The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 431 Chen Yangji was moved by the profit of Yibuhuo

Chapter 431 Chen Yangji is moved by the profit of Tesco Department Store

Chen Huarong hesitated for a while, and finally asked, "Executive Ren,... If I don't show up, will there be any problems?!"

Regarding Chen Yangji, Chen Huarong still felt a little guilty. In order to make quick money, she had boldly misappropriated a lot of public funds to speculate on NewData Technology's stocks.Although I was lucky enough to not lose money in the end, I also made a fortune from it.

But she didn't know much about the production and operation of department stores.In particular, Tesco Department Store has been managed and improved most of the time by Shanshang Department Store, Yuetian Department Store and Vice Chairman Wu Shixian of Miracle Group.

On the side of Shunyang Department Store, Executive Director Ren will go to the regular work meeting of Tesco Department Store from time to time. After Executive Director Ren comes back, he will report the content of the meeting to her.She, the major shareholder of Yibu Department Store, is often more like a hands-off shopkeeper. She doesn't care about the business philosophy and methods of Yibu Department Store, as long as she can make money~!


Seeing the unwillingness of her president, Executive Ren could only sigh secretly and said nothing more. After all, she was just a suggestion, and it was president Chen Huarong who made the specific decision.

------Dividing line------

Zhengxinzhai, study room on the second floor.

Director Li is reporting the situation with a smile on his face, "President, the secretary's office has just received a reply from Tesco Department Store, and their president, Ms. Song Cailin, will arrange for a receptionist to accompany her personally. ... As for Miracle Group's The vice president, Wu Shixian, is busy with work...but they will let a special guest come to accompany him."

"Accompanied by a special guest?" Chen Yangji was moved by this interesting remark, "Could it be the kid Daojun?!"

"It's most likely Daojun... After all, Miracle Group has a similar status to Wu Shixian, and not many people are familiar with Tesco Department Store." Regarding Chen Yangji's guess, Director Li nodded in agreement.

"This is really interesting~! I thought this kid could still hide behind the scenes and not show up~!" Chen Yangji was like an old fox who succeeded in his scheme, and the smile on his face could not go away for a long time.


Time flies, and soon it's Wednesday afternoon.

Chen Daojun arrived at the Tesco Department Store early. Seeing the radiant and powerful Song Cailin in front of him, Chen Daojun couldn't help feeling a little emotional.When I first met this woman, she looked like a weak girl who had lost her support. Unexpectedly, in just two years, she became a "queen" in the retail industry!

"Lawyer Chen, long time no see. President Wu didn't come this time, are you also a representative of Miracle Group?" Song Cailin couldn't help being a little surprised when she saw Chen Daojun and Rachel present.

Rachel is the assistant to the president of Miracle Group, and her mentor Song Cailin is very understanding.However, the presence of Chen Daojun, the head of Shuguang Law Firm, really confused her.

Section Chief Jin on the side reminded him in a low voice, "President, Lawyer Chen is still the grandson of President Chen..."

It was only then that Song Cailin suddenly realized that Chen Daojun's external identity was more of the person in charge of Shuguang Law Firm. Many people subconsciously ignored that he was the core member of the third generation of Shunyang Group.


Chen Daojun replied with a smile, "This time, I was invited by President Wu to come over for a visit. By the way, let's see what advice our old man has. As for the representative of the Miracle Group, it has to be our president's assistant——Rachel~!"

Chen Daojun replied with a smile, although he had already made plans for his identity to be exposed, but now?If you can deceive, then deceive. It is not illegal to deceive people anyway, so the opportunity is rare~!I'm very curious about what kind of wonderful expressions they will have when they find out the truth later?

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Rachel on the side couldn't help rolling her eyes. The boss behind the scenes and the teacher Wu Shixian were both unreliable. They all wanted to be lazy and forced her assistant to take the lead. It was really a bit unreasonable. Adjust it~!


As time went by, Chen Yangji and Mr. Li also arrived at the headquarters of Tesco Department Store.Chen Yangji glanced at the crowd expressionlessly, and found that most of the people present were young people, and occasionally there would be one or two middle-aged people (Chief Jin), which surprised him. Very young age~!

Finally, Chen Yangji looked at Chen Daojun and Rachel on the side, with a meaningful smile on his face, "Sure enough, this kid is really present~!"


According to the previously planned itinerary, Song Cailin actually explained the market share and revenue occupied by Tesco Department Store last year.In addition, he also specifically talked about the business situation in Yanxia Kingdom next door.

When Chen Yangji heard that Tesco Department Store has opened hundreds of shopping centers in Yanxiaguo, earning more than 9000 billion won (about 50 billion RMB) a year, which is nearly three times the domestic profit, Chen Yangji, who has always been calm, couldn’t sit still up.He never expected that the poor and backward country in his memory would have such amazing spending power~!

You must know that Sunyang Department Store, which previously occupied 20% of the retail market in Bangziguo, had an annual profit of no more than 2000 billion won at its peak~!In this comparison, Shunyang Department Store is like an immature kid in front of this e-buy department store, not in the same order at all~!

The annual profit exceeds 10000 trillion won. Where is the retail industry? !This TM is clearly a cash cow~!

Chen Yangji's heart was moved at this moment. He really wanted to take this Yiguo department store into his pocket and make it his own~!

After a while, Chen Yangji, who was gradually regaining his senses, glanced at Chen Daojun who was diagonally across the street, and asked with some emotion, "How did you do it? They are all shopping malls, so why can Tesco Department Store occupy so many places so quickly?" market share?!”

Facing the question, Song Cailin answered confidently, "Our business philosophy is to ensure that every customer is satisfied, with rich products, reasonable prices, beautiful environment, and perfect services. I think many people come to Yiguo Shopping Center Customers who are most impressed with our service, right?"

Chen Daojun on the side added with a smile. "There is a saying in Yanxia that 'seeing is believing, hearing is believing'. If President Chen has enough time, he can visit the experience hall and shopping center of our e-buy department store with us. If you see it with your own eyes, you will definitely Have a deeper understanding~!”

Seeing Chen Daojun's warm invitation, Chen Yangji pondered for a moment before agreeing.

In the past two years, the sales of Shunyang Group's bulk industrial products and electronic products have gradually become saturated. If they want to continue to improve their performance and earn more profits, they can only work hard in other aspects.

In just two years, Tesco Department Store was able to seize food from a tiger's mouth and even open up a huge sales market overseas. This made him very curious, what kind of magic power does this Tesco Department Store have to achieve such results? !
(End of this chapter)

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