The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 426 New news from CJ Entertainment, the box office of "Spider-Man"

Chapter 426 New news from CJ Entertainment, the box office of "Spider-Man"
In the evening, the international news channel relayed an international news, "Abex Entertainment and Stardust Communications in the Kingdom of the Sun held press conferences one after another. At the press conference, company leaders Katsuto Matsuura and Ryoji Fujishita announced at the press conference that By joining CJ Entertainment, Katsuto Matsuura will become the head of CJ Entertainment’s Sunland branch!”


As soon as the news came out, Bangzi Country's entertainment industry was completely blown up.They originally thought that CJ Entertainment was just a gimmick, saying that they wanted to establish a multinational entertainment company, but many people didn't take it seriously.

But now even two well-known entertainment companies in Sunland have announced to join CJ Entertainment, and those people who make fun of CJ Entertainment have turned into clowns!Many people began to worry, will there be entertainment companies joining CJ Entertainment in the future?

If this CJ Entertainment continues to expand, won't these small and medium-sized entertainment companies that are already in a bad situation have to sit on the wax?
There is no way for them to compete head-on with this behemoth in the entertainment market. I am afraid that they will have to pick some others to pick the rest in the follow-up recruitment of newcomers and trainees!
JYP Entertainment Company, in a relatively poorly decorated meeting room, Park Zhenrong was discussing the company's future direction with several entrepreneurial partners.In the past two years or so since they founded the company, they have suffered a lot!

In November 1997, Park Jinyoung received a grant from a friend and registered JYP Entertainment with 11 million won.Just like when Li Xiuhao used his savings to establish SuperMuseum, the scale was small at the beginning.Moreover, the time when JYP Entertainment was established happened to be the moment when Bangzi Country’s financial crisis broke out.

A large number of businesses closed down and workers lost their jobs.Naturally, the situation of the newly established JYP Entertainment will not be much better.Park Zhenrong managed to earn some living expenses by relying on donations from friends and connections in the entertainment industry. This prevented JYP Entertainment from going bankrupt immediately after its establishment.

It’s just that without the favor of large financial backers and investment institutions, JYP Entertainment’s financial situation has not been well-off. Whether it is the company’s office environment, training of trainees, packaging, board and lodging and other aspects, the conditions are very simple. The amazing SuperMuseum company is not the same at all!


"...How about, let's talk to the head of CJ Entertainment, President Chen Runji, and see if we can join CJ Entertainment?" President Park Zhenrong said to several of his entrepreneurial partners. Thigh, he absolutely does not want to miss the opportunity.

After more than two years of "severe beatings from society," he has fully understood that even the entertainment industry needs the support of big investors and investment institutions to succeed.

"...Let's give it a try~! Anyway, SuperMuseum has also joined. It's not shameful for us to join CJ Entertainment. Maybe we can get capital injection from CJ Entertainment and get more resources~!" A partner and colleague on the side Nod in agreement.

------Dividing line------

Villa residential area in Jiangnan District.

Chen Daojun and Mou Xianmin got off work early and came to Chen Runji's home not far away to attend a family banquet.Today's situation is a bit special, the eldest brother Chen Hengjun who has been urged to marry is coming back with his girlfriend this time~!

From what my mother, Li Hairen, told Mou Xianmin, it seemed that the other person was a young female host from SBS TV station, and was one of the people Mou Xianmin introduced to Chen Hengjun on a blind date.After Chen Hengjun went through a process of "chasing girls", the woman agreed to date Chen Hengjun.


Mou Xianmin and Li Hairen both went to the kitchen to prepare the dishes for the evening banquet.And Chen Daojun and Chen Runji were chatting while watching TV in the living room.

"Daojun, what's the news today? Why have Avex and Stardust Communications from the Sun Kingdom announced that they have joined CJ Entertainment?!...You boy...won't you put these two entertainment companies together? Did you buy it too?! Chen Runji seemed to have thought of something, and stared at Chen Daojun suspiciously.

"Hey hey! Dad, you are so accurate! That's right, when I was on a business trip to Sun Country, I bought a large number of shares in those two entertainment companies. Now I am the major shareholder of these two companies! Otherwise How could they be obedient and join CJ Entertainment?" Chen Daojun grinned, as if he was talking about a trivial matter!
Chen Runji took a deep look at Chen Daojun, and said with some emotion, "It's really you! You even won the first-class entertainment company in the Sun Country without making a sound!"

"It's just that, now that CJ Entertainment has become so popular, are you sure your grandpa won't ask?" Chen Runji couldn't help feeling a little worried. After all, it's a good thing that his son is too good, but the rest of the Chen family in Shunyang don't think so. Look at the number of unlucky fathers and sons~!

"Even if grandpa knew about it, he wouldn't get involved! He doesn't look down on the entertainment industry at all!" Chen Daojun answered very firmly. In Chen Yangji's mind, the physical manufacturing industry and traditional industries are the focus of attention. The entertainment industry, the Internet, etc. In an "unpopular" industry, no matter how much money you make, it will only be temporary and you won't be able to get on the stage at all~!

When Chen Runji heard his son say this, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Chen Yangji would focus on him because of CJ Entertainment's affairs, so he asked him to go to Zhengxinzhai to explain the situation.It's just that this kind of "explanation" will most likely end with Chen Yangji's reprimand!

"By the way, isn't the "Spider-Man 2" movie you were working on released in the beautiful country?!" Chen Runji quickly remembered another "big event" of Chen Daojun!
Speaking of the "Spider-Man" movie, Chen Daojun suddenly became interested, "Yes! "Spider-Man 1" was released successfully last week, and "Spider-Man 2" will be launched this week to follow the trend. The wool, of course, is a one-off. It's clean!"

"Has the box office of Spider-Man 1 been released? How much is it? I heard from many friends that this movie was shot very well! There are many big scenes and special effects, and the story is quite compact..." Chen Runji hurriedly said Asking about the movie's box office results, he thought that the movie's evaluation was so high, and the results should be very happy!

"...I haven't asked about this yet. It should be less than 9-5 million U.S. dollars. Last week, the news from the beautiful country was that it has exceeded 9 million U.S. dollars!" Chen Daojun said with some regret. According to the previous life, Memory, this so-called classic of the Marvel hero movie, but it won a box office of 8.25 million US dollars!

But even though Chen Daojun asked Columbia to increase its efforts in promoting the movie, it still failed to make the movie's box office exceed 10 billion US dollars. This somewhat disappointed him!

(End of this chapter)

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