The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 433: The inactive prosecutorial agency, Zhu Mengjiu’s plan

Chapter 433 Inaction of the Procuratorate, Zhu Mengjiu's Plan
Seoul Prosecutor's Office.

"Senior, didn't you say last time that some prosecutors have serious problems? Why haven't you seen any action after so many days?" In the office, Xu Minying asked in a low voice and brought her own Middle-aged prosecutor.

The middle-aged prosecutor said helplessly, "...those prosecutors have backers~! That deputy chief, Han Jiangzhi, is a big shot that the president wants to meet in person. If he wants to come to the new chief prosecutor, I'm afraid he doesn't want to cause trouble. Bar?"

Xu Minying did not expect such a result.Originally, she thought that as a prosecutor, she should be risking her own life to maintain justice. How come she now pretends that nothing happened and hides the truth? !
The middle-aged prosecutor sighed helplessly, "Perhaps in the eyes of many citizens, we prosecutors are very prestigious and have more power than the Public Security Bureau, but there are also many unspeakable secrets behind this!"

The person they want to deal with is the second-in-command in the prosecutor team, Deputy Chief Han Jiangzhi!If the prosecutor general doesn't say anything, they will be the following criminals. Han Jiangzhi can take care of them all with simple means. Even kicking them out of the prosecutor's team is easy!

Xu Minying was a little angry. The reality was completely different from what she expected.Originally, she planned to wait for an order from her superiors to conduct a thorough investigation of the prosecutor team, so that she could take advantage of the opportunity to perform meritorious deeds and catch all those corrupt prosecutors!It's good now, there's nothing you can do except stare!
"Could the senior have expected this scene a long time ago, so he rejected my proposal?" Xu Minying thought about the scene when she invited Chen Daojun before, but was declined by the other party, and she made random guesses in her mind.

"No, I have to go back and ask my father!" Xu Minying felt a little reconciled. After all, the prosecutor, who was always regarded as the embodiment of justice, would actually degenerate and break the law. This is simply trampling on the fairness and justice of the law!
As a senior law student, Xu Minying felt that she should not shrink back and be afraid, but to fight against the evil forces to the end!
------Dividing line------

Daying Automobile Company, President's Office.

After the shareholders meeting of Daying Group ended, the three brothers Zhu Mengjiu, Zhu Menggen and Zhu Mengyu gathered together to discuss the next plan.

"Second brother, now that good-for-nothing Zhu Mengxian has taken the position of president of Daying Group. What are the three of us going to do next? He will definitely settle accounts later and cause trouble for us!" Zhu Mengyu was a little worried. After all, they were the ones at the beginning. In order to get Lao Wu to step down, he was ruthless!

Comparing my heart to my heart, if he was kicked out of power inexplicably, the first thing after he came back to power was to take revenge on those who plotted against him before, and he would definitely not let them have a good life!If the three of them don't plan ahead now and wait until Zhu Meng reacts first, then they will have no choice but to sit back and wait for death!

"The fourth brother is right! Second brother, we need to think about the way forward as soon as possible. Zhu Mengxian is not a very powerful guy. Once he gains power, he will definitely retaliate against us!" Zhu Menggen nodded in agreement. At the beginning, he was the second brother Zhu Mengjiu. Head, the two of them followed suit!

I just didn't expect that Zhu Mengxian's shit luck would be so good. Miracle Group and Goldman Sachs Group were willing to support him, making him come back against the wind.Now the three of them are grasshoppers on the same rope, if they don't keep them together, they will be liquidated by Zhu Mengxian afterwards!

"...How many shares have the two of you acquired in the department store and machinery manufacturing company?" Zhu Mengjiu didn't rush to answer, but asked some irrelevant questions.

"I've already won 45% of the department store's shares~!" Zhu Menggen said subconsciously.

The fourth child, Zhu Mengyu, was a little angry when he saw Zhu Mengjiu's wrong answer, "Second brother, it's a matter of life and death now, why are you still thinking about such a thing?!"

A gleam flashed in Zhu Mengjiu's eyes, and then he said in a low tone, "The previous extraordinary shareholders' meeting will be reversed by Zhu Mengxian because we only recruited the senior officials of the group and ignored the major shareholders of the subsidiary! "

"Without the support of the two major shareholders, Miracle Group and Goldman Sachs Group, what would Zhu Meng be?! He's nothing more than a bereaved dog!"

"... As long as we take more than half of the company's shares and become the actual leader of the company, even if Zhu Mengxian becomes the chairman of the group, so what? We can completely ignore him!"

After losing in the previous shareholders' meeting, Zhu Mengxian quickly analyzed the key points, and he also fully realized the importance of holding the company's shares!No shares, no title, just a manager, the major shareholder behind you can kick you out at any time, and replace you with a more obedient and sensible tool!

"I understand, but we don't have a lot of funds here, so it's not easy to acquire more company shares!" Zhu Mengyu said with some embarrassment, "Why don't you help me, second brother, Help me buy some shares in the company?!"

As a traditional machining company, Zhu Mengyu's profitability is completely different from that of Daying Department Store and Daying Automobile.

Zhu Mengjiu pondered for a moment, and finally agreed.


"According to the news from Daying Hospital, my father's physical condition is very poor and he will last for another year at most...I plan to wait until then to lead Daying Automobile to break away from Daying Group and establish its own business!" Zhu Meng first told his plan After saying it, his eyes flashed fiercely, and his ambition was completely revealed at this moment.

Hearing what Zhu Mengjiu said, Zhu Menggen and Zhu Mengyu also showed smiles on their faces. Zhu Yirong, as the chairman of the group these years, has favored the fifth Zhu Mengxian in everything, which has long made them dissatisfied.

At the previous shareholders' meeting, Zhu Yirong once again supported Zhu Mengxian to make them fail, which made them very angry. The two sides completely broke up and no longer cared about the relationship between father and son.


"Second brother, do you think the old man will give us a few shares before he dies?!" Zhu Mengyu, the fourth child, asked coldly. If they can get a part of the shares from Zhu Yirong, then they want It’s much easier to own more than 50% of the company’s shares and firmly control the company’s say!
"It is expected that the old man will give us the shares, so we should consider how we should deal with him after he handed over all the shares to Zhu Mengxian, that trash!" Zhu Mengjiu was very disdainful of the "naive words" of the fourth child, and the three of them had completely and Zhu Mengxian. , Zhu Yirong tore his face.

Will that old man Zhu Yirong distribute those shares to them?How much did these two guys drink to think of such a beautiful thing? !

(End of this chapter)

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