous commercial street in Shanghai.

As the earliest commercial street established after the opening of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Nanjing Road starts from the Bund in the east and ends at West Yan'an Road in the west, straddling Jing'an and Huangpu districts, with a total length of 5.5 kilometers and is divided into east and west sections by XZ Middle Road.

There are more than 700 shops on both sides.With the deepening of reform and opening up, the opening of Nanjing East Road Pedestrian Street, and the presence of merchants from various countries, this commercial street has now become a veritable "China's No. [-] Street."

The pedestrian street is paved with colorful bricks, with gold belts as the main line, symbolizing prosperity and wealth.There are also jingle cars plying in the middle of the road for tourists to use for sightseeing.It is one of the ten most beautiful pedestrian streets in China.

As early as 1992, the average daily flow of people had reached 88.7. Annual commercial sales accounted for half of the total in the district. The average annual profit and tax per square meter of business area was 5857 yuan. It was known as the "golden line" of JA District. !
Looking at the crowded commercial street in front of him, Wu Shixian said excitedly, "The traffic here is far more than I imagined! If we can choose the address of the hypermarket here, the business will definitely be prosperous. Make money every day!"

You must know that even the prosperous areas of Bangzi Country may not have such an exaggerated flow of people!It is indeed a country with a large population. There are so many people in just one city. No wonder Chen Daojun suggested that they come to Yanxia Kingdom to open a department store hypermarket.

Several other department store representatives nodded in agreement with Wu Shixian.If you open a department store's hypermarket here, you will definitely no longer have to worry about whether the business is good or bad!

"Since this place is so prosperous, I guess its rent has always been very expensive, right?" In response to everyone's sighs, Chen Daojun did not answer, but asked the hotel staff.

"This... I'm not very sure. Should we go to a store and ask?" The hotel staff who acted as a guide for everyone said with some uncertainty. After all, she was just a migrant worker and didn't know much about this aspect. a lot of.

Such an answer obviously cannot satisfy everyone.If they want to open a large-scale store, in addition to the location, surrounding traffic and many other factors, they must also consider the local rent and land price. After all, if the price is too expensive, the cost they need to pay will also increase significantly, and the price/performance ratio is very good. It's a big discount.


Wu Shixian and others then patiently visited several stores and wanted to ask the store staff about the situation, but the other party saw several people not buying anything and stopped them, which had affected their business, so they answered question and asked them to leave as soon as possible.

Several people walked into a very fashionable New World Department Store and saw that the staff inside were wearing uniforms and had smiles on their faces. They did not look so intimidating to strangers.

Chen Daojun had the cheek to say hello to a leading female foreman, and asked her for some information.The other party saw that Chen Daojun and several other people were dressed in extraordinary clothes, obviously not ordinary people.After thinking for a while, she smiled and introduced the situation to Chen Daojun.

It turns out that this place is located on Nanjing West Road, the most prosperous area. The monthly rent for small stores of 50-60 square meters is tens of thousands. As for the larger stores, the monthly rent is even higher. When it reached 100 to [-] RMB, Chen Daojun couldn't help but twitched.

According to this situation, if they build a 2-3-story large-scale store here, the annual rent will probably be 80-100 million RMB, which they will not be able to afford!In other words, you have to spend at least 5-6 garden houses a year. As for how much you can earn, it is still unknown!

Chen Daojun narrated the information he had learned to Wu Shixian and others. Everyone's faces froze obviously. The hypermarket they were going to open mainly sold ordinary consumer goods such as daily necessities, and they followed the path of small profits but quick turnover. The cost of building a hypermarket here would be significantly higher than they expected.

Finally, after some discussion, they gave up the idea of ​​building a hypermarket here and asked the hotel staff to take them to his place for more shopping.

(End of this chapter)

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