The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 370 Chen Yangji's Suspicion, Kim Dae-jung's Dilemma

Chapter 370 Chen Yangji's Suspicion, Kim Dae-jung's Dilemma
After coming out of Citibank, George happily patted Le Yan on the shoulder, and said happily, "It's really you! You got rid of Boris so quickly! With you, I feel a lot easier! "

"Without my uncle's help, I wouldn't have settled Citibank so easily." Le Yan grinned and said with a smile, "The stocks of Pingguo and Amazon are very hot right now, and they must want to We want to buy it. But we don’t want to pay too much, so bargaining is inevitable.”

"It's just that this Boris obviously got one thing wrong. When others know the value of these shares and want to collect them, they don't have much bargaining power. Only our bid, he Not much room for bargaining~!

"And if he messes things up, I don't think his boss will let him go easily!" Le Yan said confidently.

Listening to Leyan's analysis, George had a gratified smile on his face. This cheap nephew of himself has grown up well in the past two years, and he is already able to take care of himself. It doesn't seem long before he will be able to

------Dividing line------

Bangzi country, Zhengxinzhai.

Chen Yangji looked at today's newspaper with a serious expression, and asked Mr. Li at the side, "What is the origin of this NewData technology company? Have you investigated it clearly? Its stock price can rise for two weeks in a row. Behind this must be Someone is deliberately hyping it~!"

Director Li said with a bit of embarrassment, "According to our investigation, there is a foreign financial institution that is very optimistic about this NewData company. I heard that they are approaching recently to acquire a large number of shares and become a shareholder of the company!"

"Yuetian Department Store, Shanshang Department Store, Daying Group, KB Bank... including Shunyang Department Store have all bought shares in NewData..."

Mr. Li's explanation shocked Chen Yangji. He never expected that NewData could get the attention of so many companies, and even Shunyang Department Store was involved~!

"Huarong is also involved?" Chen Yangji was a little puzzled. In his view, NewData was an Internet company and had nothing to do with the business of Shunyang Department Store. How could she buy shares in NewData? !

"Yes, President Chen Huarong also bought NewData's stock, probably investing tens of billions of Korean won!" Director Li then replied.

"When did this girl have this ability?!" Chen Yangji was a little puzzled. If it was Chen Dongji, the second oldest, he would still understand, but Chen Huarong, a daughter who is not good at finance, this is obviously beyond his understanding!

After a while, Chen Yangji suddenly said, "What about Miracle Group? What have they done recently?!"

"Miracle Group? They haven't made any big moves recently, as usual!" Facing Chen Yangji's inquiry, Director Li was a little surprised.

Chen Yangji's eyes widened instantly, and he seemed to have discovered the key point, "No! How come a technology company like NewData, Miracle Group, doesn't take action?"

In his opinion, as the number one investment institution and enterprise in Bangzi Country, Miracle Group will definitely not be inferior to their Shunyang Group in terms of well-informed information.

But the other party did not take any action. On the contrary, some companies related to Miracle Group bought NewData's stock in time. If there is nothing tricky in the process, it is absolutely impossible!
Seeing that Chen Yangji was so excited, Director Li gradually realized that, according to common sense, Miracle Group should be the first to invest and hold such high-quality stocks with great potential and rising market value. How could there be no action? Reasonable!

"Director Li, send someone to investigate the Miracle Group again, and make sure to investigate their every move!"

"Yes, President~!" Director Li said respectfully.


At the Blue House, the slightly older Kim Dae-jong is listening to his subordinates’ reports on the latest real estate industry situation.

In the past two years, in order to stimulate the domestic economic development, the Blue House has introduced a series of incentive policies and lifted some restrictions on enterprises. However, they did not expect that although these enterprises have driven the development of the domestic economy, they will follow suit. Then, a new problem was born.

Now housing prices are rising faster than people's salaries. It used to take 7-8 years of salary to buy a house, but now it may take 10-12 years.If they don't find a way to curb holidays or increase people's income, this problem will become more and more serious.

"Mr. President, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. I can't think of a solution at the moment!" Advisor Li said with some embarrassment.

After a while, Consultant Li said hesitantly, "If we can persuade several companies such as Miracle Group to sell some of the houses in Bundang and other areas at a lower price, we may be able to alleviate this problem."

"As long as we have more time, we can readjust and optimize the system and solve the problem fundamentally!"

Consultant Li's words gave the originally disappointed Jin Dazhong new hope. However, it was a big challenge to convince those companies, especially Miracle Group, Daying Group and Shunyang Group.

In the past few years, these companies have contributed a lot to the economic recovery of Bangzi Country. If they take in the benefits and then spit them out, they will probably forge conflicts with these large companies and chaebols. If not, Without the support of these large companies, the Blue House’s situation may become very difficult in the future.


Miracle Group, in the vice president's office, Su Canping walked in with a document, and said to Wu Shixian who was writing the materials on the desk, "President Wu, another company sent a cooperation request today, this is their cooperation plan!"

Wu Shixian raised his head curiously, looked at the information Su Canping handed over, and asked in surprise, "Shunyang Construction Company? Isn't this the company controlled by the president Chen Yongji?"

"Yes, it's that President Chen!" Su Canping continued, "The cooperation plan was mailed by the section chief Jin from Shunyang Construction."

Hearing this, Wu Shixian had a playful look on his face. He remembered that the other party wanted to build a shopping center in Bundang New City, but he declined it. Why did the other party come to ask for cooperation?

When Wu Shixian looked through the content of the cooperation plan, his dissatisfied expression gradually turned into surprise.

"They want to build a medical center and a communication company in Bundang New City?!"

You must know that not long ago, he just rejected the cooperation request of Daying's medical company. Didn't expect Shunyang to propose the same cooperation?
(End of this chapter)

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