The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 329 Farewell to Wu Shixian and pick up Rachel at the airport

Chapter 329 Farewell to Wu Shixian and pick up Rachel at the airport
"You want to go back? What about the investigation?" Chen Daojun said with some embarrassment. His current identity is the cooperative lawyer invited by Miracle Group. If Wu Shixian went back suddenly, in what name would he command the other department stores? Representative?
Facing Chen Daojun's question, Wu Shixian quickly had an idea, "How about I call Rachel or Su Canping over? As long as they are here, those guys should have no objections!"

"The vice-president has been adjusted to be an assistant, you really deserve it!" Chen Daojun couldn't help complaining. Although it happened suddenly, there shouldn't be any big problems with such an arrangement.After all, the representatives of the department store who came this time are not big figures, and it makes sense for the president to let his assistant take care of something temporarily.

"I can't help it! If we can win the Yuetian Group, it will be of great help to our Miracle Group!" Wu Shixian had an expression of "I am for the good of the group", as if he had made a great sacrifice.

However, if the Miracle Group can completely swallow the half-disabled Yuetian Group, it will definitely be able to "expand" a circle in a short period of time. Under the Miracle Group, it became its own subsidiary!

Coupled with the shares of other chaebols acquired by Chen Daojun with the help of the Goldman Sachs Group, Chen Daojun has almost controlled more than half of the Bangzi Guo chaebol's power!


"Let Rachel come over. She and I will cooperate better!" Chen Daojun thought about it for a while and made a decision with great sincerity.

"Hey, I knew you would say that! Then I'll contact Rachel later and ask her to buy a plane ticket, and come here tomorrow!" Wu Shixian seemed to be an old driver at this moment, raised his eyebrows at Chen Daojun, and smiled badly Said.

Chen Daojun showed no signs of weakness in response to Wu Shixian's teasing, and counterattacked randomly, "President Wu, if you go back in such a hurry, don't you miss your little girlfriend?"

Wu Shixian, who seemed to have caught Chen Daojun's trick, froze at first, but he didn't expect Chen Daojun to fight back so quickly, which was different from what he imagined!


Due to the temporary adjustment of the plan, Wu Shixian explained the situation to others during the dinner party in the evening. There are important matters in the country that he needs to deal with. Tomorrow afternoon, his assistant Rachel and lawyer Chen Daojun will continue the unfinished investigation with everyone. .

Representatives of several department stores did not object, and Wu Shixian's assistant - Rachel had met them a few times before, so he was considered an acquaintance.

Seeing this, the guide of the Yanxia Miracle Group contacted the staff of the Shanghai branch of the Miracle Group as soon as possible to ask them to help order a ticket back to Bangzi Country.Simply after 8 o'clock in the evening, the other party delivered the purchased air ticket to Huating Hotel.


In the evening, after Chen Daojun finished his walk, he returned to his room and was about to watch TV news for a while, when the cell phone next to him suddenly rang.

"Tomorrow, I will come to Yanxia to look for you tomorrow!" Just as the phone was connected, a familiar female voice rang in his ear, and Chen Daojun quickly recognized that it was Rachel!

"So fast, didn't you mean that President Wu just informed you this evening? You bought the ticket so soon?" Chen Daojun said in surprise. It was already 7 in the evening when Wu Shixian called Richard and asked her to come to Yanxia as soon as possible. It's too late, and the ticket has already been booked so quickly?

"Haha! With the strength of our Miracle Group, wouldn't it be very simple to get a plane ticket?" Rachel said very confidently.

"...Then what time is your flight tomorrow?" Chen Daojun asked after being silent for a while.

"The flight at 8 o'clock tomorrow will arrive at Hongqiao Airport in Shanghai at about 10 o'clock!"

"...Then I'll pick you up then!" Remembering that Wu Shixian seems to be on a flight to Bangzi Country at 10:[-], he can definitely follow Wu Shixian to Hongqiao Airport. Not only can he say goodbye to Wu Shixian, but he can also pick up Rachel. Killing two birds with one stone!

"Really? Then thank you boss!" Rachel said happily, but she didn't know that Chen Daojun had to see Wu Shixian off besides picking her up.

------Dividing line------

Early the next morning, after packing his luggage, Wu Shixian saw Chen Daojun following him downstairs.

"I'm going back to Bangzi Country, are you planning to take me to the airport?" Wu Shixian looked at Chen Daojun in surprise, very puzzled by his actions.

"Yes! See how kind I am to you!" Chen Daojun teased.

"...Okay!" Wu Shixian was not aware of Chen Daojun's other intentions, and really thought that the other party was kind-hearted and wanted to give him a ride.

The two talked and laughed all the way in the car, and they arrived at Hongqiao Airport in Shanghai after about [-] minutes' drive.

It's just that when the two were waiting in the waiting hall, Chen Daojun suddenly received a call, and then walked away mysteriously.

When Chen Daojun came over again, Wu Shixian found that there was an extra person behind him, and he was dumbfounded!It’s none other than his assistant—Rachel!

"Teacher, are you surprised?" Seeing Wu Shixian's dazed look, Rachel stepped forward and joked with a smile.

"Why did you come here so soon? I remember that it was very late when I contacted you yesterday?" Wu Shixian had an unbelievable expression on his face, which was simply unbelievable to him.

"I was on a Korean Air flight. I asked my subordinates to help me fix the ticket last night." Rachel said proudly.The staff of Korean Air heard that the senior management of the Miracle Group requested the purchase order, and without a word, they directly pulled a business class ticket from the reserved tickets!
"Okay!" Wu Shixian quickly realized that with the current power of the Miracle Group in Bangziguo, it is not difficult to temporarily add a ticket from Korean Air.


The three of them got together and chatted for a while.Since the chat is in Korean, although the people around them will look at them curiously from time to time, the surrounding Yanxia people are not familiar with Korean, so they don't know the content of their chat.

"Teacher, according to the news we have investigated, there are conflicts among the senior management of the Yuetian Group. Many people think that the Yuetian Group is no longer viable, so they all submitted their resignations and left one after another."

"The president, Dongzhu Xin, did not recruit new cadres. Instead, he sent invitations to several companies, hoping to sell them the shares of those subsidiaries, Yuetian Chemical, and Yuetian Giants."

Rachel's words made Wu Shixian and Chen Daojun a little confused. Is it possible that the new owner really wants to sell off the Yuetian Group and withdraw from the Bangzi country market?
(End of this chapter)

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