The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 352 Sony has a tough attitude and the negotiation fails

Chapter 352 Sony has a tough attitude and the negotiation fails
The head of Sony's planning department translated to several other people.After a while, Ohe Norio's face became ugly in an instant. Chen Daojun, a young man, is obviously difficult to deal with. With such a tough attitude, it seems that the original plan is useless!

Norio Ohga glanced at the marketing director next to him, who nodded imperceptibly and said, "Chen Sang, you don't know something! The previous "Spider-Man" comics, ours The production director read it carefully and said that many scenes in "Spider-Man" need to be shot in the beautiful country of New York."

"And a large number of scenes are carried out in the streets of New York, which will destroy a large number of buildings! The beautiful country will never allow us to do this, so we can only use special effects shooting technology! ... This shooting technology is completely Relying on post-editing and processing, the funds required will be much higher than conventional film production!"


Hearing the other party's well-founded answer, Taketo Yamada was a little speechless for a while, but the other party was right.The special effects shots in filming are all big money burners, and they are not at the same level as he usually shoots singers' MVs~!

"Special effects shots cost money, but your Sony directors don't seem to be outstanding at special effects shots, right?" Chen Daojun sneered and said, "Don't tell me that you got 3 million US dollars in funding from me. How about a few mediocre directors shooting special effects movies?"

Chen Daojun's words completely blocked the explanation of the head of the planning department in an instant!
Several people on Chen Daojun's side were impressed by Chen Daojun's answer. Isn't that the case?You said it’s expensive because you need to use special effects lenses to shoot, so you have to have a great director who can control special effects lenses. Otherwise, you just rely on those crooked people to create special effects lenses. This is not pure. Is it a money trap? !

Norio Ohga and others were speechless by Chen Daojun's words. Although these words were very irritating, their directors were indeed not good at shooting special effects shots. As we all know, in the use of special effects shots, only the beautiful country Only great directors are professionals. After all, our country has produced quite a few big-budget and science fiction movies in recent years.

But if they ask those big directors to shoot, their production costs will be greatly reduced, and the price-performance ratio will be greatly reduced!


The two sides were in a stalemate for a while, but Sony still refused to give in and made up its mind to get a lot of money from Chen Daojun, a "big customer" who came to the door.

When Chen Daojun saw this, he didn't say anything more. He just calmly suggested that both parties should consider it again and make an appointment to discuss it in detail tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

After the group left Sony, Wu Luomin couldn't help but said, "Boss, Sony doesn't seem to have any sincerity. It may be difficult for us to cooperate with them."

Under normal circumstances, when there are differences between the negotiating parties, both parties may take a step back to show their sincerity, but Sony will not give in, which makes him feel that Sony has settled for them this time.

Hearing what Wu Luomin said, Zhao Chengyuan felt a little uncomfortable.I thought I could help Chen Daojun, the "niece-in-law", by helping to pull the strings. Unexpectedly, Sony had this attitude.

"Daojun, why don't I contact the other film companies in Sun Country? Toho, Toei, and Kadokawa Films, I know people who can help you to ask." Zhao Chengyuan said.

"I can't ask for it! Then I will trouble uncle." Chen Daojun said with a smile, "Since Sony wants to raise the price from the ground, we should contact a few more film companies and shop around!"

"Wait a while, I'll contact my friends from Pretty Country and ask them to help. Disney, Warner Bros., Universal Pictures, Paramount... If there is nothing else, Pretty Country has a lot of film companies~!" Chen Daojun was very Confidently said, since Sony is not willing to cooperate, then change to a company that cooperates in good faith.

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, the others were relieved very quickly. After all, Chen Daojun is also a "big man" in the beautiful country. Just say hello, and of course other film companies are willing to come and cooperate with him~!

Taketo Yamada on the side was a little stunned when he heard what Chen Daojun said. Before he came, President Matsuura never told him about Chen Daojun's real identity, but only asked him to come over and give a shareholder of the company a reference. .Looking at it now, how could Chen Daojun be an ordinary shareholder?
It seems that in the eyes of the other party, those top film companies in the beautiful country are all easy to cooperate with. This can only be done with a strong background? !

Returning to the hotel room, Chen Daojun saw that someone who was lying on the bed had left. Looking at the sticky notes on the table, Chen Daojun picked them up and looked at them. A smile appeared on his face, and he did not go there again. Pay attention.

After a rough estimate of the current time, it was expected that it would be the middle of the night over there in Beautiful Country. "At this point, that George guy shouldn't be asleep yet?!" Chen Daojun said to himself, and then decisively picked up his cell phone to make a call. .

After waiting for a while, the other party finally connected. Chen Daojun said with a smile, "George, are you still asleep?"

"Oh, dear Chen, why are you calling me so late? If it's any later, I'm going to fall asleep!" George was still a little curious at first, who would stay up late at night and come to disturb people's sleep , I didn't expect it to be Chen Daojun.

"There is one, it's two things. I need your help to connect them!" Chen Daojun said straight to the point.

"No problem, just say it and I'll let Leyan help you get it done tomorrow~!" George said happily.


Afterwards, Chen Daojun will contact several major film companies in the beautiful country and ask them to tell George about their plan to make "Spider-Man" into a movie. At the same time, he will also ask him to help contact some foreign big-name cosmetics manufacturers and let them work on the Sun Country side. Add an overseas spokesperson.

Hearing Chen Daojun's request, George smiled and said, "Chen, there will be no problem when it comes to filming the movie. It's just that you are the spokesperson for cosmetics... Did you make a new girlfriend in the Kingdom of the Sun?"

George is very familiar with this request. It seems that Chen Daojun arranged it for his lover Ambrosius in the beautiful country~!

"Ahem, am I such a person? That's a friend of mine, I just want to help her~!" Chen Daojun said seriously.He didn't want to reveal too much, lest George take the opportunity to tease him again.When he was in the beautiful country, George was discussing this with him at Goldman Sachs, but James overheard and made fun of him.

(End of this chapter)

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