The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 424: Director Li was shocked by Chen Yangji’s guess!

Chapter 424: Director Li was shocked by Chen Yangji’s guess!

At noon, the three major TV stations of Bangzi Country, KBS, MBC, and SBS, all broadcast a piece of heavy news at the same time.Daying Group, a domestic ultra-large enterprise, announced that Zhu Mengxian, the former vice chairman of the group, will take up the post of chairman of Daying Group with immediate effect.


As soon as the news came out, the upper echelons of Bangzi Kingdom were in an uproar.Before that, they all heard about the inside information of the Daying Group.The second brother, Zhu Mengxian, united with the two brothers, and successfully pulled the fifth brother, Zhu Mengxian, from the horse~!

In the past week, Zhu Mengxian, who had been kicked out, not only turned the tables against the wind, but also won the chairmanship of the Daying Group in one fell swoop, becoming the final big winner.This surprised many people~!


Zheng Xin Zhai.

Chen Yangji, who saw the news on TV, was also puzzled.In his opinion, Zhu Mengjiu should have the chance to win. How could he be turned against the wind by Zhu Mengxian, a guy who was kicked out?Isn't Zhu Mengjiu very capable?

If that old fox Zhu Yirong really chooses the fifth Zhu Mengxian as his successor, then the heir of their Shunyang Group will


While Chen Yangji was in a daze, Director Li came to the study room with the information, "President, our secretary's office has obtained the information on the shareholders' meeting of Daying Group this morning!"

Chen Yangji picked up his eyes and took the information handed over by Mr. Li and looked it up carefully.

"Hey, Miracle Group and Shuguang Law Firm are supporting Zhu Mengxian, and Zhu Yirong, an old fox, has come out to express his opinion in person?!" Chen Yangji was a little surprised. It turned out that Zhu Mengxian was able to turn the tables because someone supported him~!

"Dao Jun actually got the stock entrustment authorization from Goldman Sachs Group, which surprised me~!" Chen Yangji said with some emotion.

In order to cope with the financial turmoil and get rid of the crisis of bankruptcy as soon as possible, they had no choice but to accept the aid from the IMF. They thought that these foreign investment institutions should not have any impact on the production and operation of the group.

Now it seems that this is more like a hidden sword of Damocles, when Bao Qi suddenly fell down, it gave a fatal blow!

"...Mr. Li, do the top 10 major shareholders of our Shunyang Group also have foreign capital?" Chen Yangji closed the information in his hand and asked.

"Yes, in addition to Goldman Sachs, there is also JP Morgan Bank! They are all beautiful state-owned investment institutions approved by the IMF. Together, they account for about 27% of the shares of our Shunyang Group~!" Mr. Li recalled After a while, he told what he knew.

"Then how many shares did Miracle Group take when it invested in us?!" Chen Yangji couldn't help but frown. He had not paid much attention to the shareholding ratio of the group's subsidiaries before. After all, many companies pledged a large number of shares to The bank may transfer it to an investment institution in exchange for more cash to develop the company.Now that I think about it carefully, there seems to be quite a lot of intrigue here~!

"At the beginning, Miracle Group invested 7 million US dollars in us, in exchange for about 13.5% of the shares!" Director Li replied very firmly.


Hearing Mr. Li's words, Chen Yangji froze obviously, and then laughed out loud, "...So this kid has this idea! No wonder he keeps saying that he is not interested in inheriting the Shunyang Group!"

Hearing Chen Yangji's sudden words without a beginning or end, Chief Li was a little confused for a moment. The kid Chen Yangji was talking about should be Chen Daojun, right?But what is Chen Daojun’s idea?

"President, you should be talking about Dao Jun, right? Does he have any other plans?" Director Li asked.


"We are all deceived by the appearance of this stinky boy, Chen Daojun! On the surface, he has no ambitions, but he has arranged everything behind his back!" Chen Yangji sighed, for the little grandson of the chicken thief, he was a little bit admired.

"The dispute over the management rights of the Daying Group has fully reflected one thing! That is, the right to speak in the group is closely related to the position of the group's subsidiaries. The more subsidiaries you control, the more right to speak in the group. The heavier it is!"

"This is why Zhu Mengjiu had the guts to initiate a shareholders' meeting to impeach Zhu Mengxian and drive him out! Because he has the support of most of Daying Group's subsidiaries!"

"It's just that Wu Shixian and Chen Daojun taught Zhu Mengjiu a vivid lesson! Apart from the company's president, there are also the company's major shareholders who can influence the positions of the group's subsidiaries~!"

"As long as he has the support of more than half of the company's shares, the president is just a show! Any resolution he makes can be vetoed by the shareholders who own more than half of the shares! Goldman Sachs Group and Miracle Group, plus Zhu Yirong's shares, have already If it exceeds 50% of the group, it also has the absolute right to speak!"

"Even if Zhu Mengjiu gets the support of more subsidiary presidents, it's useless~! Because they are just professional managers, not real power holders!"


"President, do you mean that although Daojun is not interested in managing Shunyang Group, he has already made arrangements in advance? He owns a large number of shares in the subsidiaries of Shunyang Group?" Director Li heard Chen Yangji For the analysis of Daying Group's shareholders' meeting, they quickly thought of Shunyang Group.

Now he already knows that Chen Daojun is the behind-the-scenes boss of Miracle Group, and the relationship between Goldman Sachs Group and Chen Daojun can be described as more than close~!If Chen Daojun had a good relationship with Morgan Bank, wouldn't it mean that Chen Daojun already holds more than 40% of the shares of Shunyang Group!
You must know that the combined shares of the three brothers Chen Yangji and Chen Yongji are only 46%, not more than 50%. They have absolute say!

After understanding the twists and turns, Mr. Li couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. If Chen Yangji hadn't pointed it out, he probably wouldn't have known that Chen Daojun had this idea!No wonder he doesn't care about the position of the president of Miracle Group at all!

For shareholders who own a large number of shares in the group, isn't the chairman who stands in front of the stage and gives orders a professional manager?If he doesn't do well, or makes him dissatisfied, he can change to someone with better ability at any time!
Just like Wu Shixian, the vice president of the Miracle Group who is in power now and who is in the moment!Although the status is lofty, many chaebol companies and even the Blue House have to give a little face and consider the opinions of the other party.

But in front of Chen Daojun, Wu Shixian is also a professional manager? !
Wait... So then, aren't the chairman and even vice-chairman of Shunyang Group similar to Wu Shixian's situation?Can he be regarded as Chen Daojun’s migrant worker? !

If Shunyang Group is misleading or even messed up, Chen Daojun, the major shareholder behind the scenes, will be like Daying Group's extraordinary shareholders meeting, and he can remove the chairman and vice-chairman from his seat at any time. Replace it with a more reliable one? !
Chief Li didn't dare to think about it anymore...

 I almost forgot something very important...

  Tea eggs wish all brothers and sisters a happy Dragon Boat Festival~! O(∩_∩)O haha~!

(End of this chapter)

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