The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 416 Chen Yangji: I want to hand over Shunyang Group to you

Chapter 416 Chen Yangji: I want to hand over Shunyang Group to you
Zhengxinzhai, study room on the second floor.

Chen Yangji looked at the young grandson Chen Daojun in front of him and was filled with emotions. "Hey Yigu! I didn't expect that this kid like you would actually be the president of the Miracle Group - Li Wenxuan! If it hadn't been for the beautiful country branch that happened to send a message this time, I'm afraid, old man, I would have been kept in the dark by you for the rest of my life! "

"Hey hey! Grandpa, didn't you never ask me? If you asked me, I would definitely say it. It's just that you never asked!" Chen Daojun replied with a smirk.

He was not strong enough before, and he didn't have the ability to protect himself. If he showed it rashly, it would be a ghost if his uncles and aunts didn't swallow him alive~!After all, a child has mastered so much wealth and has no ability to protect it, so it will inevitably attract other people's desire to covet and snatch it!

But today is different from the past. Now, he not only owns the most powerful enterprise in Bangzi Country, the most powerful society and security company in Seoul, but also has his own private armed force on the island of Bangzi Country.Whoever dares to attack him, Chen Daojun, will dare to lift the table and crush him to death!

Under such a situation of "the wings are hardened", Chen Daojun is obviously not as concerned about whether his identity will be exposed as before. It was the mighty Yuetian Group Xin Gehao, Xin Dongbin and his son who were all sent to see God by him!


Hearing Chen Daojun's answer, Chen Yangji didn't get angry, but looked at him with interest, "Daojun, tell grandpa, how did you create the Miracle Group in the first place? ... and how did you partner with the Goldman Sachs Group?" Are you related?!"

Seeing Chen Yangji asking, Chen Daojun said with a smile, "Grandpa, do you still remember that Black Friday in 87? That's when I went to the beautiful country with my father and opened an account with Goldman Sachs to short US stocks! At that time, I started to have a relationship with Goldman Sachs Group.”

"As for the Miracle Group, when it was established, I didn't expect it to develop to where it is today~!" Chen Daojun continued, "I made my first pot of gold during the Black Friday crisis, but I always felt that so much money , if you don’t invest it, it’s a pity that big money makes small money.”

"That's when I came up with the idea of ​​finding an agent and setting up an investment company. With the help of Goldman Sachs, I met Wu Shixian, who was looking for a job in Beautiful Country..." Chen Daojun narrated the events of these years in detail.

It's just that Chen Daojun has concealed things about the investment deployment in the Sun Country, even participating in the fundraising plan organized by the IMF, and investing in the Internet to earn tens of billions of dollars.

Chen Yangji listened to Chen Daojun's story, and his thoughts also fluctuated.The expression on his face kept changing from shock and disbelief at the beginning to admiration and relief later.


"...So, you now have a net worth of billions of dollars?!" Chen Yangji couldn't help asking after listening to Chen Daojun's narration.

"Yes! The total account balances of these companies and Goldman Sachs Group are about 30-40 billion US dollars, right?" Upon seeing this, Chen Daojun followed Chen Yangji's words and nodded in recognition, without any intention of revealing his entire net worth. .


Chen Yangji was a little shocked. He didn't expect that he had worked hard all his life to build such a large Shunyang Group.As a result, the grandson Chen Daojun achieved it in just ten years.

The most heartbreaking thing is that he handles the company's affairs conscientiously.And this little guy, Chen Daojun, has been a hands-off shopkeeper for more than ten years, relying entirely on agents to run the company, and then became the number one in Bangzi country. This is really inappropriate~!

"Is it possible...that my business philosophy and methods are not as reliable as this little guy's? This is impossible, absolutely impossible~!" Chen Yangji fell into self-doubt.


After a long time, Chen Yangji sighed, looked at his tall grandson, and said quietly, "Daojun, if grandpa handed over Shunyang Group to you, are you sure you can manage it well and continue to grow it? "

"You want to hand over Shunyang Group to me? But I'm not interested in running a business, otherwise I wouldn't hand over the daily affairs of Miracle Group to Wu Shixian." Chen Daojun shrugged helplessly, "Being a lawyer and running a law firm That's what I like to do~!"

If it is a hugely profitable industry or an emerging industry with high potential, Chen Daojun is still very interested. As for Shunyang Group?Then forget it!

Although Shunyang Group has successfully survived the financial turmoil in 97, it is still burdened with a large amount of debts, and its converted net assets are actually not much.For the three brothers and sisters Chen Yongji, Chen Dongji, and Chen Huarong, this kind of large enterprise with high debt is a "treasure" that they must use all means and painstaking efforts to win.

But in Chen Daojun's eyes, the current Shunyang Group's cost performance is really not good. It is completely incomparable with the Internet industry where you can spend money lying down, and it is not comparable to Miracle Group, a cash cow that can earn a lot of Korean won every day. Far worse.


Chen Yangji didn't expect Chen Daojun to refuse so simply, and he took out the Miracle Group for comparison, which made Chen Yangji feel very uncomfortable.Although the scale and assets of Shunyang Group are indeed inferior to Miracle Group, it is still the top three large enterprises in Bangzi Country!Give it to you, don't you want it?It's too much~!

Seeing Chen Yangji's displeasure, Chen Daojun said with a smile, "Let the two uncles and aunts worry about the matter of the Shunyang Group. If one day in the future, the Shunyang Group encounters an unsolvable crisis, I will Take action to help Shunyang Group tide over the difficulties~!"

Hearing Chen Daojun mention his three children, Chen Yangji was heartbroken but still didn't say anything more.He quickly understood the meaning of Dao Chen Daojun's words. The Bangzi Kingdom has been deeply influenced by the Confucian culture of the neighboring country Yanxia for hundreds of years. Regarding family inheritance, it firmly believes that the "eldest son inheritance system" can enable the family to be passed on better.

Even after Bangziguo entered the modern society, this system was regarded as the standard by many chaebols and families. Many families still adopted the eldest son inheritance system to select heirs in order to inherit the family and avoid family strife.

And Chen Daojun's father is not only the youngest son, but also the youngest among the grandchildren!Hastily skipped over a group of children and grandchildren, and handed over the huge Shunyang Group to Chen Daojun, the little grandson, to inherit.The first one who can't sit still is probably the three brothers and sisters Chen Yongji, Chen Dongji and Chen Huarong~!

Moreover, his wife Li Biyu is not a good person, and Bao Buqi will attack a junior like Chen Daojun.


"...Since that's the case, grandpa won't force you anymore." Chen Yangji looked at his smart little grandson and said with a smile, "on the day you get married, grandpa will give you a gift, so you can't refuse it~!"

(End of this chapter)

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