The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 386 The box office of "Spider-Man", Xu Minying's request

Chapter 386 The box office of "Spider-Man", Xu Minying's request

The person who spoke was Chen Daojun’s former school girl—Xu Minying!After graduating from Seoul National University, Xu Minying went to study in a beautiful country and just returned to China in the second half of last year.

Then Xu Minying took the domestic judicial examination, successfully landed, and became a glorious prosecutor.

But what she didn't know was that she was able to successfully become a prosecutor and stay in Seoul. In addition to her glorious resume, her father, who had served as the prosecutor general, also contributed a lot.

The director of Shuguang Law Firm, who was still having a headache, heard Xu Minying take the initiative to invite her, and said with a smile, "Since Prosecutor Xu said so, then this matter will trouble you~!"

"Yes, Minister!"


Shuguang Law Firm, Director's Office.

"Daojun, have you noticed today's news? The "Spider-Man" movie we co-produced with Sony has already made a box office of 3 million US dollars in the beautiful country~!" Zhao Chengyuan looked at the niece and son-in-law in front of him said happily.

"Uncle, the box office is only 3 million U.S. dollars now, so be calm. The box office in Asia and Europe hasn't come out yet~! According to my estimate, there is at least 3-4 million U.S. dollars in room for growth!" Chen Daojun said calmly.

Seeing Chen Daojun swearing so confidently, Zhao Chengyuan was also delighted. If this is the case, then his animation company will make a lot of money again!Chen Daojun promised him to distribute the domestic "Spider-Man" movie to him.

After Sony Chen completed the film and animation of "Spider-Man", Chen Daojun readily handed over the animated version of "Spider-Man" to Zhao Chengyuan as an agent, and released the animation of "Spider-Man" in China and the neighboring Yanxia Country at the same time. To increase the influence of the follow-up "Spider-Man" movie~!

Zhao Chengyuan directly brought "Spiderman" to the SBS TV station where Mou Xianmin works.After a series of "special approval", the "Spider-Man" cartoon quickly occupied a place in the prime time of SBS TV.

Many students in Bangzi Kingdom saw the excellent picture quality and handsome appearance of Spider-Man, and soon became obsessed with the show, and the ratings continued to rise.

Relying on the popularity of the "Spiderman" cartoon, SBS TV station has obtained many advertising sponsorships and gained a lot.


When the two were chatting, the assistant Li Yanhe outside knocked on the door and walked in, "Boss, there is a lady outside who wants to see you, but she doesn't have an appointment..."

"Ma'am? No appointment?" Chen Daojun was a little surprised, and asked, "Did that woman say her name?"

"She said her name is Xu Minying, and she is a schoolmate of BOSS..." Li Yanhe said calmly.

As a retired special forces soldier, she could keenly feel that Xu Minying should have an inexplicable relationship with Chen Daojun, unlike an ordinary schoolmate.

"So it's her?! Has she come back so soon?!" Chen Daojun murmured.

Seeing something wrong with his expression, Zhao Chengyuan on the side quickly said, "Daojun, since you still have something to do here, I'll take a step first!"

"Okay, let's talk later." Seeing Zhao Chengyuan's understanding, Chen Daojun smiled and nodded in agreement.


When Zhao Chengyuan left Shuguang Law Firm, he saw the woman waiting at the front desk. Although she was not particularly beautiful, she had a cool demeanor and a different style.

"This...couldn't it be Daojun's former friend?!" Zhao Chengyuan murmured in his heart, "I still have to remind that girl Xianmin, if her man is taken away, I'm afraid sister won't be able to do it." It’s easy to explain!”


Xu Minying followed the assistant to Chen Daojun's office slowly, looking at Chen Daojun who was more mature than two years ago, Xu Minying was a little dazed, with traces of red marks on his face, the senior seemed...more handsome...

Chen Daojun looked at the very familiar face in front of him and said with a smile, "Sister Minying, long time no see. Are you back from abroad?!"

"Well, I'm in the beautiful country, and I'm back after finishing my studies." Hearing Chen Daojun's question, Xu Minying gradually recovered and replied with a smile.


Xu Minying recalled the dozen or so elite lawyers she met before who often appeared in courts and TV news, and said with some emotion, "Senior, your Shuguang Law Firm is really amazing!"

"I heard from many colleagues that among the many law firms in Bangziguo, only Shuguang Law Firm is the well-deserved number one!"

Hearing this, Chen Daojun said with a smile, "These are just other people's praises for our Shuguang Law Firm. If it were really so powerful, our lawyers wouldn't have to work so hard outside to solicit orders and find customers!"

"I remember that you, my junior fellow student, are also a top student majoring in law. How are you doing at work now? If you are not happy with your job, you can come to the senior class. I dare not say anything else, but the salary and weekend breaks are still guaranteed!" Chen Daojun said in a sincere tone.

"Senior, you are so enthusiastic, this... how can I make a request?!" Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Xu Minying felt entangled.

Even though I haven't seen my senior Chen Daojun for two years, he is still so friendly to me and even invited me to join Shuguang Law Firm.

On the contrary, I came here with no good intentions, thinking to "disturb" the other party's business, this... this is somewhat unkind~!

"Senior, thank you for your kindness. My current job... is pretty good, and I have no plans to change jobs for the time being." Xu Minying said awkwardly, "In addition to reminiscing about old times, I have something else to do when I come here... I want to ask senior for help."

Chen Daojun saw Xu Minying who looked a little unnatural in front of him, and secretly murmured in his heart, "Did something happen to this girl? If it's too troublesome, should I agree or refuse?"


Seeing that Chen Daojun didn't speak, Xu Minying could only bite the bullet and said, "It's like this. The prosecutor's office in Seoul has already filed a lawsuit against Im Yongzhu, the president of NewData Technology.

"But this Ren Yongzhu wants to hire a lawyer from Shuguang Law Firm as his defense lawyer." Xu Minying paused and looked at Chen Daojun who still looked at her without speaking. She could only bite the bullet and continue, "So I want to ask the senior to refuse. Ren Yongzhu’s recruitment!”

Hearing Xu Minying make such an outrageous request, Chen Daojun felt a little funny, "Junior girl, you are also studying law, how could you make such a request?"

"Eliot once said - the law is made to protect the innocent. Before conviction, everyone has the right to defend themselves~!"

Chen Daojun's words, like a mallet, kept hitting Xu Minying's heart.Yes!Didn't she choose to study law at the beginning to be able to maintain justice and equality? !
Then what she asked Chen Daojun to do today, didn't it go against her original intention? !
(End of this chapter)

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