The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 337 Chen Dongji and Chen Yongji’s plan

Chapter 337 Chen Dongji and Chen Yongji’s plan
"Chen Huarong's nobles should be the Miracle Group and that Wu Shixian!" Chen Dongji said with some jealousy. This year, Chen Huarong and his wife have really changed a lot!

With the support of the Miracle Group, Cui Changji jumped from an unknown member of parliament to the mayor of Seoul, which stunned everyone.

One must know that before this, no one in the entire Chen family was optimistic that this good-for-nothing son-in-law who followed Chen Huarong like a "pug" could still have such a day, which really shocked everyone's eyes!
As for Chen Huarong's change, it is even more "outrageous". He was originally the president of a department store, but the other party seized the opportunity and took away the operating rights of Yuetian Hotel from Yuetian Group. Even his father Chen Yangji also suffered from this. I looked up to Chen Huarong a bit.

You must know that Chen Huarong did not inform other people in the family about this acquisition, nor did she use any channels of Shunyang Group. It was entirely her own initiative.

Now, Chen Huarong, who owns two companies, already has the strength close to Chen Dongji and Chen Yongji, which means that there is one more person who is capable of competing with him for the succession of Shunyang Group in the end!

"If I also have noble people to help me, I won't be so troublesome to get the inheritance right of Shunyang Group!" Chen Dongji said with some emotion.In terms of ability, he thought he was much better than Zhu Mengxian and Chen Huarong, but he was not as lucky as the other party and had the support of noble people.

Standing aside, Executive Bai looked at Chen Dongji, who was somewhat unwilling to accept it, and took the initiative to say, "President, I think this Miracle Group is someone you can fight for. The top five large chaebols in the country were not annexed by Miracle Group's subsidiaries. It’s because of their investment.”

"If you can get the support of Miracle Group, then you will have no problem taking the position of chairman of Shunyang Group!" Executive Bai said very confidently.

"Supported by the Miracle Group? Is this possible? Aren't they closer to Chen Huarong?" Chen Dongji was a little puzzled by Bai Changwu's proposal. Judging from the current situation, Wu Shixian of the Miracle Group obviously has a closer relationship with Chen Huarong and Cui Changji. Being close, how could he convince the other party to support him? !
"President, you forgot, there is no precedent for a woman to inherit a family business in Bangzi Country!" Bai Changwu said calmly, "No matter what kind of business it is in China, the inheritance right will definitely be passed on to the men in the family! No matter how powerful President Chen Huarong is, he will never succeed to Shunyang Group."

"Shunyang Group will only be born between you and Chen Yongji! And now Miracle Group owns a lot of shares in Shunyang's companies. It can be regarded as a major shareholder. With their support, it will be helpful for you to get Shunyang Group." Wouldn’t it be much easier to inherit the right of inheritance?!”

Hearing what Executive Bai said, Chen Dongji's eyes lit up and he suddenly realized.Before this, he had always felt that Miracle Group and their vice president Wu Shixian were in the same group as Chen Huarong. Most of the time, he was envious and jealous, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Now that I think about it, isn't it because he is too small? !No matter how powerful Chen Huarong was, according to his father Chen Yangji's temper, he would not hand over the Shunyang Group to her.I can definitely win the Miracle Group into my camp. With the support of Miracle, wouldn't it be easy to defeat the boss Chen Yongji? !

"This is a good idea, but how can we get in touch with Miracle Group?" His Shunyang Fire Insurance and Shunyang Chemical companies have no overlap with Miracle Group and can cooperate with them.

"Didn't Miracle Group unite several department stores before to establish Tesco Department Store? We can cooperate with Tesco Department Store and order shopping cards from them!"

Executive Bai said with a smile, "President, our fire insurance company gives some gifts every year after signing contracts with customers. How about adding a shopping card from Tesco Department Store to the gifts!"

Chen Dongji quickly reacted to Bai's suggestion. What a great idea!Their fire insurance company needs to prepare a large number of gifts every year to give to customers who sign insurance contracts.If he proposed to cooperate with Miracle Group, wouldn't he be able to take the opportunity to contact Wu Shixian?

"President Bai, let's settle this matter. Let your subordinates contact Miracle Group. Our Shunyang Fire Insurance Company will cooperate with them." Chen Dongji quickly made up his mind.

"Okay, President!" Executive Bai said with a smile.


Compared with Chen Dongji, Chen Yongji seemed very anxious after receiving the news.

Because his father Chen Yangji, although he regarded Zhu Yirong as a competitor and a target to catch up with for most of his life, Chen Yangji also copied some of Zhu Yirong's practices.

The reason why the Chen family in Shunyang established the eldest son inheritance system was because Chen Yangji saw that his biggest competitor Zhu Yirong did the same thing, so he followed suit and gave Chen Yongji many opportunities. Later, he took the opportunity to transfer Chen Yongji to Yong-ki was promoted to the position of vice-chairman.

However, time has passed, and a series of changes have taken place in the Daying Group. The position of vice president fell to the youngest Zhu Mengxian, which made Chen Yongji feel a little uneasy. The inheritance rights of the group were handed over to Chen Dongji.

If this kind of thing happened, he, the eldest son of the Shunyang Group, would definitely become the laughing stock of the high society in Bangzi Country, right? !After being the vice president of the Shunyang Group for so many years, his second brother robbed him of the position of vice president in the end, and even lost the right to inherit the Shunyang Group!


"Director Jin, is there any news from Zheng Xinzhai and Director Li?" Chen Yongji thought for a moment and asked.

"There has been no action yet, but I am sure that the president and Director Li have also received the news~!" Section Chief Jin said with certainty from the side.

"Is that so?" Chen Yongji fell into deep thought again. Since Chen Yangji received the news, but he said nothing, doesn't it mean that he doesn't intend to do anything?Are you too nervous?

When Section Chief Jin saw Chen Yongji's appearance, he couldn't help but said, "Vice President, there is something I think I should remind you of. The top priority now is not what the President will do or how we should respond." , but Xingjun’s marriage!”

"As long as Xingjun can successfully marry the daughter of Lejin Furniture, then you will have a powerful helper. In the subsequent competition for management rights, you will also have a firm upper hand!"

Director Jin's words were like a bright light, instantly illuminating Chen Yongji who had no hope. "Yes, as long as I can marry into the Gu family, I will be able to get powerful helpers and win the inheritance rights!" Chen Yongji murmured, his eyes gradually lighting up.

(End of this chapter)

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