The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 420 SM joins CJ Entertainment?Colleagues are sour

Chapter 420 SM joins CJ Entertainment?Colleagues are sour

While everyone was discussing and eating melons, a piece of news broadcast by SBS TV station the next day intensified the heated discussion on Runhai Film and Television and CJ Entertainment.

"SuperMuseum's president, Li Xiu, held a press conference this morning to announce joining CJ Entertainment~!"

"It's a great honor to join CJ Entertainment. I believe that in the near future, CJ Entertainment will become the leading entertainment company in Asia and even in the world~!" Li Xiuman vowed to express his comments in front of the cameras of many media reporters.


"Hmph——! This Li Xiuhao is really talking out loud. Do you really think that by joining an investment company in Xiangjiang, he can take the lead and become the number one entertainment company in the industry?! Bah——!" The person in charge of YG Entertainment looked at Li Xiu was very dissatisfied with Li Xiu's brash appearance on TV.

"Maybe this CJ Entertainment can really make a difference?!" As one of the founders of YG Entertainment, Yang Hyun Suk looked at the close-up of Li Xiuman on the TV and put forward different opinions.

In 1996, Yang Hyun Suk, who was one of the members of the popular group "Seo Taiji and the Children" in the 90s, founded YG Entertainment (YG Entertainment) with the support of several like-minded friends and investors after the group disbanded.

It's just that not long after the company was established, it encountered the Asian financial turmoil in 97, and the company where the investor was located went bankrupt.Several of their company founders went around doing commercials and borrowing money to barely support the company.

Fortunately, with the passage of time, Bangziguo's economy has improved quickly, and their YG Entertainment has grown from a small company on the verge of bankruptcy to become bigger and stronger step by step, and has become the top-ranked large-scale entertainment company in Bangziguo today. company.

It’s just that the SuperMuseum company, backed by Chen Daojun, the “local rich man”, has developed extremely rapidly in the past two years. Its HOT group and Fin.KL group have become regulars on the Bangzi Country’s music charts. Yanxia Kingdom has many fans and supporters.

In addition, many good people and news media touted SuperMuseum as the No. [-] entertainment company in Bangzi Country. Li Xiuman and other company executives did not come forward to clarify and explain. A high-profile participation in commercial performances and recruiting new trainees.

Such actions naturally stimulated many colleagues, making them quite dissatisfied with Li Xiuhao and SuperMuseum.Obviously everyone is eating this bowl of rice, why are you so famous and number one in Bangzi country? Isn't it just that the scale is a little bigger and the company makes more money?What's there to be arrogant about? ! ╭(╯^╰)╮!

Runhai Film and Television Company, President's Office.

Chen Runji was looking at his youngest son with a puzzled look on his face, "Why did you suddenly let SuperMuseum join CJ Entertainment? I didn't even know about this!"

Chen Daojun looked at his father with a grin, and said with a smirk, "But isn't the current president of CJ Entertainment Miss Hong from Xiangjiang? Dad, you are just the person in charge of CJ Entertainment's Bangziguo branch~!"

"Axiba, this kid is promising~! Even I dare to tease~!" Chen Runji couldn't help it when he heard Chen Daojun's answer. This kid is getting more and more naughty now, and he doesn't respect him at all. The majesty of his father is gone~!

Chen Daojun saw that Chen Runji was getting angry from embarrassment, and the smile on his face became even brighter.


"CJ Entertainment has just been established. It is a simple and very effective way to let other entertainment companies join in if they want to expand in a short period of time and gain a high degree of attention." Chen Daojun patiently explained, "And next week , there will be entertainment companies from Sunland and Xiangjiang joining CJ Entertainment."

"What you said is true?!" Chen Runji was a little excited. If what Chen Daojun said was true, overseas companies would join in next week.At that time, once the resources of these companies are integrated, let alone the No. [-] in Bangzi Country, even if it is the No. [-] entertainment company in Asia, CJ Entertainment deserves its name!

And he, the person in charge of CJ Entertainment of the Bangzi Country branch, wouldn't he also be able to follow the tide?Much better than the previous president of Runhai Film and Television Company!

You must know that in recent years, apart from those large entertainment companies in the beautiful country, there are few entertainment companies in Asia that have transnational business.Occasionally, one or two overseas branches have been established, and more often they are more like decorations.Because under their company, there has not yet been a first-line artist or star who is popular throughout Asia~!


After leaving the president's office, Chen Daojun went to the artist department with great interest.It's been a while since I saw Song Yoon-a and Kim Ha-neul. He planned to visit the class and find out the situation.It's just that when Chen Daojun came to the office of the two, only Song Yuner was in the office, and Kim Ha Na was not seen.

"Sister Yoona, haven't you been filming any new dramas recently?" Chen Daojun looked at the familiar figure in front of him and asked with a smile.

Song Yun'er heard the voice and turned around to take a look, her face was full of surprise, "Dao Jun?! Why are you here?!"

"Father asked me to talk about something. I just came to visit Sister Yun'er~!" Chen Daojun said with a smile, and couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion in his heart, Song Yuner Pang is really as frozen as he remembered~!Even though more than ten years have passed, it is still almost the same as when he first saw it.The only thing that has changed may be that Song Yuner's temperament has become more mature.

"By the way, did sister He Na go out to attend the announcement?" Chen Daojun asked curiously.

"Ha Neul? She's lucky. A director picked her up and asked her to audition~! I heard it's a movie..." Speaking of Kim Ha Neul, Song Yuner was a little envious. In addition to the affirmation of acting skills, the follow-up is also very beneficial to one's own development.

After all, the status of movie actors is even higher than that of TV drama actors!
Although the entertainment industry in Bangzi Country has not yet reached the prosperity of later generations, some rules and regulations that will affect later generations have gradually formed, such as the ranking of actors: movie actors > TV drama actors > singers > hosts > idols > gagman (comedian) .


"Sister Yuner also wants to make a movie?" Chen Daojun quickly noticed the change in Song Yuner's expression, and then said with a smirk, "If Sister Yuner can play with me for a day, I can help Sister Yuner realize her wish~ !"

"You're going to die—! How dare you even tease me?!" Seeing Chen Daojun's smirk, Song Yun'er didn't understand why this kid was teasing herself? !Some angry Song Yuner picked up the pillow on the seat and threw it towards Chen Daojun~!

"Haha~! Don't you think that your wings are hard and you can take revenge~!" Chen Daojun easily took the pillow thrown by Song Yuner, and said with a smile, "Who made Sister Yuner always bully me when I was young? It's reasonable to take the opportunity to take revenge~!"

(End of this chapter)

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