The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 437: Chen Yangji’s plan, Chen Dongji can’t sit still

Chapter 437: Chen Yangji’s plan, Chen Dongji can’t sit still
Shunyang Group, inside the president's office.

Chen Yangji looked at the news newspaper in his hand and felt a little emotional. In just over two years, more than half of the loan that Bangzi Country borrowed from the IMF has been repaid. Many media even predicted that it is likely to be completed next year (2001). ), they will be able to pay off all their debts.

"Everyone has suffered during this period in order to repay the US dollars!"

"But what's the use of just paying off the national debt? In order to comply with the standards set by the IMF and maintain financial stability, who dares to borrow money from the bank to start a career?!" The eldest son Chen Yongji on the side was a little frustrated. said.

Chen Yongji, who once led the acquisition of Shunyang Group for many times, caused Shunyang Group to owe a butt debt. He is not satisfied with some of the current policies and systems.In his view, strictly restricting enterprises to apply for loans from banks will only limit the development of enterprises.

Mr. Li at the side said, "After the baptism of the financial turmoil, the development potential of the company has changed significantly from two years ago. The huge cash flow reserved in the company is the most important thing!"


"Do you know what this means?"

"The era of traditional industry is over! Now we need more funds to survive!" Chen Yangji said earnestly, "Compared to manufacturing, the future financial industry is the lifeblood of enterprises!"

Hearing what Chen Yangji said, Chen Yongji had a bad feeling. He was familiar with the traditional manufacturing industry, but the second child was more familiar with the financial industry than him!

"Father, when you talk about the financial industry, do you mean insurance and securities companies?"

Before Chen Yang could open his mouth to explain, Director Li on the side handed over a document, "This is the draft for the establishment of Shunyang Financial Holding Company as you told me!"

Chen Yangji took the documents, picked up his reading glasses from the side, and started reading.

Next to him, Chen Yongji looked at Chen Yangji curiously and asked, "Who is Shunyang Financial Holding Company..."

"Shunyang Financial Holding Company integrates Shunyang Securities, Shunyang Credit Card, Shunyang Life Insurance, Shunyang Savings and other companies in order to strengthen the core competitiveness of financial subsidiaries."

After hearing this, Chen Yongji suddenly realized, "Is that why you want to transfer the 34% of Shunyang Credit Card shares held by Shunyang Electronics to Shunyang Life Insurance? ... In order to become independent from the manufacturing industry, set up a separate financial A holding company?"


"It would be great if there was a Xingjun position in the financial holding company!" Chen Yongji suddenly mentioned his son who had been exiled for two years.

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yangji who was at the side subconsciously raised his head and looked at the eldest son in front of him.You must know that Chen Xingjun's series of actions before can be regarded as all the goodwill he had in front of Chen Yangji.

Chen Yangji didn't expect that his eldest grandson, whom he had high hopes for, would degenerate into such a virtue and go to study in a beautiful country, but ended up doing that kind of thing, which completely embarrassed their Shunyang Chen family!
Chen Yongji did not look at Chen Yangji who was standing aside, but continued, "Your wife sincerely serves you every day just to make you feel better. Xingjun has also reflected a lot in the past two years..."

"Dad, take a look..." Chen Yongji said as he handed over a copy of "Minister Chen Xingjun's Daily Attendance Report" in his hand, "He cooperates well with the volunteers and gets along well. I heard that most of them None of the employees know that he is your eldest grandson. The construction company has successfully completed several projects in the past two years. "

Chen Yangji looked at the photos of Chen Xingjun and his colleagues in the report and felt quite emotional, "Yes, good job! ... Just let him stay there!"

Hearing Chen Yangji's praise, Chen Yongji was a little happy. It seemed that Chen Xingjun would be transferred back to help him soon.But the second half of Chen Yangji's sentence smashed his plan to pieces in an instant!

"It seems that the original arrangement was correct. This job is really suitable for him!" Chen Yangji said coldly.

"Dad, how can I face my wife like this? Dad, please!" Chen Yongji deserves to bite the bullet and continue to plead.

When he, Section Chief Jin and Chen Xingjun were discussing how to get Chen Yangji to let go of Chen Xingjun at Shunyang Property, Section Chief Jin proposed this strategy, but they completely underestimated the decision made by Chen Yangji as the founder of the group. It can be changed so easily!

After the seminar ended, Mr. Li called Chen Daojun immediately, and told the old man about the establishment of Shunyang Financial Holding Company and about Chen Yongji's desire to transfer Chen Xingjun back. he.

"Daojun, what do we need to do?" Mr. Li asked Chen Daojun for his opinion after describing the situation.

Chen Daojun, who was checking the information in the law firm's office, smiled and replied, "Tell my second uncle this 'good news'! They are brothers, so of course they have the right to know!"

Director Li was stunned for a moment, then reacted randomly and said in a somewhat excited tone, "Daojun, do you want to..."

"Since grandpa carefully planned this good show, of course we have to help him prepare other things!" Chen Daojun said seriously, "The drama of deep love between father and son, and deep love between brothers is no better than a one-man show performed by one person. ?”

"By the way, my dear aunt, Director Li, also remember to inform us, so that we can treat everyone equally and be fair and just!"

"Okay, I understand!" Mr. Li replied, with some guesses in his heart, it seems that Chen Daojun, a cunning little fox, is determined to be an audience in the theater.

------Dividing line------

Shunyang Fire Insurance Company.

"It's really surprising that Shunyang Financial Holding Company is to be established!" After receiving the news from Director Li, Chen Dongji was a little surprised. He really didn't expect that Chen Yangji, who had not heard anything for a long time, would suddenly make this decision.

"It seems that the chairman is going to throw up his hands and surrender! He decided to obey the Blue House to prohibit consortiums from engaging in the financial industry, and proposed a policy of separation of production and gold." Standing Bai analyzed.

"That's just a reason on the table. The old man must have ulterior motives. We can't be careless!" Chen Dongji didn't agree with Executive Bai's explanation. "Didn't you hear what Director Zheng of the Shunyang Medical Team said? My dad's alarm clock has a ticking sound. There must be a reason for him to be in such a hurry to set off the ticking time bomb!"

"Why is that?" Standing Bai was very puzzled.

"Just think about it, what would happen if Shunyang Financial Holdings acquired 5% of Shunyang Properties?"

"...If this is the case, if you control Shunyang Financial Holdings, you will have the right to manage all the manufacturing subsidiaries of Shunyang Properties!" After Chen Dongji's point, Bai Changwu instantly responded!

"That's right! Whoever masters the financial holding company will become the successor of Shunyang Group!" A glint flashed in Chen Dongji's eyes. He was bound to win the financial holding company that was about to be established!
After the incident in which Zhu Mengxian, the vice chairman of Daying Group, was ousted and then came back to become the chairman of the group, Chen Dongji became much less optimistic about his position as vice chairman of Shunyang Group.

Compared with before, except for the title of vice president of the group, Chen Dongji has not received any other substantial benefits.On the contrary, the brothers Chen Yongji and Chen Huarong have a common goal. They have been stumbling for him for two years and want him to make a fool of himself!
(End of this chapter)

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